Useful Art...

Nov 06, 2020 03:24

It's no secret how I feel about lego, so this MOC (my own creation) by schubig got a chuckle out of me, and figuring we could all use a chuckle right about now, I thought I should share it.

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lego, real world

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Comments 16

too_dle_oo November 6 2020, 02:37:06 UTC


gingerbred November 6 2020, 02:49:54 UTC
I had to check multiple sources with multiple angle shots before I was willing to accept it was real, tbh. How incredible was that?


too_dle_oo November 6 2020, 03:24:12 UTC
I just love that the sculpture is named “Saved By The Whale’s Tail.”


gingerbred November 6 2020, 03:28:24 UTC
Somebody must have used a true time turner, that's for sure. 😆

I'm hoping they'll repair it.


adafrog November 6 2020, 03:02:00 UTC
I saw that! lol Glad he was okay, though. I wonder what happened.


gingerbred November 6 2020, 03:08:02 UTC
I'm betting he either dozed off or reversed brakes and accelerator. Incredibly relieved no one else was in the train when it happened though.


orlando_switch November 6 2020, 10:54:48 UTC
I wonder what happened.

That is still unclear. The only think we know is that the metro had too much speed for unknown reasons and the automatic safety system that should have slowed it down to prevent it chashing through the block did not work.

The metro has a black box, so we will find out what has happenend.


adafrog November 6 2020, 14:16:13 UTC
That's scary if it failed.


erexen November 6 2020, 10:34:15 UTC
Adore your MOC, so creative! That is astounding! Totally agree with you & too_dle_oo, it's going be one of those 'tell it to your grandkids' items in future.


orlando_switch November 6 2020, 20:24:01 UTC
I recognized your MOC immediately and I like it! Since it happened close to where I live, it was all over the news here and I can confirm the CNN coverage is totally accurate. The train is removed now by a huge crane, which was a challenge in itself, since you can see that the station is surrounded by water. So they first had to made a kind of isle in the water for the crane to stand on. And to discourage people to come to the station for looking at the rescue, they broadcasted it on a livestream.


mywitch November 7 2020, 18:44:55 UTC
That's amazing!!


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