Ages and ages

Mar 31, 2011 10:57

So I went to University yesterday and did a training on EndNote. It's a bibliography software that I've struggled with using in fits and starts over the past few years. My academic advisor gave the instructional session, so I decided to try one more time. I think it's finally sunk in, how it works, and I'll give it a go ( Read more... )

soh, boosh, dissertation

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Comments 36

cmcmck March 31 2011, 15:01:44 UTC
We still run a top end hi fi and still play 12" albums- the sound quality is on a different planet to digital stuff. I can't believe how naff iPod sound is!

For classical stuff CDs are good but seem to lose on the high end.

Did you get my comments on your outline, btw?


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 15:07:02 UTC
I want to purchase a record player with USB port so I can record them to my computer. I hear you can regain some of the sound quality that way.

Yes, I did get them! Thanks. I have not had time to properly reply, but please don't mistake that for lack of appreciation.


cmcmck March 31 2011, 15:10:49 UTC
I'd be inclined to use something like that to put them onto CD to prevent wear and tear on the original albums- but I gotta have decent speakers or I can't see the point. Running French JM Labs Focal 'Chorus' speakers atm and they are fab!

Oh no problem- it's just that sometimes emails go walkabout n the ether as I'm sure you know!


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 15:36:10 UTC
Oh yes, decent speakers are a must.



dickgloucester March 31 2011, 15:22:26 UTC
Are you allowed to copy a chapter off to a USB stick or something so you can take it home and copy it there?


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 15:26:32 UTC
Nope! It's captive on the ebrary reader.


dickgloucester March 31 2011, 15:31:07 UTC
How the fuck to they expect you to work with it, then?


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 15:35:24 UTC
I have no fracking idea.


ex_logospil March 31 2011, 17:18:35 UTC
~Call me old fashioned, but I want a hard copy!~

As I am sure you can imagine, I most heartily concur...

I am going to use printed out pictures during one of my presentations at Aeternitas, and just hold them up. *laughs* I am so high tech ;-)


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 17:27:01 UTC
Heh, heh. I love it.

I am still regretting not taking one of your books off your hands at Infinitus, I must confess.

All the best for a wonderful presentation. I will miss you!


ex_logospil April 6 2011, 02:02:15 UTC
Goodness, thank you so much for your kind words! I shall miss you at Aeternitas too... The bed-in will not be the same without you ;-)

I have some copies of the first edition of Bring forth the best robes on hand... That edition contains about a dozen minor errors; I could send you one, if you would like! :-)


gina_r_snape April 6 2011, 02:41:58 UTC
Aw, that would be lovely!

:remembers bed-in:


doctorpancakes March 31 2011, 18:38:31 UTC
Oh dude, every single online journal article I've ever had to so much as skim, I've printed out.

(Mostly I did this at the office, to save me going through an ink cartridge a week)

I need to be able to highlight, write stuff in the margins, insert bizarre symbols only I understand as a running commentary on the thing as I read. Why the CRAP would they not let you print? That's ludicrous. *frowny face*


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 18:49:22 UTC
SO GLAD I'm not alone!!!! (I totally print out stuff at work too).

Even the librarian was annoyed at the limited functionality of the ebook in their collection.

Are you a graduate student?


doctorpancakes March 31 2011, 19:02:28 UTC
Yeah, no, it's totally not just you. I think it's actually a lot of people, but the people who aren't like us just don't understand. RAWR.

I am not a grad student at all! Would have been, but, having finished my long-running mature studenthood at Christmas with my undergraduate degree, I couldn't be arsed to put in applications to grad school because I don't know why. XD NOW I WRITE SLASH FOR A LIVING


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 19:12:18 UTC
Ah, well congrats on your undergrad degree then.

And just remember, you're doing good work, because THE WORLD NEEDS MORE SLASH (esp. of the Boosh-and-related-fandoms-variety)!


hausfrauatu March 31 2011, 19:12:43 UTC
For editing and hard studying, I prefer a hard copy. It's hard to really 'see' things on a screen. Plus scribble, underline and doodle action are important. (Am I OLD?)

I love that picture. "Dad? You were thin? Wait. Is that shirt about DRUGS?" BWAHAHAHAHA. He's gonna have a lot of 'splainin' to do, Lucy. The blurry lettering. Oh God. That really put a much needed smile on my face. (Plus they are both the hotness in this picture.)


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 19:33:35 UTC
Oh I know. Ju the hipster. Thing is, he can pretty much write off anything he's done in the name of entertainment. Well, almost anything.

And yeah, I can only read things on the computer for so long. Scribbles and doodles - aren't they a required aspect of note taking?!?!

If you're old - WHAT AM I????????


hausfrauatu April 1 2011, 21:33:12 UTC
Ten years younger than me?


gina_r_snape April 1 2011, 21:55:45 UTC
Hee heeeeee.

Well played.


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