Ages and ages

Mar 31, 2011 10:57

So I went to University yesterday and did a training on EndNote. It's a bibliography software that I've struggled with using in fits and starts over the past few years. My academic advisor gave the instructional session, so I decided to try one more time. I think it's finally sunk in, how it works, and I'll give it a go ( Read more... )

soh, boosh, dissertation

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doctorpancakes March 31 2011, 18:38:31 UTC
Oh dude, every single online journal article I've ever had to so much as skim, I've printed out.

(Mostly I did this at the office, to save me going through an ink cartridge a week)

I need to be able to highlight, write stuff in the margins, insert bizarre symbols only I understand as a running commentary on the thing as I read. Why the CRAP would they not let you print? That's ludicrous. *frowny face*


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 18:49:22 UTC
SO GLAD I'm not alone!!!! (I totally print out stuff at work too).

Even the librarian was annoyed at the limited functionality of the ebook in their collection.

Are you a graduate student?


doctorpancakes March 31 2011, 19:02:28 UTC
Yeah, no, it's totally not just you. I think it's actually a lot of people, but the people who aren't like us just don't understand. RAWR.

I am not a grad student at all! Would have been, but, having finished my long-running mature studenthood at Christmas with my undergraduate degree, I couldn't be arsed to put in applications to grad school because I don't know why. XD NOW I WRITE SLASH FOR A LIVING


gina_r_snape March 31 2011, 19:12:18 UTC
Ah, well congrats on your undergrad degree then.

And just remember, you're doing good work, because THE WORLD NEEDS MORE SLASH (esp. of the Boosh-and-related-fandoms-variety)!


doctorpancakes March 31 2011, 19:54:52 UTC
Thankies! So what's your department, academically?

Yeah, and I wish I could ACTUALLY make a living writing slash, but oh well.


gina_r_snape April 1 2011, 15:41:31 UTC
I received my MSW in Social Work and am now working on my PhD in Social Work.

My dissertation is on employment discrimination of trans people.

What would you go to school for? I wish you could make a living writing slash too!


doctorpancakes April 1 2011, 18:05:48 UTC
Ok AWESOME. That's really, really, really flipping cool!

I have my Bachelors in English and Cultural Studies, very nearly a minor in Psychology, interested primarily in the kind of postmodern stuff that's probably out of fashion and the relationship between language and culture/psychology of language/literary theory. AKA as MY DEGREE IS USELESS XD


gina_r_snape April 1 2011, 18:21:44 UTC
Aw, shucks. :kicks dirt: Thanks.

I wish I could write my dissertation on Noel Fielding and aspects of genderqueerness! Oh the questions I wish I could (but would never dare to) ask him about his gender identity. We must glean from interviews and commentary and subtext, alas.

All this by way of saying you should introduce yourself to bluestocking79 as I think you'd have a lot in common.

Your degree sounds very interesting. I did my BA in Gender Studies, with a heavy dose of feminist, Freudian and french Freudian feminist theories. I couldn't decide between English Lit, Women's Studies, Media Studies, and Psychology. So I did an independent major tied with a rainbow ribbon but not very far from your own (I did, for example, read Derrida).

Have you considered Cultural Studies or American Studies or Sociology? If you like to write, you could have a future in cultural commentary like, for example, Steven Seidman or Judith Halberstam.

Ok, I'll stop. Clearly, I like to help people. That's why I took the direction of social work...


doctorpancakes April 1 2011, 23:46:05 UTC
HOW ARE YOU SO AMAZING? Please do this Noel Fielding thing. Hell, I want to ask him about gender identity too. SO PLEASE DO THIS AND TAKE ME WITH YOU.

Heck, you're interesting.

As for me and my shit, I'm really on the fence about the academia thing. It was all I did for like six years and I flipping love it, but I also want to paint and write stuff and it's really hard to get jobs in my field right now and blargh.


gina_r_snape April 2 2011, 03:52:48 UTC
Heh, heh. Well I did write a post-Wuthering Heights mini essay positing his gender stuff. But it was hardly a deep, intellectually supported essay.

If you want to paint and write stuff, by all means paint and write stuff. Academia is a hard decision to make, and is too much work to be done on a whim. Then again, I've got a friend who is a professional animation artist (jigglykat) and she works longer and harder than most people I know.

I wish I could paint and draw. But I guess I will just have to stick to fanfic and claymation and icon-making for my own (and others') amusement.


doctorpancakes April 2 2011, 05:30:02 UTC
That essay has to be the single greatest thing ever written.

I don't expect painting's my strong suit, but I feel this ridiculously powerful need to keep doing it. Same with the writing and the music and sometimes the scribbling out of theories and researching the crap out of stuff. I wish I could just do my thing academically, write stuff, go to conferences, teach a class or two, and not put up with politics all the stuff that made me want to at least take time out in the first place. :( I have so much admiration for the amazing people who actually have it in them to go for their PhDs!


gina_r_snape April 2 2011, 17:34:27 UTC
Can I shrink you and carry you around in my pocket? I'll even find a pocket cup, if it helps.

Every place has politics, some more vicious than others.

So, have you signed up for boosh battle? You seem to be friends with a lot of LJ Booshies. We need to get people signed up or there won't be enough people to make it a skirmish.


doctorpancakes April 2 2011, 19:26:27 UTC
Heavens, can I live in a pcoket cup in your pocket? This would be magnificent.

There's no escaping politics, I know, but I'm terrible at it. I have no patience for that kind of thing :(

I'm in the boosh battle comm, I think? There's a battle? BRING IT ON


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