Fic: Perfecting the Techniques of Applying Peroxide

Nov 28, 2006 20:46

Yeah, because I just don't feel I've written enough Rent fic, really. And you guys aren't sick of me yet, I'm sure.

Author: Stephanie (Gildedmuse)
Title: Perfecting the Techniques of Applying Peroxide
Characters: Mark & Roger (Almost borderline Mark/Roger)
Word Count: 1,920
Prompt: Yellow
Rating: PG-13 for drug/sex themes and language
Summery: ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 17

happygirl16 December 1 2006, 04:10:47 UTC
ugh that was really super good!
my brain is so fried, otherwise i'd write more. very nice!


gildedmuse December 1 2006, 16:31:29 UTC
*pat* Understandable. I hope you get your brain back and running again.


varymydays December 1 2006, 05:49:10 UTC
Absolutely beautiful in every sense of that word.

Seriously I am speechless as always when I read a piece of your work. So real, so them. I felt the embodiment of their bohemian lifestyle, of all Mark and Roger had struggled with during withdrawal. It was raw and right and true, so true.

Brought me to tears.

Just when I thought I couldn't fall in love with these two any further, this story comes along and makes me fall farther.

I loved it. Absolutely loved it.


The story deserves a more coherent review but I'm still just so speechless. Those vivid images that you painted are still in my mind and I can see Roger's small smile while Mark is rubbing peroxide into his hair and I can see the way their eyes burn and the transformation in Roger and what that means to Mark, to both of them.



gildedmuse December 1 2006, 16:33:51 UTC
Ah. Your reviews always make me blush and at the same time feel bad about the fic not being absolutely perfect. It's a weird but really nice feeling. Thank you.


les_mis_24601 December 2 2006, 07:07:02 UTC
Awwwwww. I can see using the hair as a symbol. I cut my hair short after every play, kinda to rid me of the drama and cut loose of my ties. When i move, i shave it.


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