The Sandman Cometh 14/?

Jan 31, 2013 22:43



God, he’s just… dazzling…the way the light hits him…he’s practically glowing! And that voice is…perfect for this song. Hmm, some of the boys don’t look convinced...I guess not everyone’s a fan of Evita. Oh, there go the hands again...put them down Kurt, the Warblers are dynamic not dramatic.


“Any sage advice?”

I shoved my hands in my pockets and sighed. “Don’t try so hard next time,” I said with a small shake of my head.

“I didn’t realize that caring was frowned upon,” Kurt said slightly miffed.

“I don’t know how it worked at your old school, but did you notice that we all wear uniforms around here? It’s about being part of the team,” I tried to explain with a shrug.

“I guess I’m just used to having to scream to get noticed”

“You’re not gonna make it as a Warbler if all you care about is getting noticed,” I pointed out. Besides, I notice you plenty, Kurt, I can barely tear my eyes away from you.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

I leaned down, trying to get eye contact again, “I know it’s gonna take some getting used to…” Ah, there are those beautiful blue eyes “…but you’ll fit in soon enough.” Don’t be sad, sweetheart, “I promise.” I’ll make you feel better later.


“Do you think Pavarotti will be alright in here?” Kurt asked with a yawn as he stared at the bird in his cage on the desk.

“Yeah. He just needs a cover over his cage so he can sleep,” I assured my roommate as I brought over the spare cover that Wes had given me earlier.

“Oh. I guess you need to sleep as much as I do, little one,” Kurt cooed at the bird before stifling another yawn.

“Here.” I handed over the cover. “I’ll take this.” I scooped up his empty mug. “Was the hot chocolate alright?”

“Uh huh. Thanks again, there’s something about a warm drink that always helps me to relax. It’s been such a busy start to the week what with the Warbler practices, driving back to Lima yesterday to see Rachel and sticking around to practice my audition piece.”

“Yeah, it was weird here alone last night. I’ve already gotten used to having you around.” All to myself.

“I didn’t mean to stay so late but once I realized that I wouldn’t make curfew, well, it made sense to spend the night and drive back this morning.”

“Sure. Hey, I’m gonna jump in the shower. I need to wash my hair.” I grimaced, making Kurt laugh.

“If you didn’t use so much gel...”

“I know, I know but you’ve seen my crazy fluff ball of curls, Kurt. The gel makes them behave better than anything else I’ve tried. Besides, I thought you liked the raspberry,” I quipped with a smile as I slipped off my shoes, grabbed my pajama pants and headed for the bathroom.

With the bathroom door closed, I stripped off and hopped into the warm water to wash quickly, wanting to get back out to Kurt before the pill kicked in. How will Kurt react tonight?


I wandered out of the bathroom clad only in my pajama pants as I dried my hair. Seeing Kurt sitting at the desk, head propped in his hand, eyes closed as Pavarotti jumped about in his cage, I decided to see how far away from conking out my roommate actually was.

“Kurt? Hey, Kurt? Why don’t you put the cover over Pav’s cage? It’s probably past his bedtime.”

“Mmmhpf, wha?” he mumbled, stirring from his slumped position. “Oh. Good idea.” He stood abruptly, making the chair scrape on the wooden floor and fumbled as he slid the cover on. “Goodnight, lil' one,” he whispered.

“Bedtime for you too, by the look of it,” I added cheekily, still rubbing my hair with the towel.

Kurt looked over at me and blinked heavily, staring at me as I walked over to drop the towel in my hamper. Amused, I simply walked back and sat on the edge of my bed, glancing down to scratch at my stomach but to my surprise, my roommate appeared in front of me.


He raised an eyebrow at me and swayed slightly but didn’t speak, so I stood up, ending up very much in his personal space. All I had to do was tilt forward a little and our lips would be touching.

As if reading my mind, that’s exactly what happened next. He moved, swayed perhaps, but whatever it was, Kurt’s lips were pressed against mine softly and before I could process it, they were gone. Stumbling backwards a few steps, Kurt stopped, his fingers touching his parted lips, his eyes closed.

I walked forward and ran my hands up his arms. “Are you okay?” I asked hoping to snap him out of his reverie so I could figure out what was happening but his eyes remained closed.

“Uh huh,” he breathed, dropping the hand from his mouth to my bare chest. His fingertips pressed into my skin and his eyes fluttered open. “Oh,” he whispered, his eyes glazed.

“Did you want something, Kurt?” Did you want me?


I smiled encouragingly hoping to get something more out of him.

He dipped his head making him look sly as he kept his eyes on mine and whispered, like it was a secret, “You wanna eat me up.”

I frowned, wondering what he meant. Was he referring to our last drugged conversation? Alarmed, I tilted my head in confusion. “Huh?”

“I drive you crazy.”

Oh crap. “Kurt?”

“You-you think I’ma sexy an’ ador-adora-able,” he said teasing in a soft voice.

How should I play this? Will he remember this? He hasn’t said anything, done anything to indicate that he remembers last time. What does he know?!

I swallowed loudly and slipped my hands up to cup his face so I could keep eye contact. “Kurt. Wha-what else did I say?”

He giggle-snorted softly and looked down as he blushed. “I’m not teasin’ you. Wanna touch you,” he said with a smile as he mumbled.

Wait, that’s not quite right. “Kurt?”

He lifted his gaze to mine and leaned in with a shy smile. “I liked it. Liked touching. Touching you.”


“You did?”

“Mm hmm,” he hummed as he bit his lip, like he was deciding something. “Gonna kiss you, ‘kay?”

I didn’t even have time to think before Kurt was lurching at me. The kiss was off centre, too hard, chaste, our bodies unbalanced. Ow, you’re standing on my toe!

I pulled him off me, my hands still on each side of his face. His unfocussed eyes darted between my eyes and my lips before he pushed against my hands trying to plant another messy kiss on me.

“Wait! Kurt-”

“You don’ want me?” Kurt asked pitifully as he pulled back.

“Of course I do, silly. But-but we might be more comfortable on the bed. Here…” I let my hands drop and gather up his hands, pulling him towards his bed. He smiled coyly, keeping his eyes downcast as I crowded into him, the back of his knees hitting the mattress as I took control over our next kiss.

“You want this?” I slid my hands back up to his face.

“Mmmm,” he hummed, leaning in with already closed eyes and puckered lips.

Fuck, so willing. Ducking in to kiss him, our lips barely touched as I teased him before pulling away. I smiled as his mouth tried to chase mine and with his eyes still closed, I let my hands drop to unbutton his cardigan.

As it slipped to the floor, his eyes cracked open and he kept watch under heavy lids as I unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall away as well.

Humming with satisfaction, I rucked up his undershirt and let my hands slide around his waist. “You need to be more comfortable to lie down, Kurt. Here we go,” I offered as I slid the undershirt up, pulling it to his shoulders, his arms coming up at the last moment enabling me to pull it off. “There, that’s better. Isn’t that better, baby?”

He murmured something that sounded like my name, letting himself lean against me, face pressed to my neck like last time as my hands ran up and down his back.

“You’re so gorgeous, Kurt. Come and lie down.” I need your mouth on me again. “That’s right. Come on. Lay on top of me, baby. Feel okay?”

“Blay,” he mumbled as he wriggled to settle between my spread legs.

“Kiss me, Kurt.”

“Mmm.” The vibrations of his hum rattled through me as his lips pressed against mine and I worked with him to slide our mouths together, the heat of his tongue as it tentatively touched mine driving me insane.

Letting the moment build, I kept my hands high on his back, rubbing back and forth along his soft skin as one hand would scratch up into his hair and away again whereas Kurt kept a hand curled under my neck and the other tucked under my back. This is so good, fuck. “Oh, Kurt,” I whispered as our lips broke apart. “You taste so sweet. I love your mouth.”

Gaining confidence, Kurt opened his mouth and slid his tongue into mine. God, can this get any better? I kissed back, swirling my tongue, sucking at each of his lips. Barely taking a break from each other’s tongues, we kissed and kissed until I could take no more, my hips itching to buck up against him where I could feel him hard against me.

“You feel so good, Kurt. Can you feel me?” I groaned, bucking my hips lightly.

“Uhhh, Blay,” Kurt whimpered as our mouth fell together again in a messy kiss.

I let the kiss consume us, keeping a hand on the back of his head to hold him where I wanted him as I started to fuck my tongue in and out of his increasingly lax mouth. His moan ran through me as my other hand made its way to his ass.

Grabbing a butt cheek, I rocked our bodies together as I tried to keep him kissing me. My pajama covered cock skidded along his belt, making me shudder and gasp just as Kurt’s body gave out and his face slumped heavily into the pillow below me, his breaths heavy as unconsciousness overtook him.

Laying there, heavy body over top of me, my dick throbbing with want, I decided to finish what Kurt had started. I shifted my hands so they gripped his ass firmly and I held him tightly as I thrust up against him. Panting and licking at Kurt’s neck, I trembled as I came, letting the heat flow through me.


Stripping off my soiled pants, I set about getting ready for the next round. Having accomplished so much already tonight and all the adrenaline that came with Kurt’s whisperings had me on edge. I need to get inside him as soon as possible. Pulling the desensitizing gel out along with the black butt plug, I headed back to set about preparing him for the first time of many stretching sessions before he’d be able to take my dick.


As I lay alongside of Kurt, the faint pulsing of the butt plug reverberating through the mattress, I wondered why it was that he’d kissed me. Maybe the pills make him horny. Or maybe whatever he remembered set him off? Or maybe he likes me for me? And shit, he remembers stuff! That’s not normal. No one else has remembered anything…that I’ve been aware of! Fuck, what if that’s the reason why Hunter moved away! No, no, can’t be. I’d have heard something by now if that was the case.

I kept moving, pushing my cock through the loose ring of his fingers. Thirty minutes from ingestion to unconsciousness…maybe I started too soon last time…oh, and tonight. But he’d made a move tonight. God, this doesn’t make any sense. Uhhh.

“Oh fuck, Kurt. Like that.”

I squeezed his fingers tighter around my shaft, my head falling back onto the pillow I shared with Kurt as I rolled onto my back. Thrusting up through his fist, I closed my eyes and let the memory of Kurt’s lips on mine flow through my mind. Uh, need it. Need it. Not enough. Letting Kurt’s hand fall away, I clambered over his slumbering body and reached up to kiss his mouth. Need to taste you again. Grabbing his hand once more, I slid my cock between his fingers and his stomach.

“Uh, lemme come, Kurt.” All over your pretty skin.

A lingering lick to his parted mouth as I used his body had my hips rolling madly, my eyes rolling back and I moved on trying to taste every inch of his skin I could reach. Mouthing messily across his collarbone, I licked down to Kurt’s nipple and latched on, sucking and licking hungrily. A final thrust as the stars behind my eyelids shattered had me biting down on the erect nub until I could breathe again.


I blinked awake, smacking my dry lips together. Rubbing my eye with a loose hand, I realized, as I wiped the drool from my chin, that I’d fallen asleep on top of Kurt. Uh, time?

Three a.m.? Fuck. It’s been hours.

I laid my head back down in the crook of Kurt’s neck and considered what I needed to do before jumping back in my own bed. As my eyes drifted closed in longer and longer increments, I became aware of the quiet hum in the room. My sleepy mind took a while to register what it was, but eventually I remembered the butt plug that I’d set on its lowest level to relax him from the inside out.

Extracting myself from Kurt’s body, I lumbered off the bed, gathered up the wet wipes and set about cleaning up my roommate. Once both of our stomachs and chests had been wiped down, I tried to roll him onto his front but with so much time under his belt, his sleeping body wasn’t quite as cooperative as earlier and he ended up twisted on an odd angle with his head flopping over the side of the bed.

“Aw c’mon, Kurt,” I huffed in annoyance.

Finally I got him onto his stomach as he lay across the bed. Prying his legs apart, I pulled his hips back, making him arch up a little to give me some space to work with. With a click of the push button, the vibrations ceased and I gave the base an experimental tug, happy that it gave way with ease. Slipping out the slender tapered four inch black plug, I put it aside so I could inspect Kurt’s newly breached entrance.

I whistled lowly. “Wow, look at you beautiful, with that pretty pink hole.” Gripping each cheek, I pulled the flesh back exposing his asshole further, making it flare crookedly. I groaned at the thought of tasting him but held myself back as I remembered the desensitizing gel I’d used earlier. “Soon, baby. I’ll be inside you soon.”

My thoughts were pulled back from all the dirty things I’d like to do to my slumbering best friend, as I bit back a yawn. Anxious to hurry up so I could go back to sleep, I reapplied some gel to a finger and slid it inside, twirling it to cover the walls and coat his rim. A quick wipe up to remove any excess and I gathered all my props to put away, only to pull out the camera. This needs documenting. A few photos with the flash on captured his slick pink pucker, the slight gape already closing up.

Dropping the camera on my bed, I grabbed his underwear and undershirt off the floor and went looking for his pajamas so I could dress him. Manhandling Kurt, I put his clothes on swiftly and scooped him up in my arms to lay him back in his bed properly.


I’ll have to keep a close eye on Kurt tomorrow. He might remember tonight. He might be sore from the plug. He might have questions. Letting sleep claim my thoughts, I couldn’t help but recall Kurt’s body over mine as we kissed. I definitely need more of that. Hopefully he’ll let me have it.


Kurt groaned as he rolled out of bed with his alarm singing in the background. Trying to stretch his aching muscles as he walked to the bathroom had him doing an odd stiff legged pointy toed walk.

I think I’m more tired than when I went to sleep, he thought. As he scratched at his face and chest, he winced and palmed a tender nipple. I must be working too hard in Warbler practice, he grumbled to himself as he started up the shower. Need to pace myself, he told himself, can’t afford to hold the team back at Sectionals next week.

As the hot water beat down on his aching body, he started to hum his part for the Train tune that had been selected for the competition.


Lying curled up in my bed, I watched Kurt get up and stumble off to the bathroom. So far, so good. The true test will be come when we go down to breakfast. I crossed my fingers that my plans weren’t about to come crashing down around me. I could lose everything if Kurt realized what’s been happening and tells someone. Oddly enough, although it was concerning, it didn’t trouble me nearly as much as losing Kurt from my life did.


A/N - After re-editing this, I've found I've missed a chapter... ! now I bring you...
Part Fourteen B>>

media: fanfic, glee, klaine, first person pov, nc-17, length: series, gkm fill, somnophilia, glee: sandman

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