Fic: When We Are Happy

Sep 07, 2006 14:31

Author: Stephanie (Gildedmuse)
Series: When We Are Happy
Chapter: Five: Kids Will Be Kids
Pairing: Roger/Mark
Rating: Pg-13 (Language, Boykissing)
Prompt: 28. Children
Word Count: 5,640
Summary: Mark and Roger have almost gotten settled into being a couple, when they're lives get interrupted.
Author Notes: This is a continuation of Feline Jealousy ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 25

theboysgonehome September 7 2006, 20:59:05 UTC
*melts and pretty much dies*

It's so cute! I cannot wait for more! Mark and Roger with CHILDREN. I don't know id my ovaries can stand it.


gildedmuse September 7 2006, 22:16:03 UTC
Oh, God. I love your icon. ^^


theboysgonehome September 7 2006, 22:18:09 UTC
lol, thanks! I've got a bunch of Rent/Newsies crossover icons, in my journal (look under the tag "graphics", if you want to find them). They're really scary, how well they go together.


gildedmuse September 7 2006, 22:19:19 UTC
It really kinda is, isn't it? Well, I guess both are musicals in new york with down and out characters who are so obviously wanting to jump in bed with eachother.


longshadowsfall September 7 2006, 21:27:52 UTC
Fantabulous job! Is there going to be more? Please tell me there'll be more^^


gildedmuse September 7 2006, 22:16:37 UTC
There will be another chapter! A second part to this and then... Well, who knows.


longshadowsfall September 7 2006, 22:19:57 UTC
YAY! *does happy dance*


ogiraffe September 7 2006, 21:46:01 UTC
Too cute ^^


gildedmuse September 7 2006, 22:16:53 UTC
Thank you.


tamed_fox September 7 2006, 23:27:32 UTC
Oh hell. My girly-instincts just exploded all over EVERYTHING. I can't even stand children, I honestly think they're the most irritating thing in the world but OH SHIT I want more of this right now, basically.

On a slightly more intelligent note: I really love how you change up your narration to fit Adam or Cohen or Mark. Adorable, basically.


gildedmuse September 8 2006, 00:10:16 UTC
I don't like babies so much, either. Or, you know, any kid older then, like 12. 3-11 I am good with. That is the age group where kids have these, like, huge imaginations and unlimited energy. So I have an excuse to play makebelief. Outside of that, people than twenty year olds who are pretending to be dragons are weird.

And thank you for the note on the narritive. It's harder writing for a four year old than it is a cat. I have no idea why.


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gildedmuse September 8 2006, 00:10:48 UTC
I think the lesson of this fic is that everything that is cute is attracted to Roger. Kittens, toddlers, Mark. Pretty much everything.


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