Somehow got thrown back in time

Jun 06, 2010 00:51

[He wasn't sure how he had ended up on the roof of the high rise (office building?), just that there had been an explosion as Zero struck down Omega. Everything after - during, Harpuia decided - had been a blur and no matter what he did, his memory would yield no more information. Could it have been a result of the Resistance repairing him (here ( Read more... )

[harpuia] ventus aerius, [x] tothexthpower, [zero] heartless edge, [lumine] irregularlight

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[is all over this] tothexthpower June 6 2010, 09:08:00 UTC
[X has not been paying much attention to the open-access comm channels available on Giga City. He's got enough to worry about just monitoring the dedicated Hunter frequencies. Even if he had been monitoring the channel Harpuia used, neither of those names would have caught his attention.

Instead, he's currently outside on an ocean overlook off the main plaza. There's a strong breeze coming in off the ocean today and he's taken his helmet off so he can feel it in his hair. It helps rinse away some of the stress as he leans over the railing and into the wind. It's not much of a comfort, but at least it's a brief respite from the worry that's been weighing him down since he woke up on Giga.

They were all waiting on their scans now. Alia had taken Zero for scanning first. It made sense since he was the base commander. They had to make sure he hadn't been compromised. And Zero needed the reassurance that he was still himself - not that X doubted that Zero was still Zero. Not after meeting him in person. But X knew Zero needed more proof before he could trust himself again. He could never begrudge Zero that, even if it meant he'd have to wait to learn the truth about himself.

He wasn't sure what order Alia would take them to scan, but X would wait as long as it took. They were all in this mess together. He hated seeing Zero and Axl, and even himselves, doubting themselves. Even if he went last, he wouldn't mind, because that would mean that the others would have reassured themselves of their own identities.

...And maybe a little bit of that was his own dread at the fact that Alia might find something wrong with him.

He wouldn't know until he was scanned. And until then, he was just trying to kill time and try not to think about it too much.]


ventus_aerius June 6 2010, 23:10:30 UTC
[a few more attempts to make contact were made (he must have been desperate, having resorted to trying to contact his retired comrades as well) before Harpuia threw in the proverbial towel. Neither the Judges nor Phantom would take this long to reply... The steadily growing number of stares didn't help alleviate his anxiety either. With one ear to the opened channels Harpuia took a turn into a quiet ally and took flight. He'd have to mind his energy closely but this travel method would be faster than just walking around.

It was while he was passing by one of the overlooks in search of Leviathan that Harpuia managed to a different blue reploid all together. Several months earlier he would not have hesitated to land by his master and ask about the situation. However, that accursed Weil had spoiled the memory of the X that he knew; Harpuia did not want a repeat if what had happened back in Neo Arcadia. Still...]

[the green reploid started in the air a moment longer before gently gliding down to the overlook and landing a short distance from where X stood. There was another pause before he took a step forward and spoke up]

Master X...?

[ooc: apologies for any typos I might have missed. Using an iPod to type these things is kinda awkward. orz ]


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 00:00:22 UTC
[While X was looking out to sea, there was a sound of jet boosters going by overhead. As he reached up to push his unruly hair back, he glanced up, spotting a reploid in green and white armor hovering past. It was no one he knew so he didn't pay much more attention except to note the reploid coming to land on the otherwise empty overlook. There was plenty of room, so X didn't bother moving aside. However, he did notice the reploid kept eyeing him strangely.

He probably recognized him in his armor. Maverick Hunter X was well known whether he wanted to be or not. The slender flyer was probably a fan.

X did not really want to deal with fans right now...

When the other reploid spoke up, X couldn't help blinking in surprise. Did he just call him... 'master'? He straightened up and turned toward the other reploid. The smile he gave was polite, but curious.]

Ah, yes? Hello?

[ooc: No worries. :D]


ventus_aerius June 7 2010, 04:18:38 UTC
[the smile is met with a level stare. That reaction was... definitely not the one he expected. Close up, it was easier to see that his armor was different from the one that Harpuia had seen him wear before: bulkier, like the other reploids who were walking through the city]

... Master X, don't you remember...?


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 04:54:43 UTC
[Remember? ...No, he was sure he'd remember this reploid if he knew him, the armor design wasn't quite like any he'd seen before, for one thing.]

Ah... no? I'm afraid I don't recall meeting you. I'm sorry.

[He offered an apologetic smile. Though, that 'master' title was a little odd. He wondered why he was using it.

Why was he staring like that, though? Like he expected X to know him.

But then- X was missing two weeks. Or more.

...X really hoped he hadn't met this reploid during that time. If he had, then he might have been involved in whatever had happened to X. But that was too paranoid to think of someone he'd just met.

It was much more likely he'd encountered X in passing - maybe in a different armor design - and had hoped X would remember him.]


ventus_aerius June 7 2010, 05:23:27 UTC
... No? [Harpuia's posture fell briefly at the news, but he recovered quickly enough. There was something strange though; even the copies remembered who he was]

Then this city; what's it called? I don't recall ever coming across something this big.


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 05:35:29 UTC
Um, should I know you?

[X blinked in surprise at that. Now that was weird. By city standards, Giga was positively small. The megalopolises on the mainland sprawled across the land, dwarfing even all of Giga's island districts put together. He must be very sheltered, like Cinnamon, to have never seen the mainland. ...Except if he'd been created here, then he'd know Giga City already.

There was something strange going on here...]

This is Giga City... Have you been here long?


ventus_aerius June 7 2010, 05:48:09 UTC
[a brief pause, barely there but noticeable] No, it's... fine.

Giga City? [a quick check through his database revealed... nothing. But their surrounded by oceans, perhaps Leviathan would have had a better chance of locating this city's ruins if there were any left] No, I only just arrived.


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 06:06:22 UTC
[After seeming so certain that X ought to know him, doing a 180 was a little odd. Though, maybe he was just being polite.

Now X felt even worse for getting his hopes up and then dashing them when he didn't remember him.]

Ah, maybe if you told me when we met, mister--? I'm afraid I've had quite a bit on my mind lately... So maybe if you reminded me?

Oh, Giga is in the Pacific Ocean. We're well away from the mainland, here.

[How did he not know if he'd just arrived?]

Do you mind if I ask where you came in from?


ventus_aerius June 7 2010, 06:26:40 UTC
[Harpuia was getting used to disappointment at this point...]

I woke up atop one of the buildings [after Omega exploded] after losing consciousness.

The middle of the ocean? Heh. [a wry smile. Of all the places he could have ended up, it had to be in the middle of an ocean. It fades away quickly to be replaced by a carefully neutral expression]

... Somehow, I don't think that would make a difference.


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 06:41:18 UTC
[Okay, now X had a sinking feeling. That arrival sounded entirely too familiar... Apparently this time distortion might not be affecting only Hunters... How many civilians were on Giga who might be sliding back and forth through time?

But he'd said he didn't know Giga City. Just how far was this reaching?

His expression had become a little more worried as his stress over the situation started to show.]

You just... woke up there?

This... might sound a little strange, but... What date do you have?

[ooc: Don't need specifics, cuz lol 21XX or whatever, oh Capcom. Just go with whatever details you want about when he was pulled in.}


ventus_aerius June 7 2010, 06:52:52 UTC
[he nods to the first question and replies to the second without hesitation. The date is at least a century into the future, but regardless, Harpuia's tone is neutral. Master X must have a reason for asking this question... Perhaps it would offer some insight to their present situation]


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 07:07:01 UTC
[Yeah... that date? Makes him pale a little bit and for a fraction of an instant his control falters and the stress of all he's been through lately shows. He turns away to face out to sea and tightly grip the railing as he tries not to panic at the idea of innocent people being displaced from who-knows-where from over a century ahead.

Focus, X. Focus. Don't scare him, he's as lost as you are - moreso, even.]


[His voice falters briefly before he manages to regain as much control of his thoughts and emotions as he can.]

...Are you certain that's the date you have?


ventus_aerius June 7 2010, 07:17:14 UTC
[Harpuia caught it; the surprise and stress and-]

Master X...? [he stepped forward but stopped at the question. Standing straight again, the reploid nodded, as calm as ever (though certainly concerned about X's reaction)]


tothexthpower June 7 2010, 07:32:53 UTC
[X caught sight of the nod when he glanced over at the other when he called him 'Master X' again - why was he calling him that?

If he was from the future, did he know him in the future? But then calling him 'master' made even less sense than a fan calling him that...

Without even realizing it, one of his hands had crept up to cover his mouth as he leaned against the railing. His other hand had a hold on the rail in a white-knuckled grip as his mind raced. He didn't even realize he was talking before he asked in a small voice.]

Why do you keep calling me 'master?'

[It was an inane thing to ask, and the least of his concerns. But at least it was a concern that he might be able to get a straight answer about. And he needed the moment to try to figure out how to tell this person that someone had apparently tied knots in the timeline... unless of course they were all fakes whose memories were tampered with.]


ventus_aerius June 7 2010, 19:26:46 UTC
[now Harpuia couldn't hide his concern, but he stayed where he stood. At the quiet question, he stood and watched X quietly for a moment before answering]

After the Maverick Wars ended, you founded Neo Arcadia... I am one of the Four Guardians created to aide you in protecting Neo Arcadia.

[a cautious step forward] ... Perhaps we should take a seat.


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