The Sandman Cometh 15/?

Feb 07, 2013 12:33


A/N - Okay, serious non-con warning here in Blaine's Interlude which could be triggering for some. I know everything else has been exactly that (non-con) but this is more sentient on everyone’s behalf (it does not involve Kurt). If you wish to skip over this part I suggest going directly to Kurt’s Interlude. We’re heading back to Kurt in part 17.

Additional warnings: Underage drinking, implied gang rape, revenge.

Blaine’s Interlude


Adjusting my navy cardigan, I finished locking away Kurt’s newly cleaned toys and tied off the rubbish bag from the closet ready to drop off in the trash as I headed off to Thad’s room.

“Hey Thad,” I called out as I strolled into his dorm room, “Are you ready to go?”

His head popped out on the bathroom door as he answered. “Yep, you ready for this party tonight?”

“Ah, yeah? It’s just your brother’s friends right? I have no problem with beer bongs and frat stuff as long as there’s something non-alcoholic to drink. I was hoping to head back to my parent’s place later.”

“There’ll probably be a contingent of his team mates from ice hockey there as well that’ll be taking advantage of our empty house. If it sucks we can always head up to my room to hang out or whatever. Ready? Let’s head out.” Thad locked up his room and we headed out to my car as we chatted amiably.

“So where’s your little sister tonight? I doubt she’d want to spend a Friday night at Crawford,” I wondered.

“Sleepover with at a friend’s place. They’ve got a soccer game tomorrow so I’ll go pick them up for that.”

“Oh? She’s a soccer player too?”

“Yeah well, she’s little like me so soccer works for us both,” Thad explained with a smile as he fiddled with the car radio.

“But Derek’s on Ohio State’s ice hockey team. He must be built like a truck.”

“Mmm, he’s like six feet two. My mom had him before she met my dad, then they got married and I arrived not long afterwards. It makes for some interesting family photos with the four of us being towered over by Derek.”

We laughed and chatted about our ridiculous older brothers during the short drive into Columbus, pulling up at Thad’s place not longer after and managing to find a park amongst the multitude of cars already parked up outside the three storey manor house.

“Looks like it’s in full swing already. C’mon,” Thad waved me in as he opened the front door.

The blast of warm air, loud music and stink of spilled beer overwhelmed me for a moment before Thad grabbed me by the hand and led me over to the makeshift bar area being manned by a tall red headed guy.

“Hey, Rudi. How are ya, man? Can you get my special friend here a drink of punch?” Thad asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

“Here you go, dude,” Rudi offered as he held out a yellow Solo cup to me. “And beer for you, little man?” he asked Thad before handing over a red Solo cup to him.

As we turned away from the bar to take in the throng of college students, Thad knocked his cup against mine with a loud, “Cheers,” and proceeded to take a long drink.

Suddenly thirsty, I gulped back three large mouthfuls before I realized my mistake.

“It’s good huh? It’s Rudi’s specialty,” Thad shouted over the music at me, grinning.

I gave him a smile and nodded as I glanced around the room. There were only a handful of yellow cups in the room, mostly clutched by sloppy looking girls as they were being held up while dancing with burly guys. Fuck.

“C’mon, I want to introduce you to Derek,” Thad said as he pushed me in the direction of the kitchen. “Derek! Hey, Derek!” he yelled trying to get his brother’s attention.

I watched them as they did some complicated handshake thing and slapped each other on the shoulders before I was being dragged forward and introduced. Thad was right. Derek was definitely over six foot and probably 215 pounds. As I shook Derek’s hand and met a couple of his friends I wondered exactly who Thad was softening me up for; him or his brother?

“Hey, where’s the bathroom?” I asked Thad and headed off in the direction he pointed to. As I moved away, weaving between a group of guys, I looked back to see Derek grinning at his little brother and shaking him by the shoulder, his voice booming out appreciatively, “Nice piece of ass, bro!”

As I looked for the toilet, I noticed just how many guys were actually here. God, it’s a sausage fest and a lot of them are looking at me like I’m on the menu. Spotting a practically empty red cup, I collected it and as I turned away from the crowd, dropped my yellow cup inside it before ducking into the bathroom.

I quick glanced in the bathroom mirror confirmed my fear. My pupils were already huge. Fuck you Thad! I knew you had a crush on me but this is going too damn far! Plotting on how to extricate myself from this shitty situation and even possibly turn it to my advantage, depending on what Thad’s plans actually were of course, I cleaned out the dregs from the red cup and tipped out the spiked punch from the yellow cup to wash it too, before slipping the red cup back inside the yellow cup and filling it with water. I knocked back three full cups of water to hopefully flush whatever drug was already in my system out as quickly as possible. Another refill and I was ready to head back out there.

Stepping out into the hallway, I edged up to the lounge doorway to watch the goings on.

“Hey, McKinley!” A beefy black guy yelled out across the room making a tall kid with a ridiculous mullet spin around as the other guy lumbered over to him, pulling him aside, close to where I was.

“Rick, you’re gonna be the minder for kid with the gelled hair that Derek’s little brother brought, okay? If he starts looking all sleepy and shit, you get him upstairs and text one of us.”

Oh God.

“Where is he?”

“Dunno. Kitchen, I think. S’okay though, he’s only on his first drink. He’ll need at least another one before he conks out.”

I’m gonna fucking kill Thad.

“Who’s going up first?” Rick asked.

“Thad. He gets first hit at the come dump, then you get your turn.”

Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck…this is so much worse than I thought.

I backed down the hallway and took a deep breath before a new plan formulated in my mind. My hand dropped to my back pocket, making sure my wallet was still in place and then gathering my courage, I wandered out clumsily making sure to bump up against Rick.

“Hey, watch it!” Rick sneered before realizing it was his charge that had walked into him. “Hey man, you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” I slurred a little before apologizing. “Hey, I’m Blaine!” I offered my hand to shake his, which he did albeit slowly as he introduced himself. I skulled what was left of the water in my cup and grinned at him. “Oops, empty!” I laughed and headed off to find the bar again. “Hey, Rudi! Can I get a refill?” I asked holding my cup out to him, letting him ladle the punch in.

A swift trip back to the bathroom to switch out the punch with water, I stumbled back to the bar and yelled out, “Oh hey, I need a beer for Thad too!” and then sipped on my water as Rudi poured a full red cup for me. “Thanks, man!” I said as I faux-stumbled off.

“Oh, it’s you again!” I laughed as I wove through the crowd near Rick once more.

“Yeah, Blaine, right?”

“Right! Hey this is a kick-ass party, huh? And this place is huge!”

“Yeah. Have you been here before?”

I shook my head in a lie and happily sipped again at my drink.

“I can show you around, if you like?”

“Uh sure, but let me give my friend his drink and I’ll be right back, ‘kay?”

“Sure thing, man.”

I wandered off and found a quiet corner that let me dig out one of the several pills I had stored in a tiny baggie in my wallet. Dropping it into the beer, I gave it a couple of swirls with my finger and headed directly back to Rick.

“Uh, I can’t find him,” I shrugged hopelessly. “Want a free beer?” I offered the newly spiked drink to my minder.

“Thanks, man. C’mon, I’ll show you upstairs. There’s a great view from up there.”

You lying sack of shit. “Awesome!”


After combing through most of the rooms on the upper floors, we ended up in a guest bedroom where Rick told me was the best view. I plonked my empty cup on a set of drawers and burped. “Huh! Maybe I shoul’ go back down an’ get us more drinks? Whaddaya reckon, tricky Ricky?”

He leaned against the window sill and watched me bump into the bed and fall over with a chuckle.

“Help. I’ve fallen and I can’t get back up!” I crowed.

I watched with narrowed eyes as he downed the dregs of his beer and came over to help get me back on my feet. He pushed me down to sit on the bed but I flopped back and let my arms spread wide.

“Mm, tired now,” I grunted.

“Oh? Not thirsty anymore?”

“Nuh uh. You know, you’re kinda cute.”

“Uh, thanks, I guess. You though, you have a nice plump ass, man.”

I laughed loudly and rolled over. “Oh? I can’t see though,” I grumbled as I tried to look over my shoulder at my own butt.

He cackled and slapped a cheek hard.


“Aw c’mon, that didn’t hurt did it?” he leered as he whacked my other cheek harder and then proceeded to jiggle it in a tight grip.

“Hey,” I protested weakly, keeping up my pretence, waiting for the sandman to sneak up on him instead.

I rolled over onto my back again and tucked my hands behind my head. “You’re from McKinley, right?”

“Yep. I sorta rule the school, y’know.”

“Really,” I said impressed but added, “Wait I thought that the football team was on top with that Karofsky dude.

“Pfft! That douche bag? No way, man! Hockey rules that school. Those idiots are just…idiots!”

“Hey, takes one to know one.”

“Yeah! Heeey. Wait, wha’?”

“Did you know Kurt Hummel?”

“Uh huh, he was the queen fairy.”

“Did you fuck with him?”

“I didn’ fuck him! I just fucked with him,” he slurred.

“Right.” Idiot. “What did you do to him?”

“Oh the usual y’know? Slushies for him an’ his loser friends in glee club,” he said proudly before adding, “An’ once I locked him in his locker b-back in Freshman year,” he said with a yawn. “He was so lil’ back then…but he’s too big to fit now,” he said confidently. “I know. I tried it, bu’ he bitched me out for stretching the material of his sweater or somethin’. Asshole.”

“And here I thought you were the asshole?” I stated as I sat up and dusted myself off.

“Huh?” Rick jerked his head up from where he’d been staring a hole in the bedspread.

“Here’s what’s gonna happen now, asshole. You’re going to suck my cock and then I’m going to fuck your sad little ass.”


“Give me your phone,” I demanded and held out my hand until he handed it over. Stepping away, I headed for the door to check if it could be locked. No luck. Looking around I spotted a chair that would do the job and I dragged it over and jammed under the knob to keep out any unwanted visitors.

“H-hey. Imam ‘posed to fuck you,” he slurred.

I laughed as I unlocked his phone and checked his contacts. “Who was the guy that told you to look after me?”


Scrolling through, I found his number and then put the phone aside. I unbuckled my belt and shoved my pants and underwear down to mid thigh. Stepping forward, I grabbed a handful of mullet and shoved Rick’s screwed up face into my crotch. “Open up.”

After a few fumbling moments of noncooperation, I pushed Rick backwards onto the bed and crawled up after him, straddling his face, pushing my hardening dick into his mouth. “Suck it, Rick,” I said evenly as he tongued around the head a bit before acquiescing and opening up to take my length. Holding onto his hair, I pulled his mouth on and off my cock as quickly as I needed only holding him tight to me for a few seconds at a time as he gagged.

I shuffled off the bed to get him undressed, pulling at his shoes and dropping everything on the other side of the bed. I grabbed my phone and keys to leave them alongside his phone on the small table, yanking my wallet out I slid out a sachet of lube and a condom. Lube? It’s more than he deserves but I’m guessing the others are going to be a lot rougher than I am if they find him so he’s kind of lucky I’m always prepared. Like a motherfucking boy scout.

I flipped him over and pulled his barely cooperating body onto his knees. A quick squirt of lube directly onto his asshole made him squirm before I swirled my fingers through it and pushed a digit straight in.

“God!” Rick grumbled.

“Shut it. Be thankful I’m using lube, you prick. Of course, your friends won’t be quite as thoughtful will they? No. They’re going to use you like a veritable come dump.”

“N-uh,” he whimpered as I twisted two fingers into him and dug around looking for his prostate.

“You may as well get something out of this before you pass out,” I mumbled as I scooted my fingers along, making contact and hearing him groan and curse. Pushing a third finger in, I spread them wide, preparing him the best I could with the limited time I had. They’ll come looking for me soon.

“Ah, fuck. More.”

I twisted and plunged in again, scissoring my fingers wider as the jock writhed on my hand. “That’s it. Good boy,” I added before I tore into the condom packet with my teeth. Slipping my fingers out, I put on the sheath, lubed up and positioned myself against Rick’s virgin hole. “Here we go,” I tried to warn him as I patted his hip.

I pushed my cock into his asshole super slow, making sure not to tear anything or hurt him unnecessarily. Just need to teach him a lesson. He can’t just take what he wants for fucks sake. His low moans didn’t cease until I’d bottomed out and I held tight against him to give him time to adjust. “Shh, it’ll feel good real soon and then you’ll be asleep. Just be good for me, okay?” I soothed as my jeans rubbed along the back of his thighs.

Pulling back, I started a slow rhythm that Rick seemed happy to rock back into and a few minutes later his body slumped forward, dropping to the mattress in slow motion as unconsciousness claimed him. I followed him down and wiggled around to get comfortable as I lay along his back. “There we go.” Now we can get this done.

I started up a fast pace, ready to get the fuck out of dodge and find Thad. I had to close my eyes and imagine Kurt in order to keep myself going. Letting my mind fool my body into thinking that the skinny jock under me was really my beautiful best friend and that we were finally getting to enjoy each other like this, that I was finally going be able to come inside him. A handful of thrusts later and it was enough, my hips stuttering, as I fell apart on top of Rick. “Uh, Kurt!”

I rolled off and got myself together, cleaning up and making sure Rick was okay. I pulled a pillow over the back of his head, mostly to hide his stupid hair, and sent a text off to Thad from Rick’s phone telling him to come and get me in his room on the third floor and to bring a couple of beers with him. I removed the chair and sent off the next text to Rashad telling him that the come dump was all set in this room and to tell Thad to come upstairs.


“Hey, Thaddeus!” Rashad yelled out. “Your boy’s all ready upstairs, man.”

“Yep, Rick told me. I’m on my way now. I’ll text you once I’m done.”

“Good luck, bro.” Derek clapped him on the shoulder.

“Luck doesn’t even factor into it,” Thad grinned as he grabbed two red cups of beer and headed up to his room.


I dropped down on Thad’s bed dressed in only my black cotton boxers and undone jeans, having piled up my clothes and stuff on the window seat, feeling the small pill’s profile in my pocket and waited for someone I’d previously thought of as a good friend. Note to self: never let Kurt go anywhere with Thad. Asshole.

Grabbing the empty yellow cup, I let myself sink back into my smashed act as the doorknob turned.


“Huh? Heey, Thad!”

“You okay? Where’s Rick?”

“I'ma fine. He wen’ to get me a drink. Empty, see?” I tipped my yellow cup upside down and shook it.

“You thirsty?” Thad asked as he sat next to me on his bed and offered me one of the beers in his hand.

“Oh, thanks man! Hey, can you lock the door? I don’ wanna tricky Ricky to come back, ‘kay? He’s creepy,” I said with a shudder that made Thad laugh as he got up and did what I asked. While his back was turned, I dropped the pill in and did a quick stir watching as it dissolved rapidly. I kept staring at it even as Thad sat down right next to me, our thighs touching, as he trailed his hand down my bare back.

“There. He won’t bother you again. Drink up,” he suggested.

I held the cup to my closed lips and tipped the cup up in an illusion of drinking and then screwed up my face in disgust. “Blergh. Tastes funny. You sure there’s no’ somethink in it?”

Thad chuckled and shook his head. “Trust me, Blaine. There’s nothing but beer in it.”

“Swap? Please?” I pouted.

He rolled his eyes but handed me his cup as he took mine. “There? Happy now?”

I nodded happily and sipped at my new drink. “Ooh! Wanna play a game?”


“’Kay, um…let’s see who can finish their drink the fastest. Ready. Set. Go!” I tipped my beer up and drank as Thad tried to race me. I made sure to tip his cup up, getting him to swallow the whole thing down, before I gave up. “Aw, you won!” I laughed. “Uh hey, I don’ feel too good,” I groaned and handed off my drink before I flopped back onto the bed.

“Wow, you have tiny nipples, Blaine.”

I laughed hoarsely and then I felt Thad’s hand brush across a nipple, making me bite my lip. Let’s see how far he’ll go before he keels over. Plus, he may as well remember this bit and it feels kinda nice too. Stupid Thad.

“You like that, Blaine?”


He pinched my nip and asked the question again so I gave him a non-committal hum. He took his time stroking across my chest before I felt his fingers walk their way down my stomach. Thad palmed my semi-hard cock in my boxers, rubbing along the material and pushing my jeans further down. I let out a groan as he squeezed my shaft.

“You’re big,” Thad said in admiration while he peeled off my jeans and started on my underwear. As he got me naked, I felt him shift off the bed while I blinked at the ceiling. The rustle of clothing as it came off his body was my only clue as to where he was. Then the bed dipped again and he crawled up to lay alongside me. “How’re you doing?” he asked as he put his thumb on my chin to tip my head towards him.

I blinked slowly, letting my eyelids droop heavily, as he started to whisper how much he was looking forward to this, how much he liked me, how long he’d wanted me and then he tried to kiss me. I jerked away and shook my head tiredly. “No. Don’t, Thad. I don’t like you like that.”

“Are you sure? ‘Cos you’re hard, Blaine. See?” he asked as he pumped my cock.

“Well, duh. You’re touching my dick, dumbass.” My eyes flicked open to see him frown. “I’m not attracted to you. I like someone else and I’ve never wanted you to touch me like this. Let alone drag me to a party, drug me and hand me over to the wolves to get pounded bareback. What the fuck were you thinking, Thad?”

“What?!” he snatched his hand away from me like it’d been burnt. “What are you talking about?”

“Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me that the punch wasn’t spiked. Tell me that the boys downstairs aren’t waiting for you to give them the all clear.”

Thad hesitated before launching into a spiel. “You’re wrong, Blaine. Your mind is playing tricks on you. Maybe someone did put something into the punch after all. But this, Blaine…” he murmured as he started to stroke my wilting cock again, “this is real. You want this. And I can make you feel good too. See how good this feels?” he asked as he jerked me faster and bent down to suck on a nipple.

You dumb shit. If you had just told me the truth, I’d have just left you here to sleep it off. But not now. Not after you lied to my face. Willing to put my life in danger. Jesus! Of all the things I’ve done and justified, I’ve never gone bareback!

I let out a heavy breath as he started to kiss his way down my abdomen and took my dick in his mouth. Letting him suck me for a minute, I twisted my hands in his hair and moaned appreciatively as he swallowed around me. I left my hands resting there as he licked his way around my length and then sucked on my balls, only dragging him back when he tried to get to my entrance. Thad eagerly sucked and slurped until I yanked him down on my dick, holding his head there as I thrust up into his mouth repeatedly.

“You may as well swallow me down, Thad. Rick certainly did.”

He coughed as he took in my words, his hands scrabbling at my thighs.

“You’re right, Thad. This does feel pretty damn good, doesn’t it?” I yanked him up to let him breathe, red faced and sweaty with effort. “You like my cock?” I asked with a grin.
“Y-you-you’re surprisingly l-l-lucid,” he panted.

“Oh. Well, that’s ‘cos I’m sober, unlike you.”


“Mm hmm. Another ten minutes or so and it’ll be lights out for you.”


“You wanna blow me some more?” I asked, my hands still gripping his hair tight.

He nodded dumbly and started to duck back down.

“Uh uh uh,” I disapproved and pulled him up by the hair, dropping him next to me. Getting to my knees, I repositioned him to lie on his back, his feet resting on his pillows. “Open up, Thad. Get ready,” I ordered as I hovered above him in a push-up position, my arms braced on the low rise slat bed end. I eased down, dipping my dick back into his mouth. Taking it easy, I gave him a couple of shallow dunks before I dropped right down, plunging into his throat. I had to give it to him, he gave it a valiant try before his throat revolted and he coughed against my meat.

Easing up, I did a few more slow shallow lunges and then dipped in deeper and deeper until he could take all of me.  I bobbed there over and over until my need overwhelmed me and I came down Thad’s throat.

Dropping to my knees, I looked down at his flushed face and spit-slick mouth. I tossed up whether or not I was actually going to fuck him. Sure, this is the perfect opportunity but he pretty much disgusts me right now. I thought about tucking him in and heading home before I remembered the girls that I’d seen downstairs. Fuck.

I pulled on Thad’s underwear and pants as he drifted in and out of sleep before dragging him under the covers. Getting dressed quickly, I pocketed everything I came with and moved into the hallway, looking for the window that let out onto the roof.

As I made my way across the slippery tiles, I cursed Thad incessantly until I found the fire escape that would get me close enough to the ground. I dropped the last couple of feet and snuck off to my car, careful not to be seen by anyone.

Slipping into my car and locking the doors behind me, I pulled out my cell and dialed 911 to phone in a noise complaint. Not ideal but the best I could do, given that Rick was out cold with my medication. I didn’t want him to be carted off to hospital for a drug test or anything but at least this way the party would get shut down and hopefully it’d scare off most everybody.

I shook my head as I turned over the motor. Stupid Thad. I’ll find a way to make you pay.

Kurt’s interlude


As he settled into his bed after dinner with his family, Kurt let his mind roam freely, reviewing the week as his body wound down.

Happily, he’d scraped up the courage to switch Study Hall sessions and had managed to get the dorm room to himself while Blaine was in Biology, allowing him precious time to jerk off or catch up with Mercedes and Tina via text.

And now that the exams were out of the way, Warblers practice had stepped up in intensity but he seemed to be sleeping better, even with Sectionals looming. As much as he didn’t want to go up against his friends in New Directions, he wanted to perform for the crowd and he didn’t want to let the Warblers down either. Or Blaine.

He sighed at the thought of his best friend. Just hearing Blaine’s voice this morning talking on the phone to someone as he woke up had him hard and aching. He’d had to wait until Blaine was sufficiently distracted before he could bolt to the bathroom and whack off during his morning shower. Kurt didn’t know what was wrong with him, well any more than usual, but all week he’d been popping boners in class and practice left and right. Every time Blaine leaned in to whisper something in his ear or touched him around the waist as he brushed by had him losing control and then making excuses to leave or cross his legs.

Shit, he thought, I’m hard again.

He huffed and ducked his hand under the covers, snaking it into his pajama pants as he visualized Blaine in his head.

‘God Kurt…you’re so sexy. I can’t wait to do this with you naked. You should use your fingers, baby. Pretend you’re taking my cock,’ fantasy Blaine whispered in the darkness.

Kurt shivered at the thought of Blaine being inside him. He twisted to reach underneath his bed and pulled out the shoebox hiding under there. Fishing inside, he grabbed the tube of KY and slipped it under his pillow then he pushed the covers back and shuffled his pajamas off.

‘Use your fingers, Kurt. Pretend they’re mine.’

“Bl-Blaine,” Kurt stuttered quietly as he stroked his hands up and down his chest, letting one hand drop to pull at his cock as the other dug the KY out and flicked the cap. He wet a pair of fingers and reached down to nudge against his entrance.

‘Feels good doesn’t it, beautiful? You’re gonna look so good on my cock, Kurt.’

With a gasp, he eased a single fingertip inside. “Ooh,” he sighed and he let himself relax as he got lost in fantasy Blaine’s eyes and words.

‘Get comfortable, baby. Spread your legs. You have such a pretty cock.’

A searing shudder rolled through him as he felt the hot breath of fantasy Blaine whispering in his ear, trailing his lips along his neck.

‘You feel so good, Kurt. Can you feel me? Push in deep. Can you feel my fingers, baby?’

Kurt let out a whimper as he fucked down on his lone finger as his other hand slid along his dick faster. Taking a steadying breath, he pushed in a second digit and reached in as far as he could in this position. ‘Uh!’ he squeaked as he brushed close to his prostate.

His eyes rolled up and he bucked his hips between his fist and his fingers. “Uh, Bl-Blaine. Need you. Need you to f-fuck me,” he murmured, barely making a sound, as his hips jerked up violently and his ass tightened around his fingers at the same time. The clench had his head thrashing on his pillow as his cock swelled and pumped out long white streaks up his body. He lay still, breathing heavily, as he eased his fingers out while still stroking through the aftershocks.

A quick clean-up with some tissues, Kurt snuggled under his covers, sated and, for a change, naked.

Part Sixteen>>

media: fanfic, klaine, first person pov, nc-17, length: series, gkm fill, genre: smut, somnophilia, glee: sandman, blad

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