To Reconnect

Jun 06, 2010 21:59

[Ever since she'd taken her seat, Layer hadn't moved from her station. It was easy to monitor and work her magic over the comm lines, but the difficulty hump came in the form of navigation: Alia was right... they had the right idea, but the spotters needed a little more time yet. Can't stop, have to the weight for a while longer. She could stop to ( Read more... )

[layer] moe_rapier, [x] tothexthpower, [zero] final_number, [x] totalpacifist, [alia] experient, [rockwoman] mega_maiden, [axl] gun envy, [axl] gunslinging

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Comments 225

final_number June 7 2010, 02:08:36 UTC
[Have a soft sigh from behind you, Layer, and a grim-looking Zero waving a hand.]

Hey. Prisoner reporting for supervision.


moe_rapier June 7 2010, 02:23:59 UTC
[The poor individual finally found their way, and she breathed a quiet sigh. He'd be fine- hold on. She never sounded like that when she sighed. At the voice, she turned her head and blinked at him through the single eye that managed to reveal itself past a curtain of purple.

Prisoner? ...She recalled having a dream that began this way once. Audibly clearing her throat, she stood and gave the mic a quick double-tap. It receded into the headset.]

The channels are ready, Zero. I can give you the codes now, if you'd like. Um... prisoner?


a -dream- like that, huh? ;) final_number June 7 2010, 02:30:26 UTC
Yeah. I'm kind of... in trouble. Big trouble.

[A very wan smile, though the Hunter shakes his head and goes to sit in an unused Navigator's chair, rubbing his forehead with his fingertips.]

And, good. We need to get everyone in here to get their new frequencies.


hahaha, that was a 'dunk your head in ice water' morning. moe_rapier June 7 2010, 02:46:04 UTC
[She frowned, hands clenching together in her lap as she seated next to him.]

Uh oh. ...Dare I ask?

I sent a little 'come hither' out just as you showed up, actually. Hopefully it went through all right.


gunslinging June 7 2010, 03:09:56 UTC
[Did someone say "pinged"?

Axl pokes his head in...and then sidles on up to Layer's console, rests his elbows on top of it, and leans forward.]

Oh, hey, didn't even realize you were here too, Layer.


final_number June 7 2010, 03:11:45 UTC

[Zero wanly smiles at the other S-class.]


gunslinging June 7 2010, 03:14:20 UTC
[Axl smiles back, but for once, he's not really even bothering to fake it. Yes, he's worried and it's pretty obvious.]

How'd it go?


final_number June 7 2010, 03:16:45 UTC
Like crap. You can count me out for a good long time.

[head lowered, and shaking it grimly.]


hi I'm just going to spam your post with both of mine :D; experient June 7 2010, 03:31:41 UTC
[Alia comes in a bit after Zero -- she spent some time after he left just sitting in front of the scanner, lost in thought. But this is no time to go to pieces, no matter how much she's dreading this. If Zero's out of commission, it's that much more reason she has to stay on top of things.

She doesn't say anything as she joins the crowd, just nods quietly. She's tired as hell and she's sure she looks it and she doesn't want to deal with the world right now.

But it's not about what she wants, so to hell with that.]


final_number June 7 2010, 03:47:34 UTC
Hey, boss.

[Zero gets up and offers her his chair as a replacement - since there aren't too many up here, and she looks like she needs a sit down even more than he does.]


experient June 7 2010, 03:51:35 UTC
[She's not even going to protest that, just nod her thanks and take a seat.]

How are you feeling?

[Probably about as bad as she is, but conversation is conversation.]


final_number June 7 2010, 03:57:12 UTC
Like dirt, but you have it worse.

[He puts his hands on her shoulders, meaning to be comforting.]

If you want to take some downtime, do it now. Layer and I can keep an eye on things.


mega_maiden June 7 2010, 03:59:56 UTC
[And here is Rock now. Have you met the little X look alike, Layer? Well she's here now, and she's going to a console and starting to press buttons, mumbling.]

And then this one is different too. How am I supposed to find X?


final_number June 7 2010, 04:01:13 UTC
Rock! [Zero blinks.]


mega_maiden June 7 2010, 04:23:26 UTC
Z-zero! [Latch hug.] Um, is now a bad time to give you possibly-bad-but-I-don't-really-know news?


final_number June 7 2010, 04:27:02 UTC
Hmph, you too, huh? Fine, I bet mine's worse anyway.


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 04:21:10 UTC
[X is a little late to the gathering, but he shows up without fanfare. Stepping into the control room, he glances around and spots the gathering over by Layer's console. When did Layer get here anyway?

...And why wasn't Nana here? He'd gotten so used to her being in navigator control here on Giga, it was a little odd not to see her. He shook his head slightly and then headed to join them. He smiled and gave a wave as he got close.]

Hi, sorry I'm late. It's good to see you again, Layer.


experient June 7 2010, 04:30:40 UTC
[Alia, flopped down in a chair nearby, tries to manage a smile and a wave at X.

She's not succeeding too well at that first, but it was worth a shot.]


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 05:00:03 UTC
[X managed a smile that he hoped was reassuring for her as he leaned against the console next to Layer's.]

How are you holding up?

[She didn't look too well, but he was hoping it was just a matter of her working too hard, and not more bad news.]


experient June 7 2010, 05:03:44 UTC
I'm functional.

[But barely.

Her gaze flicks towards Zero for a moment.]

I'm not sure if I should give you our latest, or if Zero would rather fill you in himself, but I don't think you're going to like hearing it.

And I'd like to get your scan underway first thing tomorrow, if you don't have objections.


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