(no subject)

Jun 13, 2011 06:54

Somewhere during the night last night, Kolya passed his thread.

As cazzyline was right to point out, I can't be sure the thread hasn't broken up, and I'll have to keep checking to see if any more has come out, but at this point, the important thing is that my baby is passing thread.

I have typed 'thread' so much in the last few days that I am having traumatic Pern flashbacks.

You guys have helped me to get him through this--it's you I can thank for telling me 'No, vomiting sixteen times in a morning is probably not Just a Cat Thing,' and for reminding me about pet insurance as a preventative for the future, and for giving your money and your time and your love to me and my boy. It's thanks to you guys that he's as healthy as he is, and it might even be thanks to you that he's alive at all--I'm kind of terrible at recognizing what's a crisis and what's nothing, and little_lady_d (as always) helped put me on track.

Kolya is a cat of the Internet, and I'm sure he'd want to sit on every one of your laps.

-- Gil

Side note: Love to you all, and love to the cat-of-my-heart.

feline companion

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