Fic: When We Are Happy

Sep 07, 2006 14:31

Author: Stephanie (Gildedmuse)
Series: When We Are Happy
Chapter: Five: Kids Will Be Kids
Pairing: Roger/Mark
Rating: Pg-13 (Language, Boykissing)
Prompt: 28. Children
Word Count: 5,640
Summary: Mark and Roger have almost gotten settled into being a couple, when they're lives get interrupted.
Author Notes: This is a continuation of Feline Jealousy ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 25

shadow_mage September 8 2006, 00:23:59 UTC
*dies in a pot of "AWWWW!'s and grins* It was just perfect. :)


gildedmuse September 8 2006, 12:57:02 UTC
^^ Thank you.


slant_truth September 8 2006, 04:35:13 UTC
Like Tim Howar, this chapter is made of cute. Can't wait for more!


gildedmuse September 8 2006, 12:57:50 UTC
Haha. Ahh, thanks.


silverotter September 8 2006, 21:20:32 UTC
You win at life. You. Win. At. Life.

I. Love Mark/Roger stories with children. I do. I really, really do. And this is awesome. *dumps love stars on your head* More, more, more.


gildedmuse September 9 2006, 23:19:34 UTC
I win. I win. I win, I win, I win. I get the dough- I'll stop now. Really.


lincoln6_echo September 10 2006, 07:20:31 UTC
I wonderwhy on earth Adam would like Rodger? Hmm.... LOL. I love this story btw.


gildedmuse September 10 2006, 20:00:11 UTC
Shh! No one else has pointed out how Stephanie has managed to pick out one of those worst name for Mark's nephew. ^^ Keep it down.


lincoln6_echo September 10 2006, 20:13:01 UTC
LOL. It's not the worst. It's cute.


guitarstrings October 6 2006, 08:47:47 UTC
Really old obviously but I"m amused at the pumpkin head more then anything, I'm surprised no one caught that.


gildedmuse October 7 2006, 00:44:19 UTC
Yeah... No one did, did they? Bad reviewers, for not catching the bad jokes!


guitarstrings October 7 2006, 00:49:35 UTC
Hehe, I thought it was a good one personally!


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