Little Prince 1/4+1

Nov 22, 2013 12:36

Pairings: Burt/Kurt (non-romantic), Kurt/Blaine
Warnings: Incest, slavery (sort of), enemas, daddy kink, innocence kink, minor character death

Summary: Burt’s son, sequestered from the real world, comes of age waiting for the day his prince will come to take him away and they will live happily ever after. Ever protective, Burt makes sure Kurt is literally squeaky clean inside and out, keeps him wrapped in a world where fairy tales are the norm and Kurt’s only job is to be the same unaffected little boy that his mother left behind, that is, until a 'king' answers one of Burt's advertisements. Written for this GKM prompt.


“...keep him safe, Burt. Promise me. He’s so special. Just let him dance as he likes. To hell with what the neighbors think.  He’s our little prince, darling, so read him stories about castles and dragons and kings before bed. Don’t let him watch rubbish on TV. Keep him safe and clean. I know he puts up a fuss but he needs to bathe every night. The glitter he loves gets everywhere, every crook and cranny you can think of. Even a little prince should be clean and tidy. I love you both my darlings and I’ll see you in another week. My flight gets in late next Friday although I may be delayed by the storm that’s coming in-“

Burt clicks off the voicemail that his late wife had left him so many years ago and sighs as he settles in his armchair. With his son’s eighteenth birthday a month away, he needs to find somewhere safe for Kurt to live and with someone who will treat his little boy like royalty, someone his wife would approve of.

As he types details into another online advert, he hopes that he’ll get a genuine response this time and not more perverts. Even after weeding through a dozen replies weeks earlier, Burt had been left empty handed. Not a solitary man that had applied was suitable for his son to spend his life with. They all wanted a sex toy not a sweet, sincere young man.  Satisfied with the new ad, he makes the credit card payment and closes the laptop.

“Kurt? Time for your bath, kiddo. Kurt?”  Burt calls out. The newly lanky seventeen year old’s hand hits the door jamb with a smack as he appears suddenly in the living room doorway.

“Can I run it this time, daddy?” Kurt asks excitedly.

“Oh, I don’t know. The water gets pretty hot, Kurt.”

“Please, daddy, I’ll be careful,” Kurt whines, swinging himself in the doorway. “I wanna use my new bubblebath!” Burt grunts as he pulls himself up out of his chair.

“Go an’ put the plug in then and get the water started. I’ll get a clean cloth.” Kurt whoops in delight and races off down the hall with Burt shaking his head in amusement as he follows.


“That tickles, daddy!” Burt smiles broadly as he slides the soapy green washcloth between his son’s toes.

“You say that every time, bud.” Kurt giggles again as the cloth drags over the arch of his foot and he splashes water over the side of the bath as his leg kicks out.

“Well, daddy, it’s true every time,” Kurt sasses in exasperation. Burt winks at his boy while dunking his soapy hands in the foamy bathwater.

“Okay, hand and knees please. Time to clean up puppy and your back door.” Kurt flips himself over and slides on his stomach for a few seconds before pushing himself up on all fours. He hands over the dry purple washcloth to Burt and waits patiently.

Burt drenches and soaps up the new flannel, then drags it up Kurt’s thigh. Scrubbing in circles, he works over the top of one thigh, around each of Kurt’s buttocks and down the other leg.  He takes another swipe of the mild soap and pushes the cloth against his son’s rim. Kurt’s asshole flexes and flares against Burt’s touch as his knuckle bores in a little.  He drops the washcloth in the warm water and soaps up his forefinger.

“Let’s get the back door clean, huh?”

“Okay,” Kurt chirps and sticks his butt out further as Burt’s finger presses in and twists inside him. Burt makes sure to swirl his finger as deeply as possible before pulling out. He washes it off and lathers up two fingers before pushing them back into his boy and repeats the action again and again.

“You’re doing good, Kurt.” His son grunts in reply and clenches down on Burt’s fingers as they pull out and are rinsed off.

Dunking the cloth in the water and swiping it against the soap, Burt finds his son’s soft dangling penis underwater and wraps his cloth covered hand around it. A few tugs to soap up the lengthening shaft has Kurt wriggling, as usual, and Burt moves the flannel away to lather it up some more.

“Is puppy ready for cleaning, kiddo?”

“Uh huh,” Kurt says breathlessly.

“Now you stay still for daddy. Don’t you dare splash me like yesterday,” Burt warns playfully.

“I-I’ll try not to,” Kurt promises. Burt wraps the washcloth back around his son’s dick and he pays special attention to the tip, making sure it thoroughly clean. The shaft is then stroked again and again to ensure all of the extra skin is washed all over. Eventually, Burt moves on to Kurt’s balls, rubbing them clean with the warm washcloth.

“Uh,” Kurt grunts softly.

“I think we’re done,” Burt says with a last swipe over the hardened penis hanging between his son’s legs.

“Aw, I can’t play?” Kurt whines as he drops back to his stomach in the water. “But I found the littlest rubber ducky finally!”

“Come on, Kurt, none of that. It’s time to hop out. We need to dry your hair and get you tucked in. Have you thought about what story you want tonight?”

“Hmmm, Rapunzel?”

“Good choice. Ready?” Burt asks as he pulls the plug and waits for Kurt to grab his hands to stand. “You’re gonna be taller than your daddy soon,” Burt says as he ruffles his boy’s wet hair. He helps Kurt out of the bath and spins to grab the fluffy towel he’s set aside. “But not smarter!” they both sing together with a laugh as Burt rubs the towel over his son’s body.

“Legs apart.” Burt pulls the towel through his legs and rubs roughly over Kurt’s butt and thighs. He’s a bit gentler when it comes time to roll the boy’s balls in the towel and he merely swipes down the flushed pink hard-on Kurt is still sporting. “Did you bring in your pajamas?” Burt asks, confused as he looks around.

“Oops!” Kurt looks up guiltily as he runs a towel over his hair.

“Well you better get head start then because if I see a bare butt by the time I get to your room, I’m gonna spank it.” Kurt’s eyes widen and he drops the towel immediately, his feet already moving as he tears off in a gallop to his bedroom.


“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair,” Burt croaks out in an imitation of the prince from the story book. Beside him, Kurt snuggles under his covers and sighs, his eyes drooping as he yawns for the second time in a row.

“Daddy? Will a prince come for me one day?”

Burt shuts the book and leans over to kiss his son on the forehead. “Of course he will, kiddo. I’ve already met a few and sent them away.”

“Why?” Kurt asks sleepily.

“Because they weren’t good enough for my little prince, that’s why.”

“Oh. But what if they were nice?”

“Your mother left me with strict instructions, kiddo. She knew you would need a prince of your own one day, even before I did, and it’s my job to find the right man for the task. You trust me to do that for you, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Kurt says fondly.

“Goodnight, bud. Love you.” Burt stands ready by the light switch and waits for Kurt to respond.

“Love you too, daddy.”


“Shaving’s hard work, let me tell ya, kid,” Burt says as he scrapes the razor over his boy’s lathered up chin. “Lucky I found that special cream so we don’t have to shave around the base of your puppy anymore. That always made me nervous,” Burt mutters. His son’s stiff penis brushes against his flannel shirt yet again and Kurt’s foot jiggles in the bath water restlessly.  “You gotta stand still, Kurt. I don’t want to cut you.”

“Sorry, daddy.”

“That’s okay. No harm, no foul. Hmmm,” Burt hums as he leans back and inspects his work. A quick swipe with a washcloth reveals Kurt’s smooth pale skin. “Okay, looking good!  I think we’ll take some photos before bed. There’s a special man I’ve been talking to this past week that’s interested in meeting you, Kurt.”

“There is?” Kurt says breathlessly. “Oh! What’s he like, daddy?”

“He’s very nice. Young. A few years older than you. He comes from a powerful and wealthy family,” Burt says, thinking about the background check he’d performed already. “Your mother would love him. He has excellent manners and um, good teeth,” he finishes lamely, not quite knowing what his son looks for in a man.

Burt puts down the razor and collects the plastic scraper, ready to tackle his son’s pubes that had been slathered in depilatory cream earlier. Grabbing the stool, he sits himself down and, keeping Kurt’s bobbing penis out of the way, he stretches his boy’s skin and scrapes at the slicked up pubic hair.

“I-is he a prince, daddy?” Kurt wonders aloud. Burt glances up at his son, noticing the flush that’s spreading down his neck.

“A king actually.” Kurt gasps which makes Burt chuckle as he moves the boy’s balls around to get most of the hair off. “Phew, this cream has a special smell all of its own.”

“I thought you got Tropical this time?”

“I did, but they all have the same chemical tang.” His son rolls his eyes and put his hands on Burt’s shoulders to stay still.

“What’s he, the man, what’s he a king of?” Burt considers this for a moment before replying.

“It’s a kingdom called Dalton, which is a few hours from here. He holds court in an enormous mansion where he also teaches music to a special group of boys.”


“Turn around and bend over for me, bud.” Burt waits until Kurt complies, leaning forward to brace himself on the wall. Burt pulls a butt cheek aside and considers his options. “Can you spread your cheeks for me, Kurt?”


“Ah, there we go,” Burt says triumphantly and pulls the plastic scraper down the inside of each cheek to collect any hair that starting growing there recently. He swipes over the exposed skin with a warm clean flannel to clear away any leftover cream and hair then has Kurt turn around to face him so the same can be done to his front as well. “Hmm, did I miss anything?” Burt asks of his son. Kurt smiles and twists a little, his hard penis waving in front of Burt’s frowning face.  “Uh uh. I washed puppy already. Let’s go.” Burt leans over and yanks out the plug to drain the water and helps Kurt hop out of the tub as always.


The flash goes off again as Kurt lays on the bed, his pajama top spread open and his pants pushed down past his hip bones.

“You need to relax, kiddo. The King’s already seen your other photo with you in your best shirt and tie. I want to show him something different this time, okay?” Kurt sighs and tucks his hand under his head on the pillow.

“Like what?” Kurt asks curiously.

“Just a little bit of your body, so he knows exactly what needs to stay clean.” Burt snapped another shot as the boy adjusts his still hard dick while looking at him with a smile and sparkling eyes. “Yeah, do that again, Kurt. Touch your puppy for daddy.” His son blinks in surprise but does as he’s asked, loosely wrapping his hand around his shaft.

“Like this, daddy?” Burt hums and takes a few more shots. These photos should definitely clinch the trade.

“Maybe like this?” he says, putting down the camera and shifting Kurt’s pants until they and his son’s briefs are bunched around his knees. “Try again,” Burt instructs.

“Tell me about the King? What color eyes does he have? What does he look like?” Kurt’s fingers dance along his length as Burt picks the camera up and starts shooting again.

“Hazel. They’re bright too, like the sun. And he slicks his hair back. He looks like he stepped out of a movie.” Burt flushes but keeps the camera trained on his boy as Kurt starts stroking himself faster. “If the next meeting goes well, I’ll bring you back a photo of him, alright?”

“Yes, please.”

“Roll over, Kurt. Let’s see your back door.” Burt waits until his son is bent over on his knees.  “Spread ' em, kiddo.” Kurt reaches around and pulls his cheeks apart as Burt takes the last photos. “That’s perfect, Kurt. You can pull up your pants now.” He turns his camera off as his son climbs into bed. “What story shall we read tonight?” Burt asks as he helps Kurt do up the buttons on his pajama top.

“Sleeping Beauty!”

“Alright, bud.”

“As long as I get to play the princess!” Kurt demands with a defiant quirk of his eyebrow.

“Of course.”


“I met the King’s parents today,” Burt says as he cuts up the sausages on his son’s plate a week later. Sliding the plate over towards the boy he has to smile as Kurt looks at him with huge eyes. “The King has an older brother who lives in a different kingdom out west. He abdicated his throne years ago, leaving Blaine to run Dalton.”

“Blaine? That’s his name? Did-did you get a photograph like you promised?”

“Eat up, bud. Those mashed potatoes won’t eat themselves. But yes I did and I found something else to show you. We’ll have a look after dinner.” Kurt cheered and shoveled a forkful of food into his mouth.


“He’s so beautiful!” Kurt breathes out excitedly.

“Handsome, you mean. And I suppose, yes, he’s easy on the eyes.”

“Did he like my new photos, daddy?” Kurt asks sincerely.

“You betcha,” Burt says with a laugh as he reaches for his laptop. “He loved them. In fact, he said you were beautiful and he can’t wait to meet you.” Kurt blushes and toys with the edge of the photograph of the smiling man in a dark blue blazer. “You wanna see where he lives?” Burt asks.

“Mm hmm,” Kurt hums dreamily.

“This is Dalton. Blaine’s family owns a school there and Blaine lives in this tower room over here,” Burt adds as he points to a turreted room several stories above the main building.

“Just like a real king!”

“Yep. He’s learning the ropes at the school and one day he’ll run it. At the moment he teaches music and helps the principal out.”

“What kind of music? Does he play an instrument? I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano! Maybe he could teach me, daddy!” Kurt rushes out in a single breath.

“Woah, woah. I have no idea, Kurt. That’s something you can ask him yourself.”

“I’m gonna meet him?” Kurt asks in amazement.

“Of course, bud. I wouldn’t send you to live with someone you hadn’t met. It’s important to me that you like whoever you have your happy ever after with, Kurt.”

“Aw, daddy. I love you.” His son leans into a solid hug. “When can I meet Blaine, daddy?”

“Well, his student’s have a singing competition this weekend but I could ask him to visit next weekend. Maybe he could have lunch with us. What you do ya think?” Kurt pouts at the idea of waiting a week and a half but nods in agreement anyway.

“If I like him, can he come to on my birthday too?”

“That’s a good idea, kiddo. I’ll ask him. Now, what are we gonna watch before bath time? Fantasia or Mary Poppins?”


Part 2>>

glee: little prince, incest, hummelcest, klaine, gkm fill, genre: smut, nc-17

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