Open Post: An Introduction of Sorts

May 04, 2012 00:47

I've had a lot of new people friend me in the past day or so (probably from my most recent mod post? IDK...) and so I'd like to get to know those of you that have added me that haven't commented on my f-only post. In exchange, I'm posting an introduction! It's been a while since I've made a post like this, and it seems appropriate now, doesn't it?

[About Me!]
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introduction, sticky post

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Comments 23

massu_piggy May 4 2012, 05:49:27 UTC
SOOOOOOO jealous of the fact that you got to see w-inds and arashi live... got to sit at sho's press conference and got to TALK TO AIBA ON THE PHONE (asfjladjflkdajfalkfjda) *flails crazily* WHAT!?!? His mom let you... djalkfduioafjrelakfjidaofe I wanna talk to aiba on the phone!!!!! >//////////////////////////<


gimmick_game May 4 2012, 05:53:28 UTC
LOOOL they were both awesome shows and I'm super happy I got the opportunity.

Seeing Sho wasn't something I'd expected. I had no idea what the press conference would entail or that I would be like...8 feet from him. XD The Aiba thing, too, was a complete fluke. We happened to go before a lot of white foreign fans started going so it was really surprising to Aiba's mom that we even knew who her son was. She was so thrown off by us being there in the first place and was all worried because the menu didn't have any english on it at all. XD We had to assure her several times we knew enough to read a menu. It just so happened he called the restaurant while she was upstairs grabbing something for us and she just...handed me the phone. I love that woman dearly, she has the patience of a saint, I swear. Between raising Aiba and Yuusuke, running a restaurant like that for so long, and dealing with fandom on a daily basis? SAINT. TRUE SAINT.


massu_piggy May 4 2012, 15:39:32 UTC
Wait... u were 8 FEET away from sho!?!?!? Im so jealous right now i could cry.... ;A;

and i kinda wish i was white now... XD but aiba mama is seriously amazing huh? Ive heard a lot of people say that shes super polite, energetic, and friendly even to really rude/ obnoxious fans... <3 man i want to go meet her too... >


gimmick_game May 5 2012, 02:02:19 UTC
He was so sleepy but it was still pretty awesome. XD I had to try and stop shaking and that was VERY hard.

I think the fact was we were really the first non-Asian fans she'd seen come to the restaurant. It was 2007 and they still hadn't QUITE reached their insane popularity like they have now.

Every time I've been around her, she's been nothing but courteous, even with my fail!japanese. The last time I was there was Sho's birthday and she seemed a bit frazzled from the massive amount of people there (I got to the restaurant at like...10am and barely made it in for lunch before they closed at 3.) but she was still willing to come back downstairs during the break between lunch and dinner to accept something I'd made for her. (And she let me cry on her when she hugged me for it because I knew I probably wouldn't be able to come back again, which I explained.)


hazel_darlene May 4 2012, 05:54:18 UTC
I'm dying because of jealousy :)) wow damn you're so lucky >_____< gosh as in super.. btw how were you able to talk with aiba? uwah sugee >__< and how was their resto.. gosh xD I'm soo envious of you :"> btw I also like you esp when you comment in arama lolz one of my idols :D


gimmick_game May 4 2012, 05:57:15 UTC
LOL oh don't. The debt I acquired to take those trips...almost not worth it, lol. Aiba called the restaurant between lunch & dinner when we were still there and she handed me the phone. The restaurant is fantastic - I've never had a bad meal there, and I've been four times.

Holy crap I don't even remember the last time I commented on arama. XD


hazel_darlene May 4 2012, 06:02:01 UTC
souka... uwah sugee so if you don't mind sharing what you talked abt.. and how was his voice? gosh xD :)))) did he speak in his usualy ENGRISH? :))))omg I'm dying here :))) how was their food? lolol was the microwave there? :)))
*gosh gomen for so many questions*

yeah I always see you there esp when there are riots b4... I'm awed on how you handle things there xD


gimmick_game May 4 2012, 06:06:55 UTC
Pretty much all I said was "hajimemashite" (to which Aiba-mama freaked and flailed happily) and "chotto matte" because I couldn't understand a single word he said (he sounded sleepy and my brain kind of shut down at the 'Masaki desu' when she handed me the phone) and passed him off to my friend pretty quickly. The food was delicious - I've had the cashew chicken a few times, the soups are great, and the harumaki is to die for. I wasn't a huge fan of the gyoza but mostly just because it was more cabbagy than I'm used to. I didn't see a microwave, lol.

XD I try to avoid commenting there or even reading comments anymore simply because I actually hate conflict a loooot.


aya_mcdonald May 4 2012, 09:17:18 UTC
Another Arashic March 25 birthday.

We are everywhere, I swear.



gimmick_game May 5 2012, 02:02:58 UTC
WOO! Yeah, there are a couple of us, and we share a birthday with Machida! :Db


aya_mcdonald May 5 2012, 07:09:41 UTC

Yeah, it used to be that I didn't know anyone who shared my birthday (except like Elton John and Sarah Jessica Parker... lol).

And then in the past year, as I've really become involved in the online Arashi fandom, I have found four other JE/Arashi fans who share the 25 March joy with me!

Aries children rule!!! XD


alternatejess May 4 2012, 10:54:39 UTC
I just found out that the name of the comm you mod (from this post yeah). #quicklywatches. And I am crap at replying/commenting as well. I have whims, basically. And I have been flooding LJ recently because I am out of school. Not sure if you have read my two intro posts though (I could link it here again if you want to though). But they are hellishly long because I suck at being concise. I like to blame the fact that I am a soon-to-be arts (okay social science) graduate and I was always made to write ( ... )


gimmick_game May 5 2012, 02:11:58 UTC


alternatejess May 8 2012, 12:17:38 UTC
OKAY. LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN. I will flip a table if it eats my comment again ( ... )


mimi_kamenashi May 4 2012, 14:44:37 UTC
Hello Andii!

We've been talking yesterday, thanks for adding me! Now I have to say I'm so jelly at the fact you talked with Aiba on the phone!!!!!!!! OMG! So lucky, I'm sure he's a sweetheart. I'm so going to her family restaurant when I have the opportunity to visit Japan, I'm so curious to meet her mum since all I have read about her are nothing but good stuff <3

Also, beware I'm going to be creeping your nail's blog and your nail related post. I love to see nail art and those kind of things <3

I hope we get the chance to get to know each other most! I love to make fandom friends, and don't worry is understandable if you don't have the time to comment in each post, especially with a baby (future arashi fan, I'm guessing :p).

Well that's it for now, and see you around!
*waves* have a nice day!


gimmick_game May 5 2012, 02:14:10 UTC
No problem! I've been a bit isolated from fandom for a while now and it's nice to be able to meet new people again. :)

Creep away! It's going to be my livelyhood soon so pimp it out if you want. ;) I'll probably do a give away once I reach about 50 followers. I'm at 17 right now on the tumblr. :Db

I will try my hardest!


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