(no subject)

Jun 12, 2011 08:12

Update on Kolya!

At 1:00 this morning, I consulted with the night-staff veterinarian, who thought that Kolya might be able to pass his thread without surgery if she gave him imaging-barium as a therapeutic--and this was exciting on a financial level, as well, because if her strategy worked, then I would have to pay $1200 less. At 2:00 this morning, the vets gave him the barium. When I called about an hour ago, they said that he was doing MUCH BETTER. His fever was down, and had even started eating on his own again--they thought they could see stool forming in his colon, which would mean that food is getting through his small intestine. I still need to monitor him and his stool carefully, checking for thread and signs of increased abdominal pain, but in this vet's opinion, his condition has improved dramatically from when he first came in.

Unless he needs surgery, with the help of everyone who donated, I've managed to fund my cat's care fully.

This means that, if you're one of the fantastic people who donated to help me, I can do one of three things with the leftover money, and because it's your money, you should get a say.

a) Refund you. If you ask for a refund, I will give it at once, no questions asked.
b) Reserve it against future need in the writerly or fannish community. We take care of our own--I understand that now better than I ever have in my life--and I want to help take care.
c) Donate it to a charity to help pet-owners fund their animals' care. vashtan's network turned up lots of good resources for people in my position or worse:


Let me know what you'd like me to do with the leftover funds in your name--the fact that I even HAVE leftover funds is just amazing and awe-inspiring.

Going to go pick up my little boycat now. I'll spam you with recovery pics today. <3

-- Gil


feline companion

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