
Jun 11, 2011 13:55

UPDATE: Kolya is home; the doctors gave him barium to help flush the thread! More details here.

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feline companion

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Comments 59

lareinenoire June 11 2011, 18:56:56 UTC
Oh, the poor darling! And poor you!


gileonnen June 11 2011, 19:12:17 UTC
*hugs tightly* Thank you so much!


poetic_self June 11 2011, 19:03:03 UTC

I'm as poor as a church mouse, but if I may I will link back to this so that maybe some people will find you and might be able to help you one little bit?

*sends good vibes to you both*


gileonnen June 11 2011, 19:14:55 UTC
*HUGS* If you want, you can link to my AO3 account or my tumblr to make it easier for people without friendslist access to see the kind of work I do?


poetic_self June 11 2011, 19:21:19 UTC
I'll do a links post including both. Consider it done.


Also, asking just to make sure: can I use Kolya's pic, the one you posted? I'm assuming cat pics might help the Good Deed.


gileonnen June 11 2011, 19:23:32 UTC
You absolutely may, and that was just what I was thinking, too. <3333 Thank you SO MUCH!


(The comment has been removed)

gileonnen June 11 2011, 19:22:23 UTC
I price by size, complexity, and medium. Some samples:

Pen sketch of a face: $3.
Marker sketch of a face: $5
Photoshop-colored pen or pencil sketch of a face: $7

Pen sketch of a person with a torso, arms, and hands: $6
Marker sketch of a person with a torso, arms, and hands: $8
Photoshop-colored pen or pencil sketch of person with a torso, arms, and hands: $10

Pen sketch of a full person: $9
Marker sketch of a full person: $11
Photoshop-colored pen or pencil sketch of a full person: $13

For background, add $5 to your price (or $5 total for a picture without people in it). I'm not good at drawing animals, so you may want to avoid those. >_>


hippediva June 11 2011, 19:26:16 UTC
Oh I am so so sorry! *Hugs close* I will PM you later. *more hugs for you both*


gileonnen June 11 2011, 19:28:21 UTC
*hugs back* Thank you so, so much.


bewareofitalics June 11 2011, 19:29:58 UTC
Poor baby. :( I don't have any money to spare right now, but I'll donate when I get a job! ♥


gileonnen June 11 2011, 19:34:37 UTC
That's okay--take care of you, right now. <333


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