In Which I Ramable About SSHG Fanfic

Sep 24, 2020 15:18

It appears that my last post on here was 2017. How in the heck has it been 3 years?

SSHG fanfic. My original fanfic OTP. My first foray into the rabbit hole as fanfic, actually. And the one that still sticks with me today. My tastes have changed, quite a lot, actually. But the essence and the ideas of the stories stick with me. There are basic ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

mundungus42 September 24 2020, 22:12:32 UTC
AHHHHHHH I was so happy to see your name pop up on my friends page!! Hi!!!

Oh MAN this takes me back!!

The first SSHG fics I read were Textualsphinx's "Letter from Exile one Merciful Morning" (Dec 5, 2000) and "To Sever the Silver Lining from a Cloud" (Dec 8, 2000), and I was totally hooked on the ship after reading those. IIRC, I and other nascent shippers lost their mind over them. She followed it up with such classics as "Why Slytherins are Sexier" and her sadly unfinished "Decoding the Heart" in 2001, "A Sorting Song by Severus" in 2002, and "Snape the Knife's Sorting Song" in late 2002 ( ... )


ginny_weasley31 September 25 2020, 05:20:21 UTC
Gah, I love that you were around for that! I, sadly, was not. In 2000 I was busy starting my last year of nursing school with 3 little kids. I started reading in winter of 2004. The first fic I ever read was "I Wanna Teach DADA" by Sirron. A friend was an SSHG shipper (I thought she was crazy) and she liked that oneshot and sent it to me with the assurance that it really wasn't an SSHG fic. Then she tried sending me a Snape/OC fic and I was not a fan so I gave up on that. In January of 2005 I was on a chat with that same friend and another gal who both were giddy with excitement when SW69's "The Succubus" updated. I had to go see what the fuss was about, so read that and I wanted something complete... so they sent me to read Cloak of Courage aaaand that was all it took. ;) I think I spent the next two weeks doing nothing but binging on Diet Coke, chips, and fic. My husband was not happy. LOL!


mundungus42 September 25 2020, 18:48:17 UTC
OMG I can't imagine dealing with all of that at the same time! I'm so glad you found your way to SSHG, and you have been an indispensable part of the ship for my entire time on LJ (I just found out we both joined LJ in 2005!).

And now I'm curious, when did you discover fandom and HP? I discovered that fandom existed in 1998 when I was a summer camp counselor and one of my campers wrote fic and sent me to my first fanfic archive (X-Files!). So I read a shit-ton of X-Files fic (I even wrote a paper about it)! A dear friend who was in grad school at the time introduced me to loads of classic sci-fi and fantasty, and she loaned me the first 3 HP books (there were only three then!), but I didn't start reading HP fic until that same friend started reccing HP fic to me.

It took me a while to figure out SSHG was my OTP, but hoo boy, it's been a hell of a ride.


ginny_weasley31 September 25 2020, 19:37:50 UTC
Let's see. I first read HP about a year after GOF was released. My grandma bought the 4 books for my son for his birthday. I think it was July 2001. I read them through and liked them. Then I had a bunch of surgeries and was off work in 2003 and a friend bought me OOTP as a recovery gift when it was released. All hell broke loose that fall personally (I stopped working, had 4 kids, and life was generally a mess) and by February of 2004, I was at loose ends. I found Mugglenet and there was a forum through them for people looking at clues and secrets trying to figure out what was going to happen next in the series. I started posting on that and read the books half a dozen more times. Some of the people there were very into fanfic, so I had heard about it, but I didn't read anything. I couldn't wrap my head around anything that wasn't cannon. But through that I made HP friends and those were fanfic followers, including a couple of SSHG shippers. But when I got sucked into fanfic... I got SUCKED in. LOL! I wrote my first fic after only a ( ... )


beffeysue September 25 2020, 00:01:22 UTC
It's very nice to see you here again. I'm still reading fanfic, and I wish I had copied and saved so many of the earlier fics that are no longer available.

I read Letter from Exile one Merciful Morning again recently as well. There are so many good memories that are attached to the older stories, but there are a some really great authors writing today. IIRC, the first SSHG fanfic I read was Objects of Desire by Azrael- I was hooked.

Let's see... The Petulent Poetess is being updated, and I can't wait to be able to see the new site. Not sure when it will be relaunched, but I'm pretty sure it will be.

I hope you and yours have been spared from this Covid-19 mess, and will check in on LJ again.

Beth Bray


ginny_weasley31 September 25 2020, 05:29:05 UTC

So glad to see familiar names!!! As I just told Mundungus42, my first fic was in 2004 so I was a bit past the early, early stuff. I so love reading and rereading, even after all of this time, though. And I appreciate what this fandom has done. I owe a lot to this fandom, it carried me through some very rough times. I wish I would've started saving fic much sooner than I did. I have a library of close to 400 SSHG fics. Although some I saved because the premise was interesting and then I started reading it and hated it, but never deleted it. I should clean up my library a bit... and add to it.


celisnebula September 25 2020, 00:12:30 UTC
*Waves hello*

I think the first SS/HG I read was Textualsphinx's "Letter from Exile one Merciful Morning" then I wander down the rabbit hole to Ashwinder on Sycophant Hex. Now... weirdiest thing of all, I'm the webmistress of Ashwinder.

Don't write as much (don't really have time to) but I try. Heck it took 7 years to finish my last updated story.


ginny_weasley31 September 25 2020, 05:32:09 UTC

I knew you were running the show at Ashwinder. I'm sure you never would've thought that would've happened years ago. I don't write these days, but I sorely want to. I just don't have a ton of time. This week I'm actually on "vacation". I use that term loosely. I'm off work and doing a ton of work around the house. Fun, fun! But actually writing is tough. I miss it though.


nocturnus33 September 25 2020, 00:33:57 UTC
Hey, I miss you. I'm glad to see you around.

My list in no particular order, and agreeing with you in the ones you selected. I know I'm letting a lot out of the list:

From the Corner by Coffeeonthepatio
The Price of Madness by PlaidPooka
Sin & Vice by mak5258
Inkstains by Zigadenus
The Gilded Cage by Aurette
His Draught of Delicate Poison by Subversa
Just to Be by Amarti
The Life Unlived by sshg316
The Traveller by Somigliana
The Post-Burrow World by CeleryThesis
Accountable by Dyce

and so many more.

Maybe we could celebrate our favourites stories by illustrating some of their scenes.


ginny_weasley31 September 25 2020, 05:40:11 UTC
If I had any artistic talent whatsoever, I would totally illustrate some of my favorite scenes. Alas... I don't possess even a drop. Such a bummer.

I love your list. Like totally love it. I actually just sent From the Corner to someone the other day because she asked for "some good SSHG fic". And I have read every story on that list in the past year. So awesome. Tonight I put a few of neelix's fics onto my kindle to read. Those I haven't read in quite some time.

My list was in no order and it was just what I had recently added to my kindle and read in the past few weeks. But there is so much good stuff out there that I find it easy to forget about them. Especially since I'm getting older and can't remember a damn thing. LOL!


nocturnus33 September 25 2020, 12:44:49 UTC
Coffeeonthepatio has come back and is slowly updating From the Corner.

I too have fics on my kindle, I just wish I started doing it early as some of my favourites were delete. For example, I miss bloodcult fics

I'm not an artist either, but I constantly trying to add covers to the fic I save as it makes me easy to find them. I use the many illustrations going around. There is so many talent artists in this fandom.


ginny_weasley31 September 25 2020, 16:46:45 UTC
LOL! I make covers too!!!! I used to make a cover for each fic... very time consumming. Now, I use Calibre to manage my fanfic and making covers is super simple. I just scour for images every so often to add variety and alter letter based on size/fic/etc.

I have 2 of BCoF's fics. I have Seven Preposterous Things and Tyger, Tyger. Email me if you'd like them.


blueartemis07 September 25 2020, 15:18:07 UTC

I joined in 2007... but I love some of those same fics... I wish I knew where to find amr’s.


ginny_weasley31 September 25 2020, 16:38:01 UTC
Finding amr is really just about asking. I can't remember how many stories she had. I have 2. The Lioness Prophecies and Snape's Boon. Shoot me an email if you want copies.


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