(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 13:55

UPDATE: Kolya is home; the doctors gave him barium to help flush the thread! More details here.

My cat Kolya has unwisely swallowed my sewing thread, causing him to vomit uncontrollably for about eight hours straight--he’s since stopped vomiting, but he’s feverish and still has the thread inside him, and the vet recommends surgery to prevent the thread from slicing up his insides.

The total cost of the surgery and other treatments is one sixth of my yearly income. Because I am a poor college student, the unexpected financial burden is a bit crushing, so in addition to seeking a second job, I'm taking art and story commissions (and, shamefully, donations) in order to help pay for Kolya's veterinary care.

Please contact me by this post or by e-mail at gileonnen AT gmail DOT com in order to make requests. You can browse my tags to get some idea of what I’ve drawn/written in the past and in which fandoms I participate; if you want me to draw something involving your original characters or write something involving my own, I’m more than game. We can discuss payment once I have some idea of what you're requesting.

Thank you so much, in advance, for the help.

EDIT: The fantastic ceramicbaby has created a charity auction to help raise money for my cat--see it here!

CLOSING EDIT: The final cost of Kolya's treatment was $1243; The final amount we raised was $1686. With the remaining $443, I will be helping other people in the writerly or fannish communities to care for sick pets when they need it--so if you know people who are struggling to afford veterinary care, please send them my way.

-- Gil

Side note: Love to the very kind, very calm people at my vet's. They took Kolya in when they were booked solid, on the off chance that it was something serious, and now ... well. I'm glad they did.

feline companion

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