The Sandman Cometh 17/40

Feb 15, 2013 20:44



I woke up sweaty and sticking to my sheets in the weak morning light but as I laid there I realized that’s not the reason I’m awake. It was, in fact, the quiet but rhythmic noise of bed springs moving that had my attention. Blinking, I rolled onto my side to see what was happening in the bed next to mine.


In the dimmest of light, I could see him face down in his bed, the top sheet askew again, humping against the mattress like he’s fucking it. Unf. That could be me. I slipped my sheet off and slinked across the room to sit on the edge of his bed, watching as he started grinding into the mattress.

Kurt’s head moved so he wasn’t muffled by the pillow any longer, letting me see his mouth open in mid-pant as he kept circling his hips, the blush heavy on his face in the muggy heat of our room. Tiny whimpers started up as he began pulling his hips back and thrusting down again, faster this time and I had to touch myself, rubbing my cock through my shorts.

In no time, Kurt made a frustrated noise and huffed a breath through his nose which I took as my cue to help him out. I eased a hand underneath him but he quickly slammed into it, jamming his cock awkwardly against my fingers and making his hips stutter. Taking the opportunity, I pushed against his left hip to encourage him to turn over, which he did reluctantly.

It’s okay, baby, I’ll give you something you’ll like. As soon as he was on his back, my hands were on him, squeezing and rubbing his dick, watching as the wet spot on his white briefs got bigger. Pulling down the underwear a little bit had the wet swollen head of his cock peeking out and I leaned over to lap at it. His soft whimpering started up again and I took it as a sign to continue, pulling the material down further and letting the dick swing freely towards my waiting mouth.

Immediately Kurt thrust between my lips, eager to feel the moist suction I’m providing, so I let his underwear go, braced my hands on the bed either side of him and let him go to town, fucking up into my mouth and only moving back if he tried to get too deep. The resulting low moan from Kurt had my pre-come dribbling and daubing onto the cotton of my loose boxers. Eager to taste him, I sucked harder and several frantic thrusts later I was rewarded with the sensation of his warm cream sliding down my throat.

Kurt’s body slumped onto the bed as his breathing deepened and evened out. My cock screamed for touch and, although I knew that having him suck me right now was impossible, I could still stake my claim on him. Reaching through the hole in my boxers I pulled out my swollen dick, flushed and ready for release.

Moving to kneel next to him, I tugged at my shaft hard and fast over his still exposed and slowly softening dick. His hand slide up to splay across his breastbone. My balls tighten while my eyes close and my hot come splattered across his cock messily. With my ass clenching wildly, I milked out as much of my release as possible and then took the time to wipe my sated cockhead over his. There. A present for you, beautiful.

Fixing his briefs back into place, I could see my come soaking through the material and it gave me goose bumps as I climbed off the bed and headed for the shower, ready to start my day. Maybe I’ll go out and grab us some coffee and bagels this morning...yeah. I think he’s deserves a mocha this morning.


“Bad news, Kurt,” I turned to him with the note that was left on our door in my hand. “It turns out that Maintenance couldn’t fix our thermostat today and they’ve had to order in a part...”

“So that means another night in sweltering heat?!” he whined. “Ugh. I had to skip most of my skincare routine last night as it was just going to sweat off,” he grumbled, pushing open the door to our room and grimacing at the temperature. “And here I thought I could have a nice relaxing hot shower after dancing in formation for the last couple of hours but no…” he trailed off grumping to himself as he dumped his bag over the back of the desk chair.

“Why don’t you shower first and I’ll go find us some cold sodas? I might be able to dig up some Popsicles. I’m pretty sure I know where the lunch ladies hide them,” I admitted.

Flushed already, Kurt looked at me gratefully. “I’ll give you my firstborn if you come back with a diet Coke and a cherry Popsicle.”

“Deal,” I said laughing, heading back out in the much cooler hallway.


When the bathroom door finally cracked open and Kurt emerged in loose pajama pants and a thin undershirt, I had a glass full of ice cubes and diet coke waiting for him.

“Oh Blaine, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you.”

I smiled and looked away as he swallowed several gulps of the cold drink at once. “The Popsicles are in the ice bucket with the Coke,” I waved over to the small silver tub on my bedside table. "But don’t you dare drink it all, Kurt. I want some too,” I added with a chuckle as I wandered into the bathroom. Turning to shut the door, I could see my roommate eyeing the half empty can of diet Coke along with a second unopened can for myself. “I’m serious, Kurt. Please save me the other can.”

He rolled his eyes at me. “Okay, okay. Go shower, Blaine.”

I closed the door and jumped into a lukewarm shower, washing my hair as usual and generally cooling off. I had no idea how just half a tablet would affect my friend. Going off past experiences, it seemed to be different for everyone and it had always seemed safer to wait until my roommates were asleep before starting anything but Kurt was already different from everyone else.

The fact that he even remembered anything from our previous encounters while he was under the influence was completely new to me but once I’d gotten past the shock, I found it extremely arousing knowing that he liked what we were doing and that he’d thought about being sexual like that on his own, not that he’d admit it while he was awake and sober but still, like this? Well, it was enough for me.

Putting thoughts of Kurt out of my mind for the time being, I finished up and dried off. I’ll go out there in my towel, eat my ice block and wait until Kurt falls asleep.

Pushing the bathroom window wide open again, opening the door and shutting off the light, I headed to my bed with the towel cinched in tight around my waist. A choking sound had me looking over at Kurt with surprise but he was steadfastly looking at the wall drinking the last of his diet Coke.

I noticed the empty can and the scrunched up Popsicle wrapper on the table. “Wow, finished already?”

“Um…it was delicious?” he said with a self deprecating laugh. “Seriously, thank you. You’re too good to me, Blaine. But are you planning to put on some clothes at all because that,” he motioned at my towel, “could get a little breezy.”

“Oh. Uh, yeah,” I nodded. “But later. First I need something to cool off with…” I added with a wink and ripped the can’s tab open, tipping it up so he could get a good look at my body as I downed the drink quickly.  Dropping the empty can back on the table, I burped as discreetly as possible while excusing myself and scooped up my orange Popsicle. Tearing off the wrapper, I flopped onto my bed and laid back to enjoy the icy treat.

Noticing Kurt staring at me, I asked him, “Everything okay?”

“Huh? Oh. Uh, yeah. I guess.” he mumbled distractedly.

Reaching over, I flicked on my lamp and asked Kurt to turn off the main lights as I turned on our small TV with the remote and changed channels until I found a Real Housewives of...somewhere playing, which I knew would keep Kurt happy.

Sure enough, Kurt laid himself out on top of his covers, lying on his side, head propped up with a hand, half watching TV and half watching me. I pretended not to notice but I made sure to lick and suck my Popsicle absentmindedly but in a sensual way until his fidgeting started in earnest.

“You know, you can take off your shirt or just sleep in your boxers or whatever. I won’t mind, Kurt, and I won’t look either if that’s what’s bothering you.”

“Um…it sounds silly but I’ve just never been comfortable taking off my clothes around other people before.”

“It’s not silly, Kurt. But it’s hot in here and I just want you to be comfortable - so you do what you need to, okay?” Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him toying with the hem of his t-shirt.

“You promise you won’t look?”

“I won’t look. Not unless you want me to.”

The sound of his shirt being shed was like catnip but I kept my eyes on the television and nibbled slowly at my Popsicle for a few more minutes.

“God, it’s so hot in here,” Kurt groaned as he pulled at his pant legs to stop them sticking to his skin. “Blaine? Don’t…don’t look, alright?”


His pants were shucked off quickly, leaving him in dark gray box boxer briefs which I only caught a glimpse of in my peripheral vision. “This feels weird,” he grumbled. “I haven’t been this undressed in front of another guy since my first year at middle school.”

I frowned. “But you did gym at McKinley, right?”

“Yeah, but I always changed in a stall or somewhere else because the jocks hated the idea that I might sneak a peek at their junk or something.”

“Oh. Yeah. Sorry, I forgot about those guys. But you don’t have to worry about them now. You’re safe here and no one is going to give you a hard time in the locker room or make fun of your body or anything like that. Not that there’s anything funny about your body, Kurt. I mean…uh, you are-”

“You’re dribbling.”

“What?” I said aghast, head whipping over to look at him automatically.

“Your Popsicle. It’s melting all over your hand,” he said with a wry smile before looking away suddenly self-conscious.

“Oh!” I pulled my gaze back to my hand and wrist now covered in orange flavoring. I licked along my skin, slurping up as many of the sticky rivulets as possible and concentrated on sucking the last remnants of ice off the stick. My gaze wandered back to Kurt as I mouthed around the last chunk of Popsicle and I realized he was staring at me intently. I barely had time to lick the stick clean of flavoring before he was rolling off his bed and stalking over to mine.

As I dropped the stick on the table, he was climbing onto my bed and crawling over my body, eyes piercing mine with intent.

“What-?” I tried to ask, confused.

“Shh. Wanna see what you taste like. D’ya taste like last time or d’ya taste like orange?”

“Last time?”

“Yeah, ‘member? You-you kissed me an’ showed me…” he swallowed and knocked his forehead against mine, making him look at me slightly cross-eyed before dropping his voice to a loud whisper, “You showed me your cock.”

I smiled gleefully and bit my lip. “I did?”

“Mm hmm. We were like this…” he pulled down his underwear, his hard cock flopping out as he yanked the material down and tipped himself over trying to pull them past his knees and off his feet. Once they were dropped over the edge of the bed, he set to work on my towel, pulling it open with a clumsy tug and flicking the other side away to leave me just as bare. “See? Like that.”

“Okay, but wasn’t I hard last time, Kurt?” I smiled as he nodded with a heavy head. “What can you do to get me hard, baby?”

He pulled himself back onto all fours, crawled back over to straddle me and bent down, his nose bumping mine as he lined himself up to kiss me with a half open mouth. I let him lead and quickly he was sucking on my tongue, moaning throatily while he rocked his hips down against me. Of course my cock sprung to attention, ready for action, immediately while I simply laid there and enjoyed his attention for once.

Kurt’s mouth left mine as he kissed clumsily down to my neck giving me time to think about what I’d asked him to do last weekend. “Kurt? Did you do what I asked you to?”

“Mmm?” he queried with a hum as he mouthed along my collarbone.

“Did you finger yourself while you were at home, beautiful?”

“Yeah,” he breathed against my sweaty skin.

Holy shit, that’s so fucking hot. “Did you think about me while you did it?”

“Yeah. Shoulda been your fingers though,” he said with a pout.

Oh, they can be! “Did you make yourself come with your fingers, Kurt? Did you?”

Kurt buried his face in my neck and nodded.

“Don’t be shy, baby, you’re so sexy. Tell me how you did it.”

“C-can’t,” he shook his head, face heavy with rosy cheeks.

I chuckled and kissed him swiftly, my hands reaching down to grab at his bare bum.

“Hmm, did you touch your dick, baby? Yes? Okay, good. Let’s see…did you…suck on your finger or do you have lube at home?”

“L-lube,” Kurt whispered into my ear as his nose brushed against my cheek.

“How many fingers did you use, beautiful? One?”

“To s-start but it felt really good an’ you were telling me to go deeper an’ I pushed another one in ‘til I came,” he rushed out.

“So two fingers?” I asked as he nodded, still bashful. “You fucked two fingers inside yourself pretending they were me, didn’t you Kurt?”


“Mmm?” I hummed, distracted at the vision in my head of Kurt doing exactly that. He remembered! He remembered what I asked him to do. He wanted to do it. He wanted to pretend it was me. My cock. God, that’s so …what else can I get him to do?

“T-touch me there?”

Oh. Hell yes. “Here?” I rubbed my dry fingertips against his entrance.

“Yeah,” he sighed again, his head dropping into the crook of my neck as I circled around his hole, varying the pressure as I teased his rim.

I brought my fingers up to my mouth and sucked on a couple so I could get inside him easily. Dragging my hand back down his body, I pulled a cheek away with my dry hand which made him flinch. “What?” I asked, concerned.

“Just sore there,” Kurt mumbled.

As I ran my dry hand back down the inside of his ass cheek again, I pressed harder and he jolted again.

“Ow,” he said with a pout.

“Sorry, I don’t know…” Oh! The love bite. “Um, were you sore today because of the bruise?”

“Not really. Itsa bruise?”

“Mm hmm. It means that you’re mine, beautiful,” I murmured as I leaned in to kiss him while easing a wet fingertip inside him, wiggling it so he could feel me. “More? Do you want me inside you, baby?”

“You gonna come inside me?” he mumbled.

Oh God, I wish. “Just my fingers.” For now. “You want it deeper?”

“Uh huh.”

I twisted the finger in further; tunneling in as far as I could before pulling back and pushing forward once more. Kurt started to rock on top of me again and in turn, I sped up and increased the heft of my thrust into him. As he started to moan and bite lazily at my neck, I added the second finger. “Fuck. Feel me inside you, Kurt? You’re gonna be so tight around my dick. Goddamn.”

He cried out pitifully, mouth pressed against my skin while his hips lost their rhythm and the spreading warmth of his come spilled between us.

“You’re so beautiful, Kurt. So fucking beautiful,” I mumbled as his breathing evened out and he slipped off to sleep while I stroked his damp hair.

I wish I could get him to fuck me like this. Making me lie back and take it. I bit my lip and wondered why he’d gotten so assertive tonight. Maybe that’s how he’d naturally be in bed? Maybe a full dose dampens his fervor? But he was still so shy about other stuff...the talking. Huh, he’s a super sweet sexy little minx…and I kinda like it.

Letting myself relax under his weight, I thrust up against his body lazily, putting off the inevitable orgasm as long as possible. The heat was sapping my resolve to do anything else tonight so I rutted against him for a long while until finally I came with a loud groan of his name.

After cleaning us up, I carried him back to his own bed and pulled his boxer briefs back on before, once again, falling asleep alone.


It’s happening again, I realized, as my eyes blinked open in the dawn light. Kurt’s having another wet dream. Rousing myself out of bed, I headed over to his bed where he’d managed to push a pillow down and was frotting against it maddeningly fast. Taking the pillow away slowly, I pulled at his ankle with one hand and pushed his hip with the other, succeeding in getting him on his back again.

The huge wet spot on his underwear indicated that he must have been this close to coming. I chuckled quietly at how he was clearly not giving up as his hips continued to jerk upwards aimlessly. Easing down the dark gray material I took him into my mouth but this time, it was quick as he pumped his cock fast and dirty into me, unloading on my tongue in no time flat as he gasped for breath and flung an arm out wide.

I barely took a breath myself before my dick was out and I started to jerk off over him just like I did yesterday. It took longer for me this morning, as I was barely awake, but my cock soon unleashed a huge pool of come all over his softened dick. After rolling his underwear back up, I smeared my come into the material by giving his cock a few parting squeezes and feeling satisfied at the wetness on my fingertips.

Yawning, I stumbled off to the shower with the intent of digging out my books to catch up on some study in the library.


“Guess whose room is back to a normal temperature?” Kurt practically sung at me as the librarian frowned in his direction.

“Ooh, really?”

“Uh huh. I had to go back after lunch and there was a note left stuck to the door saying that everything was back to normal, which is perfect because it gives me a night to prepare my skin for the stage tomorrow.”

I chuckled. “Kurt, you’ll look fine on that stage tomorrow regardless of whether you moisturize or not.”

“But I don’t want to look fine, Blaine. I need to be amazing. We need to win. Finals in New York is where I need to be, Blaine, and I will not accept defeat. Not today. Not tomorrow. C’mon, we’ll be late for our last practice.”


“I can’t believe Wes let us go after only two run-throughs. It was really nice to have dinner with everyone else for a change,” I smiled, holding open our door for Kurt.

“It makes sense. He doesn’t want any of us, and you in particular Blaine, to strain our voices before tomorrow. Do you want to shower first? I’m going to need a while in there tonight to finish off a full regimen.”

“Sure. It’ll help clear my head so I can get to work on my Biology homework later.”


Hearing the water turn off in the bathroom, I put my laptop aside, pulled open the cupboard and retrieved a few key items so I could hide them in my pillowcase. That way they’ll be in easy reach for later.

After getting everything set and sliding my feet into a pair of slippers, I set out to grab our usual evening drinks. On the way back I swung by David’s room to double check our departure time in the morning and then headed back to give Kurt his half dosed hot chocolate.

By the time I was walking back into our room and locking the door, Kurt was already dressed in his pajamas and fussing with his hair.

“For you,” I handed off his mug and took mine back to my bed.

“Oh. Uh, thanks. You didn’t have to-”

“Stop, Kurt. You know I don’t mind in the least. Now, I need to get back to biology,” I sighed, slouched against my cushioned headboard and dragged my textbook back onto my lap.

As I got lost in the intricacies of mitosis, Kurt sipped his drink while reorganizing his closet, stopping more often than not to laugh at an incoming text on his phone. At every one of his chuckles, my own smile grew until I couldn’t concentrate on my studies anymore and switched over to the laptop to flick through Facebook and waste some time until Kurt was ready for me.

Another twenty minutes passed and Kurt seemed to be gripping the dresser pretty tightly in an effort to stay upright. I needed him to come to me again, so I clicked on a new tab and loaded up a video of two boys fucking on a big white bed. Turning the volume down to low, I called Kurt over to have a look.

“Hey, this guy sort of looks like you. See?” I said, turning the laptop to where he’d sat on the edge of my bed so he could watch the guy taking cock moan for the camera.
He blinked at the screen, wide eyed, as his mouth dropped open in shock. “B-Blaine?! Why would you show me that?” he asked sounding mildly alarmed as he got up, stumbling slightly.

I caught his wrist and held on gently. “Kurt, there’s no need to be embarrassed. He just reminded me of you. See? Look how his mouth is hanging open and his eyes sort of flutter as he’s getting fucked?” Kinda like yours is now, actually.

He tugged his arm away and staggered back to his bed to sit down. I moved the screen back to watch some more but turned up the volume so Kurt could hear them grunt, curse and pant as they went to town on each other. Forgetting for a moment that Kurt was there, I watched intently as the other guy started slamming into the lookalike and reached down to squeeze my dick through my pajama pants. At the sharp gasp from across the room, I snatched my hand back and glanced over at Kurt.

Like last night, he was watching me like a hawk, his eyes following the motion of my hands and yet constantly flicking up to my mouth. I let my head drop back against the wall with a groan and went back to palming my cock, even going so far as to push my pants down to mid-thigh and take myself in hand, stroking in time to the couple as I watched the video. When Kurt appeared at my bedside, I knew it was time and let him pull my pants off before watching him tug at his own pajamas in a hurry to get naked.

Stopping the video and closing the laptop, I put it aside and whipped off my shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Kurt moved sluggishly to straddle me and laid lazy kisses on my lips as his stiff dick jabbed at the softness of my tummy. I shuffled us down so we were lying more or less vertically on the bed instead of sitting up. Kurt was making breathy whining noises as he tried to grind down against my body even while I rearranged my legs to get him on his knees in between my thighs.

“Give me your hand, beautiful. I need to get your fingers wet for me.” I dug around in the end of my pillow case and pulled out the lube I’d hidden earlier. I slicked up two of his fingers and two of my own. “Finger yourself for me, Kurt. Show me how you do it.”

He kissed me hard as he reached back and pushed a finger and then two into his ass, slowly moving them in and out. As he licked at the corner of my mouth, I snuck my own hand down, spreading my legs wider and slid two fingers into my own hole, trying to stretch me wide enough to take Kurt in easily.

Giving up, Kurt focused on watching my fingers move in and out of my entrance. Delving back into the pillowcase with my clean hand, I pulled out the bullet that I’d covered in a new condom in anticipation of this moment.

“Whassat?” Kurt mumbled as he leaned forward to kiss me.

“A toy for you, beautiful. It goes in here...” I pushed the bullet into his ass easily as the controller dangled down to the bed, “and it’ll make you feel really good.”

“But… you already make me feel good, Blay.”

I smiled and went digging for the condom packet, kissing him swiftly as I found it. Pulling at his bicep, I moved him back to his hands and knees even though he just wanted to lay on me and tipping me off that I was losing him to the sandman. Ripping open the packet, I quickly rolled the condom onto Kurt’s dick and soothed him when he looked confused.

Squirting out more lube I slicked him up and pushed my moistened fingers back into my entrance with a groan. Above me, Kurt kept muttering and breathing heavily, “Blay, that’s so hot. More, Blay.” Eager to feel him inside me, I bucked up with my fingers buried deep and stretched myself as quickly as I could.

“C’mon, Kurt,” I pulled my hand away and led him by the cock, trying to line him up and get him to push in but it was no use. Kurt swung back his head up to look at me but his hand slipped out from under him and he face planted on my chest.

A groan reverberated through my skin, tickling me from the inside out as he tried to get his hands under him again but quickly his body stopped cooperating and he simply left his head laying on me with his knees tucked under him and ass still perched up in the air.

Nearly there. I wriggled my body further down and stretched a hand out to grasp his still erect dick and positioning him to push against my rim while I found the controller and held onto it tightly against his lower back. Ow. I could feel the muscles in my forearm straining as I held my position and fumbled to flip the on switch and dial up the intensity of the vibrations.

Kurt’s hips shoved forward at once in response to the stimulation to push his cock partially inside me, opening me up and making me curse against his temple. Lifting my legs and wrapping them around his body, I hooked my ankles together to pull him lower so all my muscles won’t pull and tear as I try to keep up the awkward angle.
Satisfied in our new positions, I braced myself for impalement as I ramped up the dial to its highest level.

OH God!

Kurt’s hips came alive and he plunged deep inside me making me squeeze down on him. I clasped a hand to the back of his head to keep us in place as the force of his unconscious thrusting nudged me up the bed. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” I muttered as I clung onto his body like a spider monkey while he drilled into me tirelessly.

I could feel my orgasm coming like a freight train rumbling in the distance; even my cells were vibrating with need as it roared through me, trying to make me shake apart at the seams as ropes of come pumped out between us. And of course, he wouldn’t stop. He couldn’t stop. Not until I could turn the dial down but as his cock continued to skewer my sensitive passage, my eyes rolled up like crazed blinds and the controller fell from my lax grip.

I was on this ride whether I liked it or not.

Too soon, I was approaching another release and my body quivered with the overwhelming sensation of ‘too much’ and yet I wanted it so badly. Like running my finger through a flame, the closer I danced to danger, the more I wanted to get burnt.

I gripped Kurt tightly as I came a second time simply crying out his name against his cheek. Barely having time to breathe, Kurt’s pace stepped up as he broached his own orgasm. As he bucked into me wildly, I held onto his biceps and made an ungainly noise, one I could only classify as a shriek, into his neck while my body went taut with the feeling of thumb tacks tumbling through my veins, pricking me delightfully until it hurt, while he continually stroked over my prostate.

I scrambled for the controller, swearing as it slipped from my sweaty hand before dragging it along his thigh in order to get a proper hold on it. I swept the dial down immediately and breathed a massive sigh of relief as Kurt’s body shuddered to a standstill while still buried inside me. I lay there panting and trying not to laugh because I couldn’t decide if this was the best or worst thing that had ever happened to me. “Wow,” I chuckled as I stroked along Kurt’s arms. “I don’t know if we should do that again, baby.”

Although, I’m half tempted to try again in an hour.


Kurt yawned heavily as the alarm blared from his phone. I watched him roll over to face me, blinking blearily as he tried to get his bearings.

“Good morning,” I said softly with a warm smile.

“Hi,” he rasped before clearing his throat and tucking a hand under his cheek.

“You ready to kick some show choir ass today?” I whispered loudly.

Kurt’s face crinkled as he smiled broadly. “Always. I know you’ll lead us to victory Blaine Warbler.”

I rolled my eyes playfully.  “Oh, hush. You guys are the reason I’m up there. I can’t do it without you.”

He blushed slightly and looked away.

“Aw, don’t be nervous, Kurt. The Warblers understand that it’ll be difficult for you today, competing against your friends.”

Kurt bit his lip as his eyes flicked back to me. “I really want to win,” he confessed.

“And I’ll do my best to see that happens. Mmm, we better get moving. We have to be in the car park at 6.30.”

“We’re stopping for breakfast before we get to Akron, right?”

I pushed the covers back and hopped out of bed. “Absolutely. Wes wouldn’t make us perform on an empty stomach. Besides, it’ll give Luke something to hurl later when his stage fright makes another appearance,” I mentioned with a grimace. “Crowds make him nervous,” I added helpfully seeing Kurt’s confusion.


Kurt was jiggling his leg nervously next to me as Sam and Quinn swept down the aisles singing with the spotlights following them. “They’ve switched it up,” Kurt mumbled my ear. “Normally Rachel starts the show with a sweeping ballad.”

Watching the blonde pair from New Directions flirt as they hit the stage to finish off the duet, I shrugged and whispered back, “Maybe she got tired of curtain jerking. And besides, although this is cute, it’s hardly a show stopper.”

But by the time Santana started singing ‘Valerie’ I could feel my hopes of winning deflate along with Kurt’s as we watched two enormously talented dancers nimbly twirl and flip over each other. The display was amazing and, putting aside my desire to win, I couldn’t help the swell of admiration I felt as the number finished. Kurt rocketed up from his seat clapping loudly for his friends and grinning at me. Even in defeat, he’s still so supportive of his friends. He’s practically perfect. Smiling back, I happily joined him in giving the group on stage a standing ovation.


“A tie? I can’t believe it!” Wes grumbled all the way back to the Dalton mini vans.

“Cheer up, man. At least we get to go to Sectionals!” David clapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder as he climbed in to take a seat.

“But we deserved to win,” Wes whined.

“I can’t believe New Directions didn’t win outright,” Kurt whispered in my ear as I slipped into the seat next to him.

I raised an eyebrow at him questioningly. Are you saying we weren’t good enough to win?

“What? They were really good. Santana on lead and Brit and Mike dancing? They blew us away.”

“You might be right but I, for one, am thankful that the judges couldn’t decide between us. That way we can prepare something even more amazing to perform at Sectionals and wipe the floor with them,” I said quietly, bumping his shoulder.

“You know, Kurt,” Trent piped up from the front seat. “You’re our new good luck charm. We’ve never gotten through to Regionals before.”

Kurt rolled his eyes but smiled as the six of us cheered in agreement and started up competing chants until David cut through the cacophony of noise to announce a stop for pizza in Mansfield and that Flint in the other van had text him saying that he was nominating Kurt as the new Warbler mascot.

I watched my best friend laugh at the ridiculous proposal, his eyes all lit up and face flushed as he laughingly declared that he’d never be able to oust Pavarotti in a coup like that.

“Yeah!” Jeff crowed. “He may like dick but he’s not a dictator!” he announced to a suddenly quiet van until we all burst out laughing.

“Oh my God. You are such an idiot!” Nick mumbled to his boyfriend.

“Yeah but I’m your idiot,” Jeff said fondly.

“I think this means that we’re all congregating in Jeff’s room tonight for the movie marathon, right Warblers?” David declared and getting a chorus of “Yeah!” in return.


Part Eighteen>>

media: fanfic, klaine, first person pov, nc-17, length: series, gkm fill, genre: smut, somnophilia, glee: sandman

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