Useful Art...

Nov 06, 2020 03:24

It's no secret how I feel about lego, so this MOC (my own creation) by schubig got a chuckle out of me, and figuring we could all use a chuckle right about now, I thought I should share it.

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lego, real world

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too_dle_oo November 6 2020, 02:37:06 UTC


gingerbred November 6 2020, 02:49:54 UTC
I had to check multiple sources with multiple angle shots before I was willing to accept it was real, tbh. How incredible was that?


too_dle_oo November 6 2020, 03:24:12 UTC
I just love that the sculpture is named “Saved By The Whale’s Tail.”


gingerbred November 6 2020, 03:28:24 UTC
Somebody must have used a true time turner, that's for sure. 😆

I'm hoping they'll repair it.


too_dle_oo November 6 2020, 03:54:25 UTC
Honestly, it’s just another one of those “Well, it’s 2020” moments. Like in the future...

GUY 1: ‘Hey, did you hear about how the sculpture Saved by the Whale’s Tail’s whale tail actually saved a life?A life and a whole train?’

GUY 2: ‘Nah, dude, you’re just putting me on.’

GUY 1: ‘No, for real! It happened in 2020.’

GUY 2: [thinks for a moment] ‘Oh, well if it happened in 2020, then, yeah, that checks out.’


orlando_switch November 6 2020, 20:32:47 UTC
Haha, yes and it becomes even more incredible. As you might have read, the whale's tail is a plastic sculpture. The only reason it was able to save the train, is that the really heavy lower part of the train, (wheels and chassis) broke from the upper part of the train when it chrashed into the concrete buffer and stayed there. You can see that the bottom part of the train is damaged and has no wheels. If the train had stayed intact, it would have crushed the whale's tail and plunged down 10 mtrs into the pond.


too_dle_oo November 6 2020, 21:29:08 UTC
Whoa!!! Crazy!!!


orlando_switch November 6 2020, 22:19:33 UTC
Yes, absolutely. This picture of removing the first part of the train with a huge crane is also quite spectacular. They first had to fill half of the pond to create a solid platform for the crane to stand on.

The train will be inspected and they already managed to secure the black box from this first part of the train.


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