
Apr 27, 2011 20:00

This is a Curious Post.

During the past few months or so, my circles on the internet have come increasingly into contact with the notion of ' plurality' of personae in one body. I've been working to understand what the concept means and why other people feel that it describes them, so this post isn't an 'explain to me what plurals are, I don't know ( Read more... )

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irisbleufic April 28 2011, 06:52:48 UTC
What's lilspeak? Did the source of this quote offer a glossary?


gileonnen April 28 2011, 11:14:18 UTC
While your reaction looks much like my own initial reaction, and I think it's important to be aware of this reaction in yourself, I do want to remind you that 'Not to insult anyone but..' is a statement of intention, and not a statement of outcome.

I'd say that, although I linked to the multiplicity community as a shorthand explanation of what the heck I was talking about, its inclusiveness
may stoke rather than put out skepticism. Many people who can intellectually accept the notion of multiple personae sharing one body would balk at the idea that one of those personae could be James Bond. I confess, I have not devoted much attention to the possibility.


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little_lady_d April 28 2011, 06:39:39 UTC
the above mentions of soulbonding and headspaces are bringing back memories -- i was about on the internet when the original soulbonding page was up, and in a sort of blog circle with the creator and people who took the term and identified with it. looking back on my old blog posts, i went from 'other people who empathize with their characters and imagine them doing and saying things in their head, eee!' to '... now i'm not sure i get what's going on anymore ( ... )


gileonnen April 28 2011, 11:02:38 UTC
it's good, though, that you've identified other ways of having an experience that might look very similar from the outside--empathy with fictions as different from creation of or acquaintance with personae? am I reading your experience correctly?


little_lady_d April 28 2011, 15:07:19 UTC
i think so! and empathy with fictions is a massive philosophical problem all on its lonesome.


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gileonnen April 28 2011, 11:18:45 UTC
Thank you for such detailed descriptions of your experiences! I don't think I have an intellectual response to offer now--but I will say that this comment has given me a great deal of that affective understanding I was seeking. It's useful for me to understand what other, similar-looking experiences feel like from the inside, and you've been an absolute gem for helping me to empathize. Thank you so much.


firynze April 28 2011, 13:40:47 UTC
I've actually been encountering the concept more often lately myself. I have a friend from some years back who used to identify as plural, but I'm not sure about now. I've also been introduced to a book reviewer who identifies as "twospirit," which I take to be a subset of plural. And I'm reading a novel that gets very, very into the concept of plurality/multiple identities/personalities/"cores" so it's popped up there, too. I haven't done much research on the subject, but it's very interesting to me that it's come up a few times for me lately, and is coming up more for you, too!


dejablue7 April 28 2011, 16:58:30 UTC
And I'm reading a novel that gets very, very into the concept of plurality/multiple identities/personalities/"cores" so it's popped up there, too.
I'm curious, what novel is it that you're reading? :O


firynze April 28 2011, 17:06:14 UTC
Blindsight by Peter Watts. One of the main characters is a "multiple core" entity.


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