Somehow got thrown back in time

Jun 06, 2010 00:51

[He wasn't sure how he had ended up on the roof of the high rise (office building?), just that there had been an explosion as Zero struck down Omega. Everything after - during, Harpuia decided - had been a blur and no matter what he did, his memory would yield no more information. Could it have been a result of the Resistance repairing him (here ( Read more... )

[harpuia] ventus aerius, [x] tothexthpower, [zero] heartless edge, [lumine] irregularlight

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[is all over this] tothexthpower June 6 2010, 09:08:00 UTC
[X has not been paying much attention to the open-access comm channels available on Giga City. He's got enough to worry about just monitoring the dedicated Hunter frequencies. Even if he had been monitoring the channel Harpuia used, neither of those names would have caught his attention.

Instead, he's currently outside on an ocean overlook off the main plaza. There's a strong breeze coming in off the ocean today and he's taken his helmet off so he can feel it in his hair. It helps rinse away some of the stress as he leans over the railing and into the wind. It's not much of a comfort, but at least it's a brief respite from the worry that's been weighing him down since he woke up on Giga.

They were all waiting on their scans now. Alia had taken Zero for scanning first. It made sense since he was the base commander. They had to make sure he hadn't been compromised. And Zero needed the reassurance that he was still himself - not that X doubted that Zero was still Zero. Not after meeting him in person. But X knew Zero needed ( ... )


ventus_aerius June 9 2010, 07:10:00 UTC

[Harpuia stiffened slightly before looking up at X in surprise. There was a brief moment of silence before he nods]

I'm sure something will come to light.


tothexthpower June 9 2010, 07:48:31 UTC
[When Harpuia stiffened slightly, X hesitated, then let his hand drop once Harpuia spoke. Had he overstepped by touching him? He'd just wanted to offer some kind of comfort...

He offered an attempt at a reassuring smile instead.]

It will. One of the Hunter's top analysts is going to be scanning the rest of us that we know have been affected [ see if we're copies or have been tampered with...] over the next few days.

[He paused. This was the tricky part. No matter what Harpuia thought, X couldn't order him to submit to being scanned. It was unlikely he was a copy - who'd he be a copy of anyway? But the scan could at least determine if his design was advanced enough to plausibly be from over a hundred years in the future. It would at least be some small measure of confirmation that 'yes, he is from the future and he's not lying.']

...Would you be willing to allow her to scan you as well?


ventus_aerius June 9 2010, 18:08:40 UTC
For security reasons, correct?

[there were so many reasons for him to decline. There was the matter of trust, of who the person scanning him would be, was Master X telling the truth or was this another copy and...

And Harpuia really didn't want to consider the last point valid.

Curse you, Weil, ruining the memories of my comrades and my master]

I trust you, Master X.

... Before that, there's something else I need to tell you about my creation and that of the other Guardians. [might as well hear it from the source and not find out from a scan]


tothexthpower June 10 2010, 03:38:38 UTC
[X gave Harpuia a reassuring smile and nodded.]

Yes. ...We need to be certain none of us have been compromised.

[His smile is a little warmer as Harpuia declares his trust - even though X just met him. He's touched that the other would have the kind of trust in him to submit to a deep scan. He offered his hand, inviting a handclasp.]

Thank you... I'll do my best to live up to that trust.

[X inclined his head inquisitively.]

Go ahead, if you think it's important?


ventus_aerius June 10 2010, 03:46:15 UTC
[the severe expression that Harpuia had been wearing up to now fades away to a softer (relieved?) expression. He accepts the handclasp after a moment, still unaccustomed to the friendlier X but not minding the change too terribly]


[the neutral expression falls back into place as he lets go. This next part-]

I mentioned previously that the Four Guardians were created to help you. What I didn't mention was... [pause]

We were created using your DNA.

[ooc: which begs the question of howwww does a robot even have DNA? orz ]


tothexthpower June 10 2010, 05:20:08 UTC
[Poor deprived Harpuia. You didn't get enough hugs from your dad, did you. This is just how X always is.

X clasps his hand firmly in return and smiles brighter at Harpuia showing some relief. But then Harpuia's expression slides back to that neutral mask again.

But X's slight disappointment is completely forgotten as Harpuia continues talking. His eyes widen slightly in surprise. All reploids were based on his schematics, but... his DNA? The DNA program in a reploid's core was unique to each reploid - as unique as any human's. But X's DNA was so intricately complex that it couldn't even be fully scanned and analyzed, let alone copied enough to base other reploids on.]

My... DNA?

[That it was possible at all was a shock. Harpuia obviously wasn't a clone - there must be deviations in the code. But stillX wasn't even sure what to think about this. If Harpuia really is what he says he is, then ( ... )


ventus_aerius June 10 2010, 05:36:34 UTC
[he nods] Your DNA.

... We've our own personalities, but we carry traits from you as well. It's... It's difficult to explain properly. We were never given the full explanation and while the data was there, none of us ever had the time to look. [the truth]

[here, another moment of hesitation. He didn't want to remember the Copy X that Weil created. He didn't want to think about Omega - that Zero's original body - that Weil had modified for his own needs. What good would it do to tell him about that when it was obvious that Master X had enough to worry about as it is?]

My apologies, Master X. [and another bow]

[ooc: trufax Light and Wily were SUPER BOSS and made robot DNA!! 8|b ]


tothexthpower June 10 2010, 06:27:13 UTC
[It's probably as hard to properly explain as it is for X to wrap his mind around it. Right now, as far as X knows, his actual DNA has never even been partially copied accurately. To be able to replicate it accurately enough to integrate it into other reploid cores...

It would at least be more proof that Harpuia was from the future.

But then Harpuia was bowing and apologizing... for being made from his DNA?

Even before Harpuia had bowed all the way down, X reached out to catch his shoulders and try to gently lift him out of the bow.]

No- Please don't. You don't have to apologize for anything. Please don't bow -- not to me.

[His tone was gentle and entreating. Even once Harpuia straightened up, he didn't lift his hands away from his shoulders.

Sharing code was something even more intimate than even sharing schematics or design. Iris and Colonel had shared core code - they'd been twins split from the same code. But this...

It wasn't right for him to be bowing to X.]


ventus_aerius June 10 2010, 06:38:12 UTC
[there was an almost confused expression on Harpuia's face when X pulled him up from the bow. He'd done it without a second thought - no matter what Weil did, some habits and programming just could not be overwritten in such a short amount of time]

Master X?

[he wasn't apologizing for being created from X's DNA though... He was apologizing for not being able to provide more information. But that could be sorted out later]


tothexthpower June 10 2010, 07:09:48 UTC
[X attempted a reassuring smile and gave Harpuia's shoulders a light squeeze for an instant.]

Please, you don't have to bow to me. It feels too... formal... [for whatever they were, exactly. He couldn't be sure until after the scans, but, still.

If they were... family, he wanted to get to know Harpuia more, not have him as a subordinate.

The idea of having family had been strange before he'd met Rock. But now he knew that if he had more family of some kind, he didn't want them bowing to him as if he was so much better than they were.]


ventus_aerius June 10 2010, 07:29:17 UTC
[how... strange]

It's... a habit.

[this is an awkward pause. Now that most of that was out of the way Harpuia didn't really know what to do. Telling him more about the future at this point would probably add on to the stress that X was facing so that was out of the question...

Wait, Harpuia didn't know where-] The scanning you mentioned earlier... Where will it take place?

[he needed to find a map somewhere]


tothexthpower June 10 2010, 07:42:45 UTC
[X gave him a warm smile before letting his hands drop from his shoulders.]

It will be taking place at the Hunter Base in Central. Alia's got a lot of people to scan, and the base is understaffed, so it might take a few days to get to everyone...

I can show you the way?


ventus_aerius June 10 2010, 07:48:48 UTC
[here he almost bows again, but catches himself in time. He opts to nod instead]

If it's not too much trouble.

[Harpuia could look for energy in his own time]


tothexthpower June 10 2010, 07:56:57 UTC
[X smiles again and shakes his head a little.]

It's no trouble.

The Air Bus station to Central is this way. [X pointed and then beckoned for him to follow.]

[ooc: Play it out? Another log? Handwave?]


ventus_aerius June 10 2010, 08:00:00 UTC
Thank you. [and, like the duckling obedient servant he is, Harpuia follows without a question]

[ooc: I'm all for handwaving the traveling and directions. orz or did you mean the scanning? .___. /braindead]


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