The Sandman Cometh 19/40

Mar 03, 2013 16:42

Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Blaine/OMCs, Blaine/Kurt
Spoilers: Set from 2x06, canon by day, AU by night
Warnings: Non-con, Somnophilia, Drugs/Alcohol, Manipulation, Oral, Frottage, Toys

Summary: Blaine is impatient. He doesn’t want to wait for true love to strike before he can touch another boy or have someone touch him, so he finds a way to make it happen. Although there are others, he finds himself lured in by his new roommate at Dalton, Kurt.


Blaine’s Interlude


The problem with driving all the way back to Westerville is that it gives me nothing but time to think, which can be dangerous, especially if the movie I just watched with my best friend has set some alarm bells ringing with all the talk about belonging to someone and love while Kurt whispered in my ear and clutched at my arm. My head was spinning with implications and dread even as I smiled and nodded along whenever he shot me a toothy grin.

My already precarious good mood finally frittered away when I drove off, leaving Kurt standing in his driveway waving at me. All the things I wanted from Kurt were right there in front of me, well okay...behind me now. I just had to take them, didn’t I? Yes! No! I rolled my eyes at my ridiculousness and turned up the radio to drown out thoughts of Kurt or my father and tonight’s stupid ‘family’ dinner.

A quick glance at my watch confirmed that I had time to get to the Post Office before being expected back at the house for dinner. At least it would give me an opportunity to see if Cooper had sent something extra this week as promised and to check if my new toys and supplies had arrived. I couldn’t help the wry smile that crossed my face at the thought of ordering bondage and sex gear online for Kurt while he pottered around our dorm room ironing and singing to himself. The idea of Kurt bound, blindfolded and plugged while waiting in my bed sent a shiver down my spine. It would be even better if he were awake…being able to watch him writhe…yeah, but lucid will have to do and that’s going to take even more time for Kurt to trust me that much.

I sighed because the disparate versions of Kurt were a mystery to me. He was almost prudish while he was awake and shy when drugged, but with a half dose under his belt? He’d been practically aggressive, a veritable sex kitten. Hmm, would the real Kurt Hummel please stand up?

I pursed my lips at the memory of Kurt being so pushy with me. It was…well, it was unexpected but I quite liked it if I was being honest with myself. But that might be because he was touching you by choice and not because you coerced him into it. Wait, didn’t I though? Isn’t the fact that I showed him a porno and jacked off in front of him while he was susceptible, and clearly horny, wasn’t that coercion? …Duh, of course it is.


Wouldn’t it just be easier to ask him if he likes you? But I ha-ave…wow, that was whiny…It doesn’t count when you ask him in bed! Ask him in the library or something, stupid. But I don’t wanna…what if everything changes? What if it gets…weird between us? What if he stops being my friend? What if…what if he asks to move out of our room! What if he switches at Christmas and stops talking to me!! Okay, no…no. He-he’s just a boy, just a roommate. Just a friend, just someone I want to talk to…like, all the time…and touch…and fuck…and love and…what the hell am I talking about?! Oh thank fuck! There’s a parking space outside the Post Office.


“Blaine? Are you-Ah, there you are. Come downstairs. Frank and his wife have just arrived.”

“Do I have to? Can’t I just eat in the kitchen?”

“No, you’ll eat in the dining room with the rest of us and act civilized. It’s a family dinner after all,” my father clarified, disappointment showing in his scowl. He clicked his tongue as he realized what I was wearing. “Stop. Go back and make yourself look presentable. Wear the black tie. No, not the bow tie. You need to look like a man, not an over-sized toddler.”

Fuck you.

“Do you hear me?”


“Five minutes, Blaine.”


As the door closed behind him, I let out the breath I’d been holding and unclenched my fists. Time to face the dreary music.

Pulling off the white polo shirt and shucking my jeans, I go looking for a white button up and my red pants. They’ll go perfectly with the tie dad chose. Even if he hates these red pants, he can’t complain that I don’t look respectable. A quick once over in the mirror to check my hair’s in place and shoes are shined and I’m heading downstairs where I can hear my dad’s business partner, Frank, talking to my step-mother about the upcoming merger with a law firm in Dayton. Like she even cares, Uncle Frank. I can practically hear her eyes glazing over from here.

“Ah, there he is! Blainey, looking smart as ever, I see.”

“Thanks, Uncle Frank. How are things going at work?” I asked as I shook his hand, letting him wrap an arm around my shoulders are steer me towards his wife. Even in his fifties, Frank was what many people would call handsome, not because he was especially attractive. Slim with graying hair and eyes like a hawk, he reminded me of a younger Alan Alda. No, he didn’t have classically handsome features, like my dad, but he did possess buckets of charm and finesse. Something my father used to his benefit when launching hostile takeovers of other peoples firms. But that was my dad, using anything and everything to gain an advantage in order to get what he wants. And he always seems to want what he doesn’t have. Nothing is ever good enough. He’s never willing to settle for what’s in front of him.

“Oh, fine. Those boys at Watson, Fink and Stern won’t know what hit ‘em this time next week. Ah, Felicia dear, why don’t you tell young Blainey here about Jenny’s dance at Crawford?” Frank handed me off to his petite bird of a wife, Felicia. And wow, there are a lot of sequins on that dress, lady.

“Of course, darling! Did you know, Blaine, that there’s a very special dance coming up at Crawford? Oh, you must know. After all, you are sister schools. One can’t have a dance without the other, can they?” the tiny brunette tittered into her martini.

Oh no. Sadie Hawkins.

“Are you seeing anyone, dear? I expect girls are lining up at your door wanting to ask you to the Sadie Hawkins dance.”

I smiled, trying not to look too grim. “Um, nooo and no. But that’s probably because I’m-”

My father clapped me hard on the back, making me startle and interrupting my reminder to my ‘aunt’ that I was gay. “A ladies man! Just like his father was.”


“Jerry, he’ll need to settle down some day,” Felicia chided. “I’m sure when the right woman comes along; he’ll drop everything just to woo her. Like you did with Anne.”

Oh snap. Way to bring up his first wife while his second one is within earshot. Have I told you that I love you lately, Felicia?

My father coughed. “Ah, ha. Yes, well…though things seemed fine on the surface, we didn’t have what one would call a happy ever after.”

Only because you couldn’t keep it in your pants, dad.

“But now, my new bride, Lauren is…”

A gold-digging bitch? A vacuous succubus? A Stepford wife? A pale and pathetic comparison to my mom?

“...A dream come true.”

True to form, the statuesque thirty two year old blonde glided over to us after hearing her name, her green silk blouse reflecting in her hazel eyes. “And you’re my handsome prince, Jerry.”

Oh good grief.

I left them simpering over each other to fetch a cold drink from the kitchen. Maybe I need to give them a break; they have only been married six months.

On my way through the hallway, I stopped to look at the newest and largest photos on the wall - their wedding pictures. My dad married Lauren on the back nine at the country club after a long engagement. Yeah, all that was classy left along with mom. But I guess he picked it because a) the divorce had dragged out for almost eighteen months while they argued over whether my dad would let Anne raise me in California, even though I’m not her biological son, meaning that Lauren was getting antsy, and b) the country club had told Lauren in no uncertain terms that they would not allow 150 people in high heels to traipse all over their greens and fairways. Well, that only raised a red flag to the bull that is my father. In the end, the wedding was attended by almost 400 people. It was ridiculous and gauche but Lauren loved it. I, on the other hand, got remarkably drunk for the first time on champagne and threw up in a planter while Frank ran interference and sent me home with Felicia and their daughter, Jennifer.

She looks like a Barbie doll. I just don’t know what dad sees in her. She’s not like mom and doesn’t look like any of the other women he’s been involved with, or at least the ones I know about. Usually he prefers petite, dark haired women, often employees or maids and occasional family friends, which was the last straw for mom. Catching him with her best friend was the day she packed and left, ringing me at Dalton, during my first semester, to tell me what was going on.

Opening the fridge, I found a Coke and poured myself a glass chock full of ice and thought back to that tearful phone call she made to me.…

“It’s not like I don’t know about the others, Blainey. I mean, he was sleeping with Marikat for years before she turned up pregnant. And she was living in our house! Making our meals, for goodness sake. But, Daphne? C’mon!” mom wailed. “Why! Why the hell does he do this?!”

“I’m sorry, mom. I-I don’t know why. He just takes what he wants and it doesn’t matter if it hurts people that he’s supposed to love. I don’t know. I don’t why he’s like that.”

“No, no. I-I know, sweetie,” she took a deep breath, “Sorry, I just-There’s no one else I can talk to about this. I just need to get this off my chest.”

“Wh-what about Coop?”

She sighed harshly down the phone line. “He’s not picking up. I’ve left him a voice-mail telling him I’m flying out there tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?! But-What-? I want-”

“Shhh, sweetheart. I’ll come pick you up in the morning and we’ll go and have lunch. Just you and me, okay?”

“Okay, but-”

“And then I’ll go to the airport and take the weekend to think things through. Figure out what to do next…Dammit! I’ll need a new lawyer. Can’t use Frank…”

“B-but you’ll come back, right? You won’t leave me here?”

“I-I don’t want to leave you there, darling.”

I sniffed and screwed up my eyes at the unsaid ‘but’ that was hanging between us. But your father won’t let you go without a fight.

“Remember what I told you after you found out about Marikat being your biological mom?”

“Um…” I sniffled again as my voice wavered, not able to get the words out.

“I’ll always be there for you, Blaine. You’re my son as much as Cooper is and if you need me, I’ll always be there for you. I love you, sweetheart.”

“Love you too, mom.”

.…my reminiscing is interrupted by a loud clanging noise as one of the staff dropped an empty pot.

“Sorry, Mr Anderson.”

I waved my hand to let Carlos know that I wasn’t upset, just startled.

“D-do you need anything else, Mr Anderson? Carlos asked hesitantly.

“An escape route?” I half-joked as he shook his head. “I better get back. Oh hey Carlos, are we still on for our chess game tomorrow?”

“Of course, Mr Anderson.”

I chuckled at his continual use of the stupid title. “Man, you make me sound like my dad. I told you I hate it when you do that, Carlos.”

“Oh yes. I know…Mr Anderson,” he chirped with a grin.

I rolled my eyes but laughed anyway as I walked out of the kitchen.


“So, what are your plans for Thanksgiving, Jerry? It’s only a fortnight away,” Felicia asked as her husband dished out baby potatoes onto her plate.

“We,” my dad squeezed Lauren’s hand briefly where it was resting on the table, “were thinking of heading to Aspen this year.”

“Oh? Sounds lovely. Are you tagging along, Blaine?”

Dad nodded at the same time I said, “No”, making him set his knife and fork down very deliberately so as not to draw attention to his shock. Instead he simply raised an eyebrow at me in a silent question.

I took a deep breath. This was it. Now or never. Make or break time. Uh, I think I’m gonna be sick. “Cooper has asked that I spend time with him in LA.”

The table’s occupants seemed to collectively hold their breath, waiting for my father to respond. “You mean, with them.”

“Yes,” I wiped my mouth with my napkin and set it aside, preparing myself for a fight.


“He’s already sent me a return ticket.”




“Dad, you can’t-” I whined.

“Blaine. You’ll spend Thanksgiving with your family, wherever we may be.”

“But that’s just it! They are my family! They’re more my family that you are!” I exploded to a sharp intake of air from the people around me.

“Blaine! We’ll discuss this later,” he said sharply, shooting me a glare before smoothing his ruffled feathers and turning to his partner, “So, Frank. How’s your lovely daughter, Jennifer? We must get these two together one day. Perhaps Blaine could accompany Jennifer to the dance Felicia mentioned?”

I shoved my plate away, the cutlery flying sideways and clinking off my water glass. “I’m gay!” I shouted at my father as I shot to my feet. “It’s not that hard to remember is it?! I keep telling you but you’re not listening to me! I don’t want to go to a dance with a girl! I’m gay. I like boys, dad! Men!”

“It’s not hard to remember, son, especially when you dress like a Puerto Rican pride float,” he motioned to my red pants with an ugly sneer. “But as I’ve been telling you - this is a phase that you’ll look back on and laugh over. And you will do as I tell you to, which means taking Jennifer to this dance.”

I stood there shaking with rage, my fists clenched as I bit out, “You can’t make me!” before I stormed off to my room.

I slammed my bedroom door and threw myself on the bed, punching the pillow in a way it probably didn’t deserve before I could finally take a deep breath.

Okay, that was not my finest moment. I could have chosen better parting words that didn’t make me sound like a cranky five year old but he just…God, he just gets to me in a way where I want to punch him in the face. Not that I’d actually do that. I think. Now I just have to wait him out. Let him come to me and then we can get down to the nitty-gritty and really negotiate.


It must have been hours before dad finally knocked on my door, letting himself in and putting a plated sandwich and a glass of chocolate milk on my bedside table.

“I thought you might be hungry seeing as you skipped most of dinner,” he said quietly as he sat on the edge of my bed.

I huffed and rolled over to face the wall, listening to him sigh. Perfect.

“Y’know, the dance might be quite nice,” he started.

“I’m not going.”

“But you like Jennifer. You were as thick as thieves were you were little.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean that I like her. It’s not fair if she goes with me and misses out on a real opportunity to find someone that might want a date with her.”

“But it’s fair that she’ll miss out going at all because she has no one else to ask?”

“Da-ad,” I rolled back over to whine at his guilt trip.

“Take her, Blaine, and then we can discuss Thanksgiving.”

“No, let me go to LA and I’ll take her.”

He glanced away and nodded his head once, agreeing that I could go.

“Thank you.” I smiled, genuinely for once, at my dad.

“Coop’s going to be back here for a few days over Christmas to spend time with us before we go to Aspen. You couldn’t have waited?”

“Da-ad, I miss her. And she makes the best strudel for Thanksgiving.”

He patted me on the knee. “Yeah, I was always a sucker for her strudel too. Maybe you’re not so different from your old man, after all.”

Um. I beg to differ.

“But, son, you can’t rely on her to be your mom. Just like Marikat, Anne got what she was after, a ride on the Jerry Express and a nice fat paycheck, before leaving us to pick up the pieces.”

Ew. And besides both of them put up with you and your ‘express’ for years before I came along.

“Hmm, you have my jaw line and nose, you know. Not to mention you always find a way to get what you want. A veritable chip of the old block,” he said with pride as he ruffled my hair. “The dance is on Thursday night, so get your black suit out to take to Dalton and I’ll have my assistant order a corsage and a car to pick you up at seven.”

I nodded as he got up to leave. “Um, the flights that Coop booked mean I need to take a few days of school.” Well, it’s a week but he won’t even notice.

He stopped at the doorway and nodded in understanding. “Give Coop a hug for me when you see him.”

“Sure. ‘Night, dad.”

“Good night, Blaine.”

As the door clicked closed, I sat up and crossed my legs, hungrily reaching for the sandwich and drink. Chocolate milk? What? Does he think I’m still five? But you make Kurt hot chocolate most nights. Oh fuck off.

I grinned as I drank my milk. At least I got what I wanted. I get to see mom again soon.

‘You always find a way to get what you want. A veritable chip of the old block.’

My smile fell away as I realized that my father might have a point. But I don’t want to be like him. But you’re already taking advantage of people to get what you want. If Kurt ever found out what’s been happening, he’d be devastated. Look how Karofsky affected him and that was just a kiss. You’ve taken so much more than that.

I tried to finish off my sandwich as I thought about how Kurt might react but not being able to get past the thought of him crying, my own throat closing up at that. I don’t want him to cry because of me.

Stop. He just can’t find out.

He won’t.

Kurt’s Interlude


"So white boy, what’s going on with your fancy man, hmm?” Mercedes asked as she grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl.

Kurt sighed wistfully in the direction of the television. “I-I don’t know.”

“You don’t know or you don’t want to ask?”

“I don’t want to ask?” Kurt said as he scrunched up his nose, shrugging his shoulders as he reached for his knees coyly. “I mean, I don’t want to ruin this, ‘Cedes. He’s been such a good friend and I don’t want to lose that if I tell him how I feel and find out that he just…doesn’t want me like that.”

“You’ll never get what you want unless you put yourself out there, Kurt.”

“That’s easier said than done when you consider the last time I did that, my soon to be step-brother flipped out on me and caused a bigger scene than Rachel did when Mr Shue gave Tina a solo,” he smiled ruefully at his friend who just rolled her eyes at him.

“C’mon Kurt, you know that Finn just didn’t know what to do with all of your…panache. I bet he can’t even spell panache,” she muttered.

Kurt rolled his eyes and mumbled, “It’s not my ‘panache’ that I want Blaine to touch,” as he tilted his head playfully.

“Damn boy! I’m telling you, Kurt, you need to take a stand and tell him. It worked for me and my tots didn’t it?”

“Maybe I’m just confusing our friendship with romance…I blame the cozy atmosphere of the Lima Bean and its soft lighting. But I guess if he hasn’t made a move by now, he’s not going to, right?”

Mercedes sighed and hooked her arm through her friend’s. “Boys are…dumb and blind. If they weren’t, they’d be all over our fabulousness.”

“You do realize that I’m a boy, Mercy”

“I wasn’t referring to you, white boy,” she said with a grin and threw a handful of popcorn at him. “Look, just keep doing what you’re doing. If he wants you he’ll find a way of making it happen. Now, let’s put on He’s Just Not That Into You so we can drool over Bradley Cooper.”


Part Twenty>>

media: fanfic, klaine, first person pov, length: series, gkm fill, genre: smut, somnophilia, glee: sandman

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