Open Post: An Introduction of Sorts

May 04, 2012 00:47

I've had a lot of new people friend me in the past day or so (probably from my most recent mod post? IDK...) and so I'd like to get to know those of you that have added me that haven't commented on my f-only post. In exchange, I'm posting an introduction! It's been a while since I've made a post like this, and it seems appropriate now, doesn't it?

[About Me!]
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introduction, sticky post

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alternatejess May 4 2012, 10:54:39 UTC
I just found out that the name of the comm you mod (from this post yeah). #quicklywatches. And I am crap at replying/commenting as well. I have whims, basically. And I have been flooding LJ recently because I am out of school. Not sure if you have read my two intro posts though (I could link it here again if you want to though). But they are hellishly long because I suck at being concise. I like to blame the fact that I am a soon-to-be arts (okay social science) graduate and I was always made to write.

And random, I used to RP too. Not JE fandom though. Anime mostly. I spent the longest time playing Uchiha Itachi from Naruto. Dabbled a little with KHR. But then school and everything happened, so I stopped. And never picked it up again.

Japan! One trip for me. And probably one more at the end of the year if I get a job and earn my own money :) My closest JE experience is watching Jin live in Chicago, yeah. But that is about it. But coincidentally, the first time I saw real snow was in 2010 in Madison, Wisconsin. :D #livesneartheequator

You know how to find me if you want to say hi/ask questions/flail <3


gimmick_game May 5 2012, 02:11:58 UTC

I do need to go back and read those now that I have time. I'm just as bad with the being concise thing so, WOO, we can fail together.

I do want to go back so very bad. It's definitely more feasible for you, for sure. The lowest I can get a plane ticket from here is about $1200USD. :/ THAT IS, unless a friend of the family ends up getting a job with one of the major airlines and then friends and family tickets here I come! I really, really want to take my husband once because I know he'll love it - he's a big-city guy and Tokyo is just...amazing. I also want to take Amelia when she's older - I never even left Florida until I was 16 so I want her to be able to experience more travel than I could as a kid. :)

I live near a tropic so.... not as bad as the equator but pretty shitty year-around. 2010 winter was FREEZING to the point we had a lot of frost on the ground. I thought I had pictures of it but I can't find it now. :/ Poo. (Did find a pic hubby took in Dec 2009 which was just as bad of the frost on his truck when he got off work - ) Florida just doesn't have nice winters, or when we do, they're random and usually Christmas is 80+ degrees. HATE IT. I have a funny feeling we'll be having PLENTY of hurricanes this year, too, given how warm the gulf was all winter. UGH.


alternatejess May 8 2012, 12:17:38 UTC
OKAY. LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN. I will flip a table if it eats my comment again.

I AM GENERAL FAIL OKAY. I tell people I am a Jun/Aiba hybrid. Which makes me kind of queer. But oh well. :P

YAY FAIL AT BEING CONCISE. It's just.. I feel that need to explain my reasons for things 80% of the time. It's like, I think everyone wants to know as much information as I do or something. So enjoy the word vomit inflicted by me. /evil laughter.

Well, I can get air tickets way cheaper, it's true. But I need to spend there. I usually don't buy a lot of things when I am in Singapore (shipping and all), but I buy them when I am in Japan myself to like, appease my conscience from all the downloading. AND THE CLOTHES. AND THE ACCESSORIES. And everything. So it's just, I need a lot of money when I go to Japan. I don't really want to go there on a budget. I am trying to find a job that can let me stay in Japan actually. I wouldn't mind working there for a while, but recent, em, adventures with job hunting convinced that maybe I am just not good enough for it. /sighs.

I am a city girl. Bleeds city really. Can name you shops down the shopping district where I live and stuff. And if you EVER come to Singapore and is cityhopping, you can come to Singapore. I personally think it's a boring place, but apparently some people love all the skyscrappers and nice views. I have pictures - somewhere. AND YES PLEASE BRING AMELIA AROUND. I have always wanted to travel as a kid and my parents are always :( at me. I went to US by myself when I was 21, one of the best decisions of my life, really.

Well, there is only summer here. And HOT summer like we average 32C (90F) all year around, The lowest we EVER got to was like 22C (70F) or something. It can go up to 36C (96F) and all I want to do is stay in and sit under the aircon. I want to live somewhere with weather changes really. The romantic part of me (coughpiscescough) wants to observe all the colour changes and stuff. But the good thing is that we don't have hurricanes and all. Maybe heavy rains and that is about it, nothing serious enough to cause danger. Sometimes people call my country a blessed island for it (blessed but boring though heh).


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