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Comments 33

kit10notk9 June 9 2020, 15:26:09 UTC
Sooo this was what was waiting for you the other day????


gingerbred June 9 2020, 16:27:48 UTC
IKR??? Bonkers! Gorgeous! Just... oooof. 😃

No, this was a complete unknown. Wasn't going to guess it in a million years. I have a small Grawp and the RoR that I promptly built this morning. Grawp comes with another one of those, 'what is this supposed to be?' things, that I'm going to have to let people guess for me. (You were actually the first person who came to mind when I saw it. 'I'll need to ask Kit,' I said to myself. (The dog (all K9) looked unconvinced, but that'll just be your nick. She has her prejudices that way. Don't mind her. 😉))


kit10notk9 June 10 2020, 01:38:43 UTC
1. I had to look up the WTF item to see what it actually was.
I couldn't figure out what it was, my best bet was a 11 1/2 foot pole warped & bent into a 10 ft pole.

They claim that it's for Grawp to play with.
[I'll give a hint, it's the steering part of Miss Almira Gulch's (Margaret Hamilton) transportation from the sepia tone first part of "The Wizard of Oz".]


gingerbred June 10 2020, 09:18:40 UTC
And here I was saving that for another day... lol. But yes, that was sort of my reaction, too, and I was sat there wondering if there was a scene I had missed or forgotten. The designers are pretty darn good, and tend to do things for a reason.

Mind, *their* reasons probably aren't the same as yours or mine. The instructions, for instance, have you putting the figures together so that they're all left handed. (Dolores I sort of get, she's sinister after all... (<- Only lefties can make those jokes. 😉 (Southpaws ftw!))) But then on the packaging wands change hands as is convenient for the picture.


gelsey June 9 2020, 17:32:51 UTC

Freaking fantastic!!!


gingerbred June 9 2020, 17:50:38 UTC
Right? ❤️


orlando_switch June 9 2020, 18:18:10 UTC
This is wonderful! You are one lucky witch, Gingerbred!


gingerbred June 9 2020, 19:21:15 UTC
It is, isn't it? 😃

Yes I am. 😊


mywitch June 9 2020, 20:54:01 UTC
Awww Duckling! I'm so pleased he arrived safe and sound and didn't suffocate under all that bubblewrap!! The buttons cracked me up - they're tires! haha
Oh babe, I am so glad you like it!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxxoxoxo


gingerbred June 17 2020, 07:40:17 UTC
There are not sufficient words to describe you, my lovely. I wouldn't know where to start.

Nope, not a clue. ❤️

It's absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so so *so* very much. ❤️


mywitch June 9 2020, 20:56:01 UTC
Oh also - just to clarify to anyone who might think I actually made this:
I DIDN'T MAKE THIS! My friend the LEGO master did :D


reynardo June 10 2020, 16:48:30 UTC
I have a Legomaster as a son. I have just informed him that he has FAILED as a GOOD SON by not making one for me.


mywitch June 10 2020, 20:22:44 UTC
LOL definitely :D


gingerbred June 17 2020, 07:43:06 UTC
Way to put on the pressure! lol. But yes. Clear failure. I'll try to get some better pics soon in case that pressure should bear fruit and he wants to make a go of it.


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