Title: The Sign of the Scarf
Genre: Humour
Ratings & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 1817
Summary: All Christmas scarves are simply a gift to keep out the cold. Aren’t they?
Author's Note: For
katyscarlett76, who requested Remus/Tonks and the prompt scarf. I'd say this was just fluffy fun, but there's enough scarf jokes already...
The Sign of the Scarf )
Comments 14
I do love fics where they attempt to keep things secret - especially from Sirius, who is always going to think himself ahead of the game, which has got to give them both a fair amount of amusement - and me!
Thanks for the Friday night fic fix! :)
No, I can't believe how many knitting jokes there are in the world, either. I did reject most of them!
Thanks very much for the nice words, which definitely brightened my Saturday morning.:D
I think I shall start shipping Sirius/Kingsley now. Don't know why I never saw it before. ;)
I think I shall start shipping Sirius/Kingsley now. Don't know why I never saw it before. ;)
I think Sirius is probably secretly intrigued under the horror, indignation and desire to hex Molly. Though I hope you're not going to neglect Pink-Eye Moony!
Thank you.:D
I love this line from Remus
“Funny how you’ve only just thought of it then,” remarked Remus dryly.
and that Sirius had them pegged right (even if his clues were right) yet neither Remus or Tonks could admit so!
Wonderful story from a HP writer on hiatus. =]
Glad it made you LOL. I always feel a bit guilty using Sirius as my unwitting comic stooge as I think so much more of him than that, but a couple of the other drabbles (not mentioning yours) are a lot grimmer and this seemed a fun, light one to start with. I can make no comment as to the S/K likelihood because, obviously, I'm busy working on the woolly threesome first. ;)
Thanks, as always, for the kind words. :) Will do my utmost to post yours before I go, but I'm apologising in advance in case time gets the better of me.
I love a bit of Sirius and Molly meddling, especially where it isn't actually needed ;) Bless Molly and her matching scarves :) (especially the ones for Kingsley & Sirus ;) )I love how they're hiding it and being all cool in front of Sirius and then sneaking kisses behind closed doors :)
I thought it might be fun to have Remus and Tonks one step ahead of the matchmaking for once - though obviously not all the scarf implications! And I couldn't resist the ending after poor Sirius had so carefully worked out every possible meaning for them.
Thanks for such a good prompt! :)
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