The Sandman Cometh 18/40

Feb 24, 2013 15:48

Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Blaine/OMCs, Blaine/Kurt
Spoilers: Set from 2x06, canon by day, AU by night
Warnings: Non-con, Somnophilia, Drugs/Alcohol, Manipulation, Oral, Frottage, Toys

Additional warnings in this chapter: Multiple partners, rough sex, daddy kink and a dodgy cheesecake recipe (thanks to colfersexual350’s idea).

Summary: Blaine is impatient. He doesn’t want to wait for true love to strike before he can touch another boy or have someone touch him, so he finds a way to make it happen. Although there are others, he finds himself lured in by his new roommate at Dalton, Kurt.



Waking up to a foot jabbing me in the back was not on my list of things to do today but as there were four of us squashed into Jeff’s regulation size king single, I let it slide. At least top and tailing with Kurt, Nick and Jeff was somewhat better than sleeping on the floor, which I’m sure Flint will attest to later, as I spotted him curled around a desk leg. Still the movie marathon was fun, the popcorn catching battle epic and my blood was still buzzing at the memory of collecting the trophy yesterday.

Sliding out of bed and picking my way past the bodies splayed out across the floor, I glanced back to the bed one last time making sure that Kurt is still tucked up in between Jeff and Nick’s legs before I closed the door behind me and headed back to my room. Jumping in to take a quick shower and getting changed into some sweats, it wasn’t long before I headed over to the massive kitchen behind the Dining Hall to whip up a cheesecake to take to Kurt’s house tonight.

Greeting the kitchen hands that are starting to prep for breakfast, I headed for the cupboard where all the ingredients I’d bought the other morning on my bagel run were. Grabbing the tub of filling from the fridge that my favorite cook had stored for me along with two sachets of fruit coulis and the pre-made base, I set about grinding a couple of pills into a fine powder so they’d blend in with the raspberry coulis flawlessly and then I started to assemble everything.

Spreading a layer of cheesecake mix evenly over the base, I added a thick layer of peach coulis to one half while the spiked raspberry was drizzled over the other side. Topped by another layer of mix and a final flourish of each flavor sauce on the appropriate halves, I put the dessert back in the fridge to set.


“Hey Blaine, you coming to lunch with us?” Jeff asked as we walked out of Biology class.

“No. Kurt has some sort of emergency, so I’m just going to-”

Thad cut me off with a clap to my shoulder as he joined us in the hallway. “Lunch?”

“Nah, he needs to go check on Kurt,” Jeff piped up.

I flashed a grateful smile and split off to find my best friend only to hear Thad grumble, “Figures,” in my wake. Whatever.

A quick jog got me to the Junior Common Room, where Pavarotti spends most of his days now, and I found Kurt perched on the couch with the birdcage in front of him.

“Got your text. What’s wrong?”

“It’s Pavarotti. I think he’s sick. I’m t-taking good care of him but h-he won’t sing an-and he’s losing his feathers.

Crouching down to look more closely at Pav, I realized what was happening and I tried to put my friend at ease. “Oh. He’s just moulting. He’s growing a new coat of feathers so his body has to shut down a little.” I glanced back quickly to see his worry fade. “But don’t worry about it, he’s got food, water…he seems to like his cage. Just give it a little while, he’ll be singing again in no time,” I said with a nod and almost doing a double take as I caught a glimpse of his small smile. So cute…kiss him. No, he doesn’t want you awake!

Slightly more relaxed, Kurt nodded along but said nothing.

Well, this is getting awkward. “Don’t forget. Warblers practice at five,” I said leaning in unconsciously before I realized what I was doing and end up nudging his shoulder oddly instead. But…he licked his lips like he wanted me to. “Regionals here we come!” God, I’m a doofus…I just need to touch him though. I patted my hand against his kneecap and head out to surreptitiously bang my head against a distant doorway. Idiot!


“The chilli was excellent, Mrs Hummel.”

“Oh please, it’s Carole. And it wasn’t anything fancy, Blaine, but thank you for saying so. Would you like help to serve your dessert?”


I opened the box with the cheesecake as Carole laid a knife on the bench and fetched some plates.

“Peach for you?” I asked.

“None for me tonight, sweetie. I’m about to head off and work a double shift at the hospital but I’m sure those boys out there will appreciate whatever you give them.”

I nodded and carved out three large slices of peach and another of raspberry as Carole tidied up and went upstairs. Carrying out only two plates I offered the raspberry to Kurt. “I thought you might like something a little different.”

He bit his lip, hesitating and took the peach one instead. “Oh is that peach! Yum!”

Crap! “Um...” I glanced down at the plate of raspberry wondering what to do with it. Luckily, Finn took care of that for me, pulling the plate out of my hand with a, “Thanks, dude!”

“Don’t worry kid; I’m not fussy over flavors.”

Ok, that’s a relief. I don’t need you keeling over tonight.

Moving back to the kitchen and grumbling to myself, I plated up the last of the peach leaving three quarters of the raspberry left. Boxing it back up, I put it back in the refrigerator and headed back to the table.

“Mmm. This is delicious, Blaine!” Kurt moaned as I handed over Mr Hummel’s plate and sat down.

“Oh? Good.” Because you’re going to need to eat more later, baby. At least I won’t have to worry about Finn raiding the fridge later...he’ll already be in dreamland.


Watching TV with Kurt and his dad meant finding a channel that was playing NCIS: LA, which seemed to be the best compromise between action and something nice to look at (apparently Deeks is the right amount of frat boy/surfer dude that works for Kurt) while Finn retired to his room to hit up Puck on Xbox. I waited half an hour before I made my move, excusing myself to take a shower, and headed upstairs hoping that Finn would be dozy already.

Knocking on and then opening the door, I realized that the tall boy was still up and still playing online with his friend. Disappointed, I greeted him and made small talk trying to discern how close he was to crashing. After he informed me that he and Puck were, “crushing it”, I gathered up my things and headed for the bathroom.

I took my usual quick evening shower, concentrating on conditioning my hair and working through how I could get Kurt to eat the raspberry cheesecake or if I should just flag it and spike his evening drink as usual. Hoping his dad wouldn’t get in the way or interrupt me later; I finished up and got dressed into my PJs and dressing gown before going back to Finn’s room.

The door clicked behind me as the crack of gunfire and yelling burst from the TV; a quick glance at Kurt’s step-brother told me he was finally waning. Dropping my stuff on my bed, I sat down beside the beanbag that Finn was sprawled out on and again asked how he was doing.

He mumbled something nonsensical at me and I could hear someone, Puck I presume, yelling in his headset as Finn’s character died again onscreen.

“Sorry, man. ‘M just tired, I guess,” he muttered as the controller dropped to the floor. He nodded to himself and signed off. “Yup. Laters.”

“You okay? Need a hand?” I asked as I stood up, watching as he got tangled up in his headset. Moron.

“Muh,” he whined as he held out a large hand, wordlessly asking me to help him up.

“C’mon, big fella. Here we go.” Bracing myself, I pulled him to his feet and stumbled under his weight as he leaned on me. “Lie down, buddy,” I instructed as he flopped on his back, star fishing across his bed.

The noise of the game rattled on in the background in an endless rowdy loop as I moved away to drag the overflowing laundry basket in front the door to buy me more time if we were to be interrupted. Moving swiftly back to the bed, I bunched up Finn’s t-shirt around his armpits and got him to hold his arms up while I dragged it off him.

“Hey, Finn?”


“You’re dating Rachel, right?”

“Mm hmm. Shez pretty,” he said with a dopey smile, rubbing at his eyes.

“Does she like it when you go down on her?”


“Does she like it when you eat her pussy?”

“Duuuuude, she won’ lemme do that. Took me forever just to touch her titties,” he grumbled with a yawn.

Titties? I snickered to myself. “So you’re saying that you need some practice then?”


I checked his eyes were closed as I started to peel off my bed clothes quickly. “I’ve got something you can practice on.”

“You do?”

“Uh huh. Why don’t you try licking this first?” I suggested as I climbed over his body, angling my ass in his face as my soft dick dangled over his chin. Planting my hands by his hips, I lowered my hole down over his mouth. “Stick your tongue out, Finn.”

I could feel the wetness as his tongue brushed against my perineum. I wiggled forward a little to get in the right place. “Finn, I want you to grab her by the thighs and lick Rachel’s hole. You may as well get some practice in, right?”

He made a confused noise but stuck his tongue out again, tentatively swiping along the inside of my thigh and over my entrance. I whimpered and shimmied closer to his mouth. “There, Finn! Lick there. You need to get her wet, Finn. Get her wet and stick your tongue inside her. You want to taste her don’t you?”

“Obf corf Id doh.”

“Lick harder then,” I demanded and wiggled in place impatiently. I glued my lips together as his tongue started swiping in determined strokes along my crack. Need to be quiet. Don’t give anyone a reason to come in here. “Lick inside, Finn. Yeah! Do it again. Stick it all the way in! Uhhh.” I shuddered as he poked in further, the moist muscle pointing and flicking inside me.

“Ike at?”

“Uhhh, yeah...more! Fuck your tongue into her. Push it in hard. Harder. Really fuck her!” My cock was swelling fast as my balls dragged over his stubbly chin. “So good, Finn. Uh! Do that again....yeah,” I sighed as I pushed against his mouth trying to keep his swirling tongue inside my ass but it wasn’t long before he pulled back, tired, and went back to kitten licks over my entrance.

“Suck on your finger for me, okay?”


I held still as he slurped on a finger for a few seconds. “Now, you’re gonna ease it inside and finger her, okay?”


“G’on. Push it in,” I encouraged, trying not to get impatient but wanting to get as much out of Finn before he crashed. Push him harder. It’s not like he’s gonna remember this tomorrow. You could fuck him and blame it on the chilli and he’d be none the wiser. “She wants it, Finn. She wants your fingers inside her. Push it in...ahh, there you go. Good boy! Now, do it again. twist.”

My breath suddenly came in pants as he kept twisting his finger in and out, taking me by surprise as he licked around his encased finger. I could feel my pre-come dripping off me and no doubt dribbling down Finn’s neck. I lurched forward and hurriedly undid his jeans, eager to put my mouth on his cock. As I fished his half-hard dick out of his underwear, he gasped at my touch. “You’ve been such a good boy,” I mumbled as I wrapped my tongue around his shaft while his finger continued to work itself inside me.

The soft groans from behind me let me know that he loved the impromptu blowjob and I decided to get mine. “Open up, Finn, and suck.” I lifted my hips and blindly redirected my cock so it bumped against his lips insistently until he opened up and licked at my cockhead hesitantly.

A shiver ran though me at the feeling and I couldn’t help but praise him like the oversized puppy he was. “Oh, good boy. Suck harder, Finn, like this.” I cut myself off as I ducked back down to swallow down his meaty length. He followed my example and took more of me in, sucking harder and figuring out how to run his tongue along my shaft as well.

I knew my time was up when his hands fell away from my legs but I didn’t notice right away, concentrating instead of thrusting further into his mouth, giddy when I managed to push all the way in. Understanding suddenly at the lack of resistance and missing warmth of his hands, I let myself go and thrust into his slack gob until my insides clenched and come streamed down Finn’s throat. His wet dick fell from my mouth with a slap to his stomach as I caught my breath. Having gotten what I’d wanted, I saw no reason to continue and crawled off of Kurt’s step-brother and took a moment to clear my head and to re-zip his pants.

Yanking the comforter over him, I grabbed the lube from his hiding place and set about finishing off stretching myself out quickly even though I was still sensitive. More prep now, less time to be interrupted later.


I practically skipped into the dark kitchen to grab a drink of water when I busted Kurt’s dad at the counter with a loaded fork raised to his open mouth.

“Oh. Hey kid, ah...I didn’t see you there.”

My eyebrows shot up as I realized his fork was hovering over a half eaten slice of cheesecake. Uh oh!

“Don’t tell Kurt.”

“, of course not but-” I don’t want to have to call an ambulance because the sleeping pill is messing with your heart medication. Oh God, how much did you eat?!

“I wasn’t gonna eat the whole thing. Just a slice.”

“Um...?” What if I have to do CPR? How many breaths and compressions was it? And Kurt! Oh God, he’s gonna kill me if anything happens to his dad.

“We’ll leave the last little bit of peach for Carole when she gets home tomorrow afternoon, yeah?”


“Do you want some?”

I shook my head and moved to find a glass. “No thanks. I-I’m going to watch a movie with Kurt. I think we’re having popcorn later.”


“He’s eating cheesecake isn’t he?”

I did a double take as I sat down next to Kurt on the couch. “What?”

“He thinks I don’t know when he sneaks food,” he said, amused. “I always know,” he confided to me with a wink. “But I guess in the scheme of won’t kill him.”

I gulped as I swallowed down my water. It might this time. Please, please, please don’t let that happen. Please let him be okay! I-I’ll just have to keep a close eye on him. It’ll probably take longer to take effect ‘cos he’s bigger, like it did with Finn.

“So what movie should we watch?” Kurt asked all excited. “I’ve narrowed it down to a few: Victor Victoria, My Fair Lady, Gigi or De-Lovely.”

“Julie Andrews works for me,” I said with a shrug.

“Victor Victoria it is!” he said with a clap and jumped up to put in the DVD. “You know,” he said with a smirk, “I performed ‘Le Jazz Hot’ for New Directions during duet week. I was pretty fabulous, if I do say so myself.”

“How can you perform a duet with yourself?” I wondered aloud.

“That’s a story I’d rather not get into. Not my finest moment,” Mr Hummel declared as he wanders in and sits in his chair. “What are we watchin’? Oh, I know this one.”


It’s been thirty minutes since Kurt’s dad first yawned and now he’s doing it non-stop but at least he doesn’t look like he’s having a heart attack or something. So far, so good.

“I’m gonna head to bed. Don’t stay up too late, boys,” Mr Hummel mumbled through yet another yawn as he got to his feet and set off upstairs.

“Let’s pause this and make popcorn,” Kurt proposed, holding his hand out to pull me up off the couch.

“Sure but you could have another slice of cheesecake before Finn demolishes it later,” I suggested.

He wrinkled his nose and shrugged it off. “I’m in the mood for something salty.”

I chuckled as voices of my friends ricocheted through my head in a variation, ‘Oh, I’ve got your salty right here,’ while they grab their packages.


“Nothing,” I shook my head with a smile, nudging him towards the kitchen. “Popcorn it is. You’ve got soda, right?”

“Mmm but it’s diet though.”

Ten minutes later with a large bowl of popcorn and drinks in place, Kurt hit the play button and we were transported right back to 1930s Paris. After finishing off my drink, I surreptitiously set my phone buzzing and pretended to take the call, claiming it was my brother.

“Do you want me to pause the movie?” Kurt whispered as I held my phone to my ear.

“Hang on, Cooper,” I said into the phone before shaking my head at my best friend. “I don’t know how long I’ll be. He’s having some crisis over a big audition. I’m just going to take this upstairs so you keep watching.”

I made my way upstairs with my phone in my hand to make sure Mr Hummel was still breathing. Noticing the bathroom light was on; I headed there first but found it empty. Closing the door on the still lit room, just in case Kurt came looking for me, I moved along to Mr Hummel’s bedroom.

Knocking softly, I waited a moment before opening the door and was flabbergasted to see him still awake, even if it was in the broadest of terms; Kurt’s dad was sitting slumped on the edge of the bed in his boxers and socks, clumsily fondling his unmistakably hard cock through his underwear. I cleared my throat, startling him, and asked if he was okay while closing the door behind me. I just need to know if he’s gonna be all right.

He looked back down at his hand grasping his erection. “I-I haven’t had one of these in a while,” he mumbled, grabbing at it and shaking his dick like it wasn’t real.

“Oh? Why not?”

He shrugged while still staring at his groin. “Medication’s been messing with things.”

Uh oh. Is this bad? This could be really bad…shit! “So...uh, what are you going to do? Can you…are you allowed to…” and this is awkward! “…is it bad for your heart? Y’know, if you uh, orgasm?”

“Nah, Doc gave me the all clear but nuthin’ been working properly since then so…can’t waste it, right? But Carole’s not here,” he said with a pout as he looked up at me forlornly.

“You wanna fuck, don’t you?”

Mr Hummel nodded aimlessly.

“You could...just jerk off. Right here, right now.”

Kurt’s father considered this for a second before pulling his fat cock through the hole in his shorts. A couple of hesitant strokes later and his hand sped up, mouth dropping open with a grunt.

Watching him pump his dick, my own was on the rise even though my conscience was waging a war with itself. He’s your best friend’s father for fucks sake. It’d be wrong, so wrong...stop, just stop thinking about it! …but you are prepped. Just need a top-up of lube and a condom and you could have him all over you in no time flat. I took a deep breath and considered my options. I bet he’d fuck you like a jackhammer.

I shot him a wild look and slid out of the room, racing back to Finn’s to frantically rummage through my toiletries for my lube and a condom before rushing back to Mr Hummel.

He was exactly as I‘d left him, so I simply tossed the items on the bed and dropped to my knees in front of him, catching the head of his dick in my mouth and sucked on it ferociously. He let out a satisfied groan as he continued to stroke his cock into my mouth while I swirled my tongue and soon a hand was on the back of my head pushing me to take in more. I dropped my jaw open as wide as I could and let him thrust in freely until I choked.

Pulling away, I stripped out of my pajamas in a flash and grabbed the supplies. I made quick work of getting the condom on the confused man, lubing us both up in the process, and pulled him to his feet.

I knelt on the edge of the bed, presenting my ass for the taking but a few seconds later when there was nothing happening, I twisted around to find Kurt’s dad standing there looking bewildered while still sliding his hand along his dick. I waggled my ass at him. “C’mon…come and fuck my tight little ass,” I begged as I dropped my head to the mattress and moved my hands to pull apart my bum cheeks. “Fuck me. I need that dick right here…” I moaned as I slid a couple of fingers into my hole. C’mon c’mon c’mon.

I sighed with relief as a large hand pulled my wet fingers away and slapped hard across a bare cheek. I flinched at the impact but pushed my butt back out at him and demanded more. Another hard smack came seconds later followed by the feeling of being breached as Mr Hummel’s cock pressed against my entrance.

“Uh, yeah!” I cried out as he pushed in without pause, his hands gripping my hips tight. I shivered as he bottomed out and shoved me forwards onto the bed then lay over top of me.

“Mmm, being so good for Daddy.”

Huh? But I didn’t have time to think any more of it as he started thrusting in feverishly, working his thick cock in and out of me, making me clench down hard as I gripped the bedspread tightly and hung on for the ride.

“That’s right…you let Daddy in, baby. Let me fuck you good.”

Snorting derisively, I tried to hold back my laughter but stopped the instant Kurt’s dad put all his weight behind his hands and pressed down on my shoulders, making me struggle for air as he stepped up his pace and pounded into me.

“Who do you think you are, huh? Laughin’ at me even though you’re fuckin’ beggin’ for it!”

I yelped as he grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked my head back, his other arm wrapping around my chest tight as he fucked in with sharp deep jabs that made me gasp with each one.

“Look at you. You’d fuck anyone wouldn’t you? So goddamn desperate for dick…well, here it is baby, so fuckin’ take it!” he growled as his hips started to roll wildly. A handful of shallow thrusts later and he buried himself deep within me with a grunt before flopping down on my back heavily and breathing hard against my ear. I waited for a minute to see what would happen next but groaned as I realized his breathing had turned into snoring. Shit….I’m trapped.

I wiggled beneath Mr Hummel’s sleeping body still wrapped tight around me and realized something else vitally important. I didn’t get to come. Ugh! A few fruitless seconds of squirming against the bedspread only frustrated me more as my hard-on dragged over the covers. Deciding on a new strategy, I gave a mighty heave and managed to get Kurt’s dad to slide off to the side allowing me to finally escape.

I cleaned up and rolled a boxer clad Mr Hummel under the covers, got dressed and went to drop my supplies back in Finn’s room. My erection twitched as I stopped by Finn’s bed but decided instead to switch off his TV and head straight back downstairs rather than try anything more with the quarterback, preferring to spend more time with Kurt.

“Sorry, sorry Kurt. That took longer than I thought,” I apologised re-taking my seat on the couch as he smiled warmly at me and paused the movie.

“Is everything okay with your brother?”

“Yeah, he’s just being a drama queen. Where are we up to?”

“Oh, we’re just getting to the good bit.”

“Perfect,” I said happily, getting settled on the couch as the movie restarted, content to get lost in the rest of the story for the next hour. Once the movie was finished we stayed up late talking endlessly about films, music, song choices for the Warblers and gossiping about our friends.

“I should show through the photos from last year. You won’t believe how amazing Quinn looked even at nine months at Regionals. I’ll get them from my room.”

“Why don’t I make us my famous hot chocolate while you lock up and get changed and I’ll meet you in your room?”

Kurt bit his lip shyly but nodded and switched off the TV.


The scrapbook slipped off Kurt’s knee as he yawned once more.

“Oops, we better put this over here so it doesn’t get damaged by my silly little sleepyhead.”

Kurt giggled. “’M not your sleepyhead.”

“Yes you are,” I chuckled as I kissed his cheek. “Time to take your pajamas off, baby.”


“Kurt, where’s your lube?”

“Under here,” Kurt whooshed out as he dangled over the side of his bed and pulled a shoebox out. “See!” he laughed triumphantly holding up a tube of KY before handing it over to me.

“Thank you. Now, take your pants off and show me how you use your fingers, okay baby?”

“Are you gonna watch me?”

“Mm hmm,” I hummed as I removed my bed clothes as well.

“You have such a pretty body, Blaine,” Kurt sighed as he lay down and started pulling at his swelling dick.

“I do?” I smiled as he nodded enthusiastically. “I always thought I was too skinny but you, Kurt…you’re just perfect. Hey, no. Look at me,” I insisted as he shook his head and whined. “Kurt, you are the sweetest,” I dropped a kiss to his knee as I crawled onto his bed, “kindest,” kissing his the palm of his free hand, “most gorgeous boy,” kissing his neck, “who has the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen,” with the last kiss planted softly to his lips.

His hooded eyelids fluttered shut as we kissed again, our tongues tracing the other, as I opened the lid on the lube.

“Give me your hand,” I requested and squirted some lube on his offered fingertips. “Open yourself up, baby. Show me your pretty little hole.”

“Bl-aine,” he whined and blushed even as his hand moved between his spread legs. I shifted to sit between them and stroked his thighs while his fingers brushed back and forth over his entrance. Sensing his hesitance, I reached for his swollen cock and stroked him steadily. He gasped and pushed in a finger, letting it slide back and forth as he watched hypnotized while I pumped his dick.

When he added his second finger I bent down and licked a wide stripe from his balls to the tip of his cock which drew a loud moan from my best friend. Grinning while still wanking him, I teased under the sensitive ridge with my tongue before holding the head between my lips and sucking lightly as my tongue flicked his slit rapidly. Kurt bucked underneath me with a shout, both hands immediately grabbed handfuls of my hair. I sucked harder and swirled my tongue constantly, happy to see him give himself over to pleasure as he thrashed underneath my mouth.

Pulling off, I eased two of my own fingers inside his ass and laid kisses along his hip. “You can make noise, baby. No one’s going to hear you tonight,” I said smugly as my fingers twisted inside him, making him arch off the mattress and further onto my hand. “God, so beautiful, Kurt. It’s a wonder that I can keep my hands off you during the day…fuck.”

Kurt moaned wildly as his head tossed from side to side as he fucked himself on my fingers. “Uhhh…Bl-Blay-Blaine!” he yelled as he clenched down on me preparing to come.

I slid my fingers out swiftly and pulled his legs up over my thighs as he protested at being denied release. “Uh uh, not yet, baby,” I scolded. Crawling closer, I grabbed both of our dicks and squeezed them in my fist, jerking them together.

The wet sounding whimpers coming from Kurt as he watched our cocks slide against one another pushed me closer to the edge. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his face, the amazed but lustful look he was wearing and the way his pink tongue kept darting out to wet his parted lips as he panted.

Arching into my touch, Kurt started moaning again then panting out my name over and over as his head dropped back on the pillow and a hand pulled at one of his nipples. A watery gurgle that sound a lot like, “Blay!” preceded the pulsing of his dick and streaks of come erupted across his torso. Kurt shuddered through his release as I kept pumping our cocks together eager to join him on the other side of heaven.

As his body relaxed against the mattress, I let his dick go and heaved forward to rub mine along his soft belly, streaking my shaft as I rutted through his come. I dropped my head to his sternum as I humped against his warm wet skin, groaning as my orgasm exploded through me and added to the sticky mess between us.

I lay there breathless until I had the energy to grab some tissues and wipe us down before climbing under the covers with my nude roommate. Utterly satisfied as I spooned Kurt, I shut my eyes and drifted off immediately.


I woke up shivering under a sheet, the room still lit but the covers missing along with Kurt. What the hell?!

Sitting up in bed, scratching my head, I glanced around for anything obvious but failing to spot anything out of the ordinary, I leaned over the bed and breathed a sigh of relief. “There you are! You gave me a heart attack, baby,” I grumbled as I crawled off the bed and knelt beside Kurt, who had clearly tumbled out of bed tangled in the bedspread. “I hope you didn’t hurt yourself.”

Extricating Kurt from the duvet was fairly simple but left him in a slightly twisted heap face down on the floor. Standing up, I hooked my arms under his armpits and around his chest to haul him up. Draping him across the bedside to catch my breath, I groaned as I appreciated our positioning. Kurt laid out face down, bent over the bed with his bare ass pressed against my equally naked groin. Taking a breath, I hefted him up higher on the bed to tip his ass up and nudged his legs apart so they were spread wide.

I took a step back and admired the view of my friend’s body laid out and waiting for me. Tugging at my swelling dick, I moved to find the tube of Kurt’s lube from earlier and upon finding it, slicked up my length and spread a little more along the crease of my roommate’s bum. Still able to worm a finger inside Kurt easily, I pumped in a couple of times before settling for teasing the rim and stretching it wide. My cock traveled the length of his crack several times before pausing at his entrance and nudging against it.

The tight ring of flesh was stretched taut around the very tip of my flushed cockhead. My hand shook as I pulled a cheek to the side. It would be so easy. Why is he any more special than any of the others? I tried to ease forward but the puckered entrance resisted.

Because it would hurt him and he would figure out that you’d done something to him, even if that awareness was only when drugged. You’re going slow because he remembers the stuff you do together, he weaves a fantasy around it and if you hurt him now he won’t want to do it anymore. At least not willingly. And you don’t want him to be afraid of you when you try for more, do you?

I huffed a breath in resignation. No, I want him to be lucid. I like it. I like him. I want him. I want him to want me and not be afraid of me.

Frustrated, I pulled my cock away from his hole, laying it along his crack and holding it down with my thumbs. I thrust against him forcefully, my aggression taken out and shoved across his soft skin until the come boiled out of me and spewed over his back.

After tidying up, tucking Kurt in and redressing, I headed downstairs, threw out the last slice of raspberry cheesecake and then jumped into the spare bed in Finn’s room still annoyed at myself for wanting lucidity and at Kurt for being different from all the rest. I jammed the pillow under my head and rolled to face the wall with a scowl on my face that faded only when sleep finally came.


I woke up to a screeching ringtone from the other side of the room as Finn fumbled and answered the call, which was apparently from Rachel. I didn’t bother rolling over as he carried on a hushed conversation until after he agreed to pick her up shortly to go shopping for sheet music.

“Morning,” I mumbled as I rubbed my tired eyes.

“Oh hey. Sorry, I forgot to turn it on silent. My bad.”

“S’okay. What time is it?”

“Uh, like nine thirty. You guys must’ve stayed up late for Kurt to sleep this long. Normally he’s up really early.”

“Nine thirty?!” God, how long have I been sleeping?

“Yeah. Hey, Burt’s gone to work and I’m gonna go out with Rachel but, um…you can look after yourself right? Until Kurt’s up, I mean.”

“Sure. When does your mom get home?”

“Um, around one probably.”

“Okay. Have a good time,” I mumbled and dropped back onto my pillow.

“Later, Blaine.”

I wait until I’m sure Finn has driven away and fling back the covers, stumbling straight into Kurt’s room, shutting the door and flicking on the television to a random channel then climbing into bed to snuggle with my friend.

As I wriggle around to get comfortable as the little spoon, he moves with me and grunts softly. Finally able to smile again, I pull his arm over me and hold his hand against my chest, letting my eyelids droop until I fall back to sleep.


Drifting awake later to the sensation of Kurt rubbing his erection along my lower back, has me arching my ass against him as I snuffle into the pillow trying not to startle him. The tiny whimpers he’s making as he thrusts lazily make my stomach flip but then I can feel the second he’s properly awake as his body tenses up and he stops, his arm easing away from me before he’s rolling away and climbing off the bed to bolt out the door like lightning.

Suddenly alone, I yawn, blinking to clear my eyes and focus on the TV, wondering what he’s going to say about me being in his bed.

Ten minutes later and he’s back as I’m watching cartoons, climbing up on the bed and resting his back against the wall, watching along wordlessly with his legs crossed.

“Morning,” I twisted back to get a look at him, watching the flush on his cheeks deepen as my body bumps against his knees.

“Hi,” Kurt murmured, sucking in his bottom lip and avoiding my gaze.

I turned back to the cartoon and smiled at his shyness. “I-I hope you don’t mind. Finn woke me up as he left this morning, so I came in here to wait for you to wake up but I must’ve fallen back to sleep.”

“I-It’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I’m just not used to boys wanting to share a bed with me.”

“But we shared the other night with Jeff and Nick.”

“I don’t think that counts, Blaine. It was more out of necessity because there was no way I was going to sleep on the floor. Besides there wasn’t any cuddling involved unless you count Nick tucking his foot into my armpit.”

I chuckled.  “Um, no. That doesn’t count.”


“So, what are we going to do today? I don’t have to be home until four.”

“There’s a showing down at the revival theater of Breakfast at Tiffany’s if you’re interested.”

“Sounds perfect.”


Part Nineteen>>

media: fanfic, klaine, first person pov, nc-17, length: series, gkm fill, genre: smut, somnophilia, glee: sandman

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