Better late than never...

Apr 03, 2021 22:10

Life's been... So I'm just getting to this now. (Sorry.) But I wanted to wish grooot a happy, if belated, birthday. <3 (I hope it was a good one?)

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sshg, lego, happy birthday, art, minifigs, did a thing!, mini hermione, mini snape

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beffeysue April 4 2021, 06:14:39 UTC
This is fantastic! There is no end to your talent, m'dear. Well done! 💗💗💗


gingerbred April 4 2021, 14:26:38 UTC
Thanks, beffey! You’re very kind. ❤️

(I think talent would be if it had been a remotely less torturous process. 😆 At this point I suspect I can only lay claim to “cussed stubbornness”, which I’ll be repackaging more advantageously as “determination”. 😉 So, win? 😊)


beffeysue April 5 2021, 02:20:22 UTC
“Cussed stubbornness” is a very wonderful attibute! I has saved lives, fed the hungry, and ended wars.


gingerbred April 5 2021, 15:11:49 UTC
And now created an animation... 😂 in retrospect I may be achieving peak frivolity. 😉 I’d pledge to better myself, but it’s not remotely believable. (Today was spent in even sillier fashion pursuing how I could improve upon this.)


hopelesliehermn April 19 2021, 03:43:34 UTC
Love this ❤️


gingerbred April 19 2021, 16:50:54 UTC
Thanks. ❤️ If we ever needed proof I am a ridiculously silly person, we now have it. Incontrovertibly. 😊


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