Better late than never...

Apr 03, 2021 22:10

Life's been... So I'm just getting to this now. (Sorry.) But I wanted to wish grooot a happy, if belated, birthday. <3 (I hope it was a good one?)

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sshg, lego, happy birthday, art, minifigs, did a thing!, mini hermione, mini snape

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Comments 17

gelsey April 3 2021, 20:14:12 UTC



gingerbred April 4 2021, 14:01:17 UTC


mywitch April 4 2021, 00:36:51 UTC
I LOVE THIS!!! You did a beautiful job with all of it! :D


gingerbred April 4 2021, 14:08:18 UTC
You’re very kind, MW, even if rubbish at instruction taking. 😆 Thank you. ❤️

I couldn’t merge layers without it shifting by several pixels (and thoroughly mangling blinking, brow raising and smirking), so there was no ability to zoom or pan... 🙁 But for stuff released in 2000, I guess it’s not too bad really. (I’m fairly sure I don’t have another piece of software running that’s that ancient.) Is there a sensible way to do this is in sketchbook, and to import the photoshop layers for that matter?


mywitch April 8 2021, 15:34:40 UTC
Oh that's wild, about not merging layers neatly. What program are you using? I use Sketchbook for everything. If you like, I can send you the template for an animation field guide. It's basically just a grid to help you keep track of where you want things to go if you are doing a pan or a zoom etc.
I've never had an issue with merging layers in Sketchbook.
Sketchbook also works with photoshop files and you can save what you do as PSD also, if you like. I try to avoid Photoshop because it is far too complicated for me. :P
All that said - I think you did a brilliant job with this! xx


gingerbred April 8 2021, 16:28:24 UTC
I’m using photoshop 6 (I think, I’d have to check the laptop to be sure) and its associated ImageReady (3.0 iirc) for the animating part of it. They came out in 2000. (All snark aside, truly impressed they still run. That’s a feat.) It took me forever to track down that merging layers caused a shift. (Not on all files, bizarrely, just that one.) And it’s reproducible as errors go, always a bit of a relief.

I would love for you to send me the template ( ... )


grooot April 4 2021, 01:09:01 UTC

Oh my god.

This is EVERYTHING! The last two days have been nightmarish so you’ve no idea how this made my day.

All the perfect tiny details. Her shirt. The eyebrows! Babymort lmao!

Thank you so much my friend. This meant so much to me.


gingerbred April 4 2021, 14:18:47 UTC
Sorry to hear it, grooot. 🙁 (Sending hugs. ❤️)

Glad you liked it, though. 😊 I gave it all a serious ponder, WWGHW? (What would grooot’s Hermione wear?) and this is where I landed. 😆 She may have raided fraggleshrew’s wardrobe...

Anyway, thinking of you. Hope things look up sooner rather than later. *hugs*


beffeysue April 4 2021, 06:14:39 UTC
This is fantastic! There is no end to your talent, m'dear. Well done! 💗💗💗


gingerbred April 4 2021, 14:26:38 UTC
Thanks, beffey! You’re very kind. ❤️

(I think talent would be if it had been a remotely less torturous process. 😆 At this point I suspect I can only lay claim to “cussed stubbornness”, which I’ll be repackaging more advantageously as “determination”. 😉 So, win? 😊)


beffeysue April 5 2021, 02:20:22 UTC
“Cussed stubbornness” is a very wonderful attibute! I has saved lives, fed the hungry, and ended wars.


gingerbred April 5 2021, 15:11:49 UTC
And now created an animation... 😂 in retrospect I may be achieving peak frivolity. 😉 I’d pledge to better myself, but it’s not remotely believable. (Today was spent in even sillier fashion pursuing how I could improve upon this.)


orlando_switch April 6 2021, 13:50:19 UTC
I love it! I think it works quite well because of the old software, that adds just the right look and feel to me.


gingerbred April 8 2021, 16:30:23 UTC
I think I’ll package it as “retro” and try to claim a win. lol Thanks, Orlando. You’re a love. ❤️


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