The Sandman Cometh 16/?

Feb 10, 2013 19:22



I felt like I should say something to Kurt about Thad and his bullshit but I didn’t, knowing that it would sound odd and perhaps bitter or stupidly smug, and would, no doubt, lead to questions that I really didn’t want to answer and I didn’t want Kurt to start questioning what he drinks. Instead when he asked me over lunch how the party went on Friday, I mumbled about it being all right and maybe there were too many drunk jocks for me to fully relax.

The weirder thing though is the looks that Thad kept shooting me from across the room.  Ugh, this is so not the week for this type of tension. There was a confrontation brewing, I knew it. I hated the thought of it and yet it’s been gnawing its way through my stomach lining all weekend. We don’t need to do this - to set a cat amongst the pigeons or rather, a Thad amongst the Warblers as it were. Not right before Sectionals. Crap.

Trying to ignore him, I focused on my roommate as he told me about some of the wacky things he and his girls ended up doing on Saturday during their sleepover, his goofy grin and chuckles enough to make me smile and ease the acid roiling in my gut, at least temporarily. In turn I fill Kurt in on the latest gossip, having returned to school Sunday night, and explained that the thermostat in our room isn’t working properly so it’s like an oven in there but that Maintenance will hopefully have it fixed tomorrow.

After lunch we split off to our different classes and I stick to Jeff for the next couples of hours until Thad unexpectedly plopped down at the desk next to me in AP History, the one usually taken by Jeff, and gives me a look that said ‘we need to talk’. Unfortunately, my ruse to play innocent with a quick nod and placid smile wasn’t enough to stop him from leaning over and whispering in my ear. “When you did head home? You were gone when I woke up.”

“Uh, early,” I mumbled.

“But I thought we…weren’t we, uh, getting acquainted with each other?”

“Um, I…What do you? Y’know, it’s all a bit of a blur really. What’s the last thing you remember?”

“Seriously? Ok, uh…I remember us being in my room and we were…” he glanced around and lowered his voice further, “your pants were off and we were fooling around and you seemed to be having a good time, Blaine. Don’t you remember that?” he said huskily, hot air tickling my ear as he pressed close, his hand grasping my forearm tightly.

“Mr Harwood? Mr Anderson. Would you care to share your thoughts with the rest of the class?” Mr Rigsby suddenly boomed out, making Thad jump in his seat and jerk backwards.

I stifled a smile as Thad stuttered out, “No Sir,” to our teacher.

“Right. Then kindly pay attention gentlemen and turn to page 219.”

As I flicked through my book a note appeared on my desk. ‘Stay after practice tonight so we can talk?’ Ugh. How can I get out of this?

Another note appeared quickly. ‘Please?’

‘Sure,’ I sent back. Better to get out of the way today, I guess.


Wes clapped his hands as Trent closed the doors to the practice room behind him, shutting us all in with the manic Senior. “Warblers, I hope you’ve cleared the decks this week as rehearsals will come first. And in that spirit, tonight will be an extended practice. So, take the opportunity now to text anyone who’s expecting you later to let them know you’ll be here until nine p.m.”

“But-” Flint started to protest but was cut off by Wes’ raised hand.

“Dinner will be delivered and we’ll break at six thirty to eat,” David confirmed as a murmur of grumbles broke out.

Kurt patted my shoulder as I let out an inadvertent groan at the prospect of waiting three hours before being able to talk to Thad. Suddenly my night was spiraling out of control.


“Are you coming?” Kurt asked, standing in the doorway, ready to head back to our room.

“I just need to, uh…”

Thad interrupted me as he walked over and leaned on the open door. “Blaine and I are putting in some extra time together,” he said smugly, making Kurt’s brow knit in confusion. “We have some new moves to try out with each other before we share the concept with everyone else.” Thad started to close the door slowly, essentially easing Kurt out of the room. “You understand, Kurt, don’t you?” Thad adds.

From my vantage point I can see Kurt’s alarmed look is being replaced with indignation as the door is closed on him. As the door clicks shut, I perch on the edge of a couch and sigh. “Well that was rude.”

“I know,” he said snidely, walking towards me, “some people just can’t take a hint.”

What? I blinked and shook my head imperceptibly. Asshole.

“So Blaine, I thought that we could pick up where we left off the other night,” he stated as he stepped in much closer and trailed his hand down my thigh, letting it fall away.


“Thad, I-”

“C’mon, Blaine. I know you were into it as much as I was.”

Wow, when did he get so close? “But Thad, I uh-” The touch of his hand as he cupped my soft dick through my pants surprised me, my words lodging in my throat.

“It’s okay, Blaine. Let me take care of you, okay? You seemed to really like my mouth,” he said in a low voice as he leaned in to nuzzle my cheek while palming me. “Let me blow you again, honey,” he whispered and dropped to his knees, hands already unbuckling my belt.

“Stop!” I pushed him back by the shoulders and scooted away in alarm. “God, I don’t even remember most of what we did!” I feigned confusion with a hand to my forehead as Thad looked dejected from his spot on the floor.

“I’m sorry,” I continued, “but I-I think that…I think that one of my drinks was spiked. I mean, I remember having a good time downstairs and then that guy with the mullet was showing me something and then I-we were in your room and I-that’s just where I can’t…Thad, we were talking. That’s what I remember.”

He got up and brushed himself off, dropping onto the couch instead. “Oh. Uh, yeah I guess that’s possible. I mean, there were a lot of people there that I didn’t know, so maybe one of them…and actually I can’t really remember much after your pants came off either.”

Thad was lying, I was certain of it, he definitely remembered more than that but I decided to play dumb for the time being. If I could get him to ease off me, it would save the blow-up I’d been dreading and as it was this was mortifying. I buckled my belt and went to sit beside him, not too close, but enough to let him know we were still ‘friends’.

“Um, yeah but…I guess we stopped because I told you that we couldn’t… that I was interested in someone else, right?” I patted his shoulder comfortingly as I let him down. “Because I am. And you and I just aren’t going to work out. I mean, you’re really nice but...”

“Oh. Er, yeah things get a little fuzzy for me after I suck-you know what? It’s fine. No big deal,” he mumbled as he shifted in his seat.

“I’m sorry. Really. I like you, Thad, but I don’t like you like you.” Okay yes, he seems to be buying the bullshit I’m selling.

He sighed and dragged a hand through his hair. “It’s fine, Blaine. I hope things work out for you but just so you know, I’m here if you ever want to...y’know.”

I leaned back with a small smile and nodded in understanding, knowing that if we were to ever do anything physical again, it would only ever be on my terms.


A glance at my watch before I unlocked my dorm room told me it was after ten, so I eased the door open quietly in case my roommate was already asleep. Blasted by a wave of warm sticky air, I shut the door on the almost dark room and flicked the lock behind me. Thankfully Kurt had left my lamp on and it seemed as though he was suffering in the heat as the bathroom door was wide open allowing a tiny breeze from the small window in there to permeate the stuffiness of our room. However, it wasn’t the window that was unusually jammed wide open or the mugginess that had my head reeling, it was Kurt. Naked except for white briefs, his body fully exposed, as he lay spread-eagled face down on his bed with his sheets tossed aside.

My fear and my excitement battled for control. I had worried that being waylaid by Thad after our long practice would cost me a night with Kurt but it seemed that fortune had smiled on me instead. Sure, I wouldn’t be able to do all of the things I wanted to but this opportunity, a ninety-five percent naked opportunity, was too good to pass up.

I crossed to my side of the room and undressed quietly while keeping an eye on Kurt. No doubt he’d felt the same way that I did now; sweaty, sore and spent. Clearly he’d showered, his hair still damp, but I knew I shouldn’t take that luxury until after touching my roommate. But he might be able to smell me on him when he wakes up? I pursed my lips as I stood there in the nude contemplating my next move.

Collecting a fresh towel, I closed the bathroom door silently and turned the shower on to wash away the dried sweat and to soothe my aching muscles. I picked up my shampoo, ready to wash the gel out but making a snap decision, put it down and scooped up Kurt’s instead. He can’t smell me if I smell like him.

I washed myself thoroughly in cooler than usual water, letting the scent of Kurt wash over me, thrilling me. Squirting some more of Kurt’s body wash into my hand, I stroked my erect cock, letting my other hand squeeze my nuts and slide around between my thighs where the bubbles tickled my sensitive skin.

Deciding to back off before I came all over the wall, I washed away the excess soap and stepped out to pat myself dry before slinging the towel around my hips just in case the noise of the shower had woken Kurt up.

Flicking off the bathroom light, I opened the door wide to the bedroom once more and waited until my eyes adjusted to the lamp lit gloom before moving over to my drawers and dragging out a fresh pair of loose boxers. Turning around to check on Kurt, his face smushed into his pillow facing me, I dropped my towel to gauge if he was awake or not. Hmm, no change in breathing.

Dropping the boxers on my bed for a moment, I wandered over to the desk under the pretense of looking for something while I listened to Kurt’s steady breathing and then moved back across the room to bend over and unlock my beside cabinet. Digging out the wet wipes from my kit, I was essentially flashing my ass to my roommate for long enough so that he could sneak a peek if awake and give himself away but without any change in his position or breathing, I felt comfortable that he was still dead to the world and headed over to make my move.

His slack hand was my first port of call. I gingerly lifted his hand up by the wrist and laid it over my dick, letting his fingers loosely curl around it instinctively, and pushed down on his fingers with mine to tighten the grip, I thrust forward slowly. Yeah, this is what I needed. Ahhh. The perfect stress reliever.

Letting his hand fall away, I stepped back and moved to the other side of his king single to get closer to his knit cotton covered bum. I knelt on the bed next to his sleeping body, alert for the slightest hint that he might wake up, my skin tingling with a tense excitement that I haven’t felt for a very long time.

I cupped his waist and slid my hands up lightly, thumbs tracing along his spine, to get him used to touch. Skimming back down, I let my fingertips trace along the waistband of his briefs and dig underneath, scratching softly at his skin. Pulling back, my hands traveled across his cloth covered cheeks, digging my thumbs in wide arcs across the material.

Ready for more, I rolled back the waistband to the top of his crack and I laid a soft kiss there before dragging the underwear down further to expose the swell of his cheeks. Barely able to control myself, I ran my hands across his newly bare skin, pulling and squeezing gently at each cheek. I dotted down kisses in the dimples above his ass and continued kissing up his back and down the other side, my cock twitching furiously all the while.

My hands kneaded his ass as I pushed the fabric down further past his hips, letting the underwear sit across the tops of his thighs. Spreading his cheeks, I dragged my thumbs across his entrance in diagonal swipes, before a pair of fingers walked across his hole, teasing a path I wanted to follow with my tongue.

I spread him wide and drizzled spit down, watching it pool at his entrance and skating my fingers through it so I could worm a fingertip inside him. A soft whimper and a hip jerk had me almost falling off the bed in surprise. Shit! I almost forgot. I stayed stock still and waited as Kurt soon stilled before I let my fingers strum at his hole once more. This time I dipped a wet thumb in and twisted it, pushing it in further and out again, feeling the sleepy squeeze that Kurt was unconsciously doing. I kept pushing my thumb in as I sucked open kisses to the mounds before me.

Pulling my thumb out, I spread him wide again and leaned down to take my first taste, lapping at his entrance like a thirsty man. Another waggle of my tongue had Kurt shifting again but I couldn’t stop myself from continually flicking my tongue over top of his rim. A bodily shiver ran through my roommate as I pointed my tongue and twisted it inside him. He moaned and I froze with my tongue still in his ass, my mouth heavy with saliva.

As his head lifted off the pillow, I moved like lightening, pulling my mouth and hands away to wait as he simply flopped his face on the cool side of the pillow with a huff of breath. Carefully, I retook my position and pulled his cheeks apart, dipping down to lick a stripe along his crack. No reaction…good. I sharpened my tongue and poked it back into Kurt’s body, digging in as deeply as I could from this angle before giving up and simply lapping at his rim, pushing my spit inside once in a while.

I leaned back to review my work, happy to see my spit shine on his skin and I decided to take my biggest risk yet. Moving to sit in between my friend’s spread legs and holding a cheek open, I leaned in and started to suck a mark low and as close to the crease of his ass as possible. With no reaction forthcoming I let myself suck harder making the capillaries burst beneath the surface until, once again, Kurt whimpered in his sleep.

He shuffled his legs so I let the skin go and looked on happily as a bright purple mark bloomed in the shape of my kiss. Smiling, I couldn’t help but duck back down and bite down softly at his hip. “Mine,” I whispered into his skin as my forehead came to rest in the dip of his waist.

Staying bent over like that I finally tugged at my tight cock, the pulsing of pleasure making my eyelashes flutter in its wake, pre-come gushing out and getting slicked along my skin. My own whimpers were muffled against the bare skin of my best friend’s body and I wished for nothing more than to be able to lean forward and push my cock inside him until I came screaming his name.

By the time I stopped myself I was already straddling his thighs with my dick laying along his crack. I took a deep breath to gather my senses as I drizzled more spit onto my pillowed cock and then underneath it. Thrusting slowly between his cheeks and braced by my thumbs over top of my dick, I started up a dawdling rhythm, too scared to go any faster for fear of waking Kurt.

For his part, Kurt remained blissfully unaware simply twitching a leg every now and then while I tried to keep my weight on my knees instead of on him.

Finally building up some steam, I shifted my hips further back to get a longer stroke but instead of skidding along the crease of his ass, my dick bumped up against his rim. Unable to help myself, I pressed forward feeling the delicious pressure on the head of my cock until Kurt groaned and shifted his hips. My mouth dropped open as my hand raced back and forth along my dick, occasionally nudging back against his entrance and trying to press in fleetingly.

My breathing turned to panting as the heat of my release overwhelmed me and dragged me down feet first, turning my skin inside out and sending streaks of come along Kurt’s back as I leaned over him, laying my slick forehead against his shoulder.

I shuddered out a shaky breath and closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to drop down and cover Kurt with my body and kisses. Instead I caught my breath for a second, dragged myself back onto my knees and reached for the wet wipes to clean us both up.

Possibly the hardest thing I had to do all day was to move myself from his bed, drag on my boxers, drop a kiss to my roommate’s damp temple and fall into my own bed.  As sleep edged around my consciousness, I realized that with the long practices and the early morning required on Thursday to travel, I’d need to half the dose for Kurt, if I could even get a drink anywhere near him this week. Shh…sleep. There’s gonna be cheesecake this weekend, no matter what.



media: fanfic, klaine, first person pov, nc-17, length: series, gkm fill, genre: smut, somnophilia, glee: sandman

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