Fic: Perfecting the Techniques of Applying Peroxide

Nov 28, 2006 20:46

Yeah, because I just don't feel I've written enough Rent fic, really. And you guys aren't sick of me yet, I'm sure.

Author: Stephanie (Gildedmuse)
Title: Perfecting the Techniques of Applying Peroxide
Characters: Mark & Roger (Almost borderline Mark/Roger)
Word Count: 1,920
Prompt: Yellow
Rating: PG-13 for drug/sex themes and language
Summery: ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 17

shadow_mage November 29 2006, 02:06:56 UTC
That was so sweet. *hears "Awww" in my head* I just love it. :D


gildedmuse November 30 2006, 18:19:33 UTC
^^ Mmm... thank you.


starletfallen November 29 2006, 02:23:02 UTC
You have just made the worst day of my life (and I mean that literally) so much better.

Thank you. It was adorable.


gildedmuse November 30 2006, 18:20:54 UTC
Well, I'm sorry that it was the worst day of your life... But glad I could make it a little bit better!


varymydays December 1 2006, 05:58:01 UTC
random *hugs*!

I hope tomorrow is better for you.

oh and sorry for eaves-commenting? there isn't such a thing is there? We'll pretend >.>

< 3


starletfallen December 1 2006, 05:58:53 UTC
XD It's okay.


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gildedmuse November 30 2006, 18:22:30 UTC
Everything that has to do with Roger is a sexual thing. EVERYTHING. ^^ That is what makes him Roger.


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gildedmuse December 1 2006, 16:30:46 UTC
Oh, see, now I know a decent fic could come out of that line. And it would probably involve mucho masturbation.


cdvla313 November 29 2006, 05:15:35 UTC
this was really good and sweet...good characterization for both...Mark's lapses into thinking of Maureen made me smile. and have to agree with all the other "adorable"s.

(sry i suck at reviewing)


gildedmuse November 30 2006, 18:21:37 UTC
Yes. ^^ Those were highly interesting to write in, too. So I'm glad someone liked them.


volitaire December 1 2006, 01:18:24 UTC
That was terrific!


gildedmuse December 1 2006, 16:31:04 UTC
^^ Thank you!


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