A few years ago, boredom and alcoholism brought on by cheap red cask wine dictated that a couple of us should get together and attempt the famous boiled egg scene from Cool Hand Luke. In the film, Luke is bet by fellow inmates that he cannot ingest 50 boiled eggs in an hour (apparently, that's around 6 pounds of boiled egg). Being somewhat less
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Comments 41
You just want my eggs.
I'd send them to you in a Fritos packet, but I'm afraid they're all full of Lad semen.
P.S. Lahve right back attcha, kiddo. xx
My dad once caught me smoking a cigarette. To punish me, he sent me to the tool shed and made me finish off an entire box of cigars. My dad once caught me smoking pot. To punish me, he sent me to the tool shed and made me inject three grams of heroin. My dad once caught me kissing a girl on the lips. To punish me, he sent me to the tool shed and made me give oral sex to gang of hairy, obese biker men.
Your mumsy and my mumsy should hang out.
As for the rest, I know you're lying. You'd never smoke pot.
Don't you have a fish pond to clean!?
As I started reading this, I thought to myself "I reckon I could do that if the stakes were high enough" because I ate 3 boiled eggs just yesterday in about 10 minutes. But, being that I've also been known to be a drunken glutton on more than one occasion as well, maybe I should just heed the warning ;)
I've never seen Cool hand Luke either (even though I keep meaning to whenever I watch Serendipity) so spoil it for me and tell me if he manages to eat 50 without vomiting.
See, that's what I thought.
I once put away a whole large pizza. So I know how to eat. Sadly, 6 eggs got the better of me, and I've been ashamed ever since.
Of course he manages to eat them. Although I doubt it tickled.
Don't be ashamed love. You probably would have been more ashamed if you ate 7 and chucked them up in public ;)
(God, now I want pizza...)
Eggs were much harder than anticipated. And I probably *could* have done them, if they were on toast. But by themselves, never.
Don't be ashamed love. You probably would have been more ashamed if you ate 7 and chucked them up in public ;)
I love deviled egg sandwiches. The bread has to be fresh, though, and buttered. And yesterday, I was farting all day - something godawful had died inside.
Please say 'deviled egg sandwiches' once more, for old time's sake.
I'm here to protect and subvert the innocent, Noah.
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