Fursuit bowling pictures

Apr 05, 2009 14:21

dragonof31102 organized a fursuit bowling get together last night. About 24 people showed up and we bowled for 2 hours. I had lots of fun hanging out, bowling, and socializing.

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furry, fursuit, bowling

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Comments 15

athauglas April 5 2009, 18:50:40 UTC
Oh fun :}

Wish I didn't live so far east relative to you all...


giza April 5 2009, 18:53:10 UTC

East? This was in the greater Philly Area, about 3 hours away from you, if memory serves.


wendingo April 5 2009, 19:35:37 UTC
Adore the Penn State sweatshirt on one of them :)


giza April 5 2009, 19:38:07 UTC

That would be keapano.


tarangryph April 5 2009, 21:03:24 UTC
Nice, I love bowling. Lucky you! And I envy your fursuiting even more! I wish I could have my suit completed now and a bunch of fellow furries to go play with! Hopefully this summer I’ll get the opportunity to do just that, though. :)


giza April 5 2009, 21:08:42 UTC

Er, just to clarify, *I* was not wearing a fursuit. I was just bowling and taking pictures. :-P


delphanaeous April 5 2009, 21:42:19 UTC

Scirocco and Sharan (The Clubbing Seal Twins) and Honeychuck made a cameo appearance.


heraldotbadger April 6 2009, 01:45:56 UTC
w00t, great times ^^

greywolf has a video I'm hoping ends up online somehow :3


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