Eurovision, weekend, too many pics of my face for one entry

May 15, 2011 23:22

So, yesterday was quite a day. As was today. But not for the same reasons.

I went to see the Eurovision competition yesterday with tennis_bear and my friend LG. A group gathered at some bar in the Times Square region. Not the best choice, but we had fun nonetheless. We sat next to a table where the guys were Russian, Swedish, British and they had Eurovision stickers. I mentioned liking them and the Swedish guy gave me his. Dunno why this made me as happy as it did, but oh well. Here's the photographic evidence of my joy and other assorted silliness (tennis_bear got a bit obsessive with the camera, but I'm not complaining).

Me with sticker

Me with sticker, making a face

Me with LG

The guys who gave me the sticker

Me with LG, getting silly after being annoyed with my friend taking 20 pics of us in the same position

Competition-wise, I liked the entries from Hungary (she looked like Hedwig but sounded like Cher), Moldova (very reminiscent of Devo and extremely cheesy!), and Romania (who sounded quite a bit like the Scissor Sisters). The France contender was a kind of Josh Groban wannabe and he seemed totally out of place. The others were mostly terrible. tennis_bear remarked that it was a VERY off year. Also, the voting seemed almost completely political. My European friends on FB were all gobsmacked that I was watching at all. LOL

After the competition, LG and I did a bit of shopping. I purchased a truly ginormous white hat with little crystals on it. Alas, this pic was taken late into the night, but the graffiti behind it caught the attention of our merry little band.

Dinner was good, as I finally got my Abita Strawberry (thank you shootingshark you were right!!!). I went with friends BE and KS, (who took the picture of me in my new hat). Unlike them, I was blissfully protected from the rain. No, really, not a drop hit me under this thing.

Today I went to my yoga class and made a bit of an error with my insulin pump. Between high sugars and high humidity in the weather, I spent the better part of the day with a splitting headache. It also didn't help that Nymphadora was being very fussy and also got sick twice. Aaaah, kitty motherhood.

Nonetheless, I went to the DWNY video meet because OMG this week's episode was amaaaazing and I really wanted to watch it with other people. However, my evening threw me into a mini panic attack as several friends contacted me with emails and texts alerting me that OMG OMG OMG Noel Fielding is in NYC for a few days. So, fingers crossed flist that despite living in a city of several million people, I manage to somehow bump into him during his stay.

Oh, I also made the greenest sludgiest soup you can imagine. Kale, Swiss Chard, Spinach, potato, carrot, garlic, onion, shallot, salt, pepper and vegetable broth. Looks terrible, tastes wonderful when finished off with some lemon juice, parmesan cheese and croutons. Somehow cooking temporarily relieved my headache and lifted my spirits.

Now I think I'm going to try and make it an early night. I'm not convinced the Aleve I took on the way home from the pub tonight will last for long.

How was your weekend, flist?

boosh, dw, picspam

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