
Jun 13, 2011 06:54

Somewhere during the night last night, Kolya passed his thread.

As cazzyline was right to point out, I can't be sure the thread hasn't broken up, and I'll have to keep checking to see if any more has come out, but at this point, the important thing is that my baby is passing thread.

I have typed 'thread' so much in the last few days that I am having ( Read more... )

feline companion

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Comments 13

watchcry June 13 2011, 16:58:30 UTC
<3 to you and Kolya

(I should now apologize for my poorly timed "probably just a cat thing" message, which I quickly recanted as I continued scrolling up my twitter feed...)


bewareofitalics June 13 2011, 17:48:34 UTC
KITTY. :D Yay for him!


speak_me_fair June 13 2011, 19:45:42 UTC
SO glad to hear he is well again!

(Nelson sends smooches)


pyleanelf June 13 2011, 20:11:59 UTC

So glad to hear this!! :)


poetic_self June 13 2011, 20:53:09 UTC
♥ :)


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