Eurovision, weekend, too many pics of my face for one entry

May 15, 2011 23:22

So, yesterday was quite a day. As was today. But not for the same reasons.

I went to see the Eurovision competition yesterday with tennis_bear and my friend LG. A group gathered at some bar in the Times Square region. Not the best choice, but we had fun nonetheless. We sat next to a table where the guys were Russian, Swedish, British and they had ( Read more... )

boosh, dw, picspam

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Comments 27

droxy May 16 2011, 03:47:17 UTC
What is eurovision? I spent the weekend posting and cleaning and finally unpacking (a little) from con.


gina_r_snape May 16 2011, 14:06:22 UTC
It's an international music competition. Each country nominates a band to represent their country. Then each country performs in a series of semi-finals. Last night was the finals. The songs are usually pretty tacky. The whole thing is very kitchy, IMO.

The one catch to the finals is that you can't vote for your own country. Supposedly it's created a deal of unity and good feeling in Europe. I've always thought it would be cool to have a US version. But my friends think it would just be more divisive.


droxy May 16 2011, 14:47:30 UTC


apricot_tree May 16 2011, 04:11:41 UTC
Ah New York - where you can find anything. I wish they had broadcast it here. I'm glad you had fun. :)


gina_r_snape May 16 2011, 14:07:12 UTC
It's true! There were actually multiple venues broadcasting it (computer hookup to the bar monitors). But then, this is a very international city.

I did have fun, thanks. :)


cmcmck May 16 2011, 07:09:33 UTC
What is it with you guys and Eurovision?

I guess my views are coloured by the awful congrataboombangaboxona stringkissesforme crap from my youth- I wouldn't even consider watching it!


gina_r_snape May 16 2011, 14:07:56 UTC
It's goofy and funny and fun, that's why! Plus, it's great to hang out with an international crowd.


cmcmck May 17 2011, 11:27:41 UTC
Forgot to say- that soup sounds yummy! Sometimes a good veggie sludge just hits the spot like no other! :o)


iddewes May 16 2011, 08:16:18 UTC
ha ha glad you had a good time! I would have liked France to win only because he sang in Corsu which is an endangered language! I hate that so many of them sing in English. They used to have to sing in their national language!
I have some concerns about it being in Azerbaijan next year, not least because it is a homophobic Islamic country and Armenians are generally banned from going there, but we'll see.


gina_r_snape May 16 2011, 14:26:05 UTC
Yes, it was interesting and I too wondered about people not singing in their national languages. But I bet there's a better chance of record sales with English-language recordings.

I too am concerned about Azerbaijan. And the world cup in Qatar, for the same reasons.


iddewes May 16 2011, 21:48:40 UTC
Ah, there won't be that many gays at the World Cup, and if a few hooligans get locked up in Qatar, best place for them, I say!


gina_r_snape May 16 2011, 21:56:43 UTC
I agree about the football hooligans! ^_^

But I think it's a grave mistake to say there won't be many gays at the World Cup. I'm mostly concerned about the players, who are compelled to be there. At least potential spectators who are LGB can opt to not visit Qatar.


only_after_dark May 16 2011, 10:11:51 UTC
Looks like so much fun! I tried to sneak some Eurovision in but my fella turned his nose up and changed the channel :( I normally don't let him get away with such things but he didn't complain when I watched The Doctor's Wife gazillion times LOL And how brilliant was that episode? I am in love with that episode. I want to have that episode's babies!

Noel Fielding in NYC?! That's brilliant. Hope you can find him. Have you ever met him? I know the day he sets foot in Australia I'll be off on a Noel hunt ; )


gina_r_snape May 16 2011, 14:32:16 UTC
ZOMG The Doctor's Wife was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD. I should make a discussion post about it.

Noel is in NYC, yes. If I were to guess why, I'd say he's probably doing some more recording for the album. But who knows? It's a bit painful, actually. I have met him, once. He and Ju showed up with Olly Ralfe at the 92nd St. Y Tribeca for a Q&A following a showing of Journey of the Childmen. Did I never point you to that LJ entry? It's got a Boosh tag.

I joked with bluestocking79 over emails yesterday that he and I are breathing the same air and I feel a slight panic attack happening. In holistic terms, it's so small a dose of Noel I might either be inoculated against him or psychically implanted with a reinforcement after my initial exposure to him. Considering we were in the same room a year ago and he was in NYC two years ago, my feelings of love for all that is him may be set for life on a cellular level ( ... )


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