Just A Taste Chapter Three

Sep 30, 2012 19:19

Title: Just A Taste
Spoilers:Season Seven Finale.
Summary:Takes place after the season seven finale. Sam makes a deal with a former foe to find his brother. Based off a prompt by sendintheklowns. The prompt is located at the end of the story. Beta work by floralia2 and sendintheklowns. The story banner is by Princess_schez .

-Chapter Three-

Sam felt someone shaking him but his eyes just didn't want to open. A voice was pleading with him but it wasn't Dean's. It was a young male voice and it sounded upset.

Maybe he was on a hunt? Something had gone wrong? His muzzled brain tried to remember.

“Sam, please, you need to wake up.”

The voice belonged to Luke. His brain finally registered that information. Not wanting to cause anymore worry to the kid, Sam struggled to open his eyes but was assaulted by the light of the room when he did.

“Luke, could you turn the lights off?” Sam rasped out, his throat dry like sandpaper.

Sam heard movement as Luke moved to turn the lights off in the room.

“I'm going to turn on the small desk light so we can see, okay?” Luke asked tentatively.

“Okay.” Sam grunted out as he moved to sit up in bed.

The small light went on and it was bearable, much to Sam's relief. It took some time and effort but the hunter was able to move himself into an upright position. Just as the previous morning, he found himself in nothing but PJ pants. Too weak to worry about modesty, Sam didn't worry about a shirt this time.

Luke approached the bed with a worried look.

“Are you okay, Sam? You're awfully pale.”

“Honestly, I'm weaker than yesterday. Kind of cold too.” Sam replied, his body starting to shiver.

“I'll get you a robe, there's one in the bathroom, and maybe another blanket.”

Luke was off to the bathroom before Sam could reply. The young teen quickly brought him the robe and then moved to grab an extra blanket off the end of the bed. Sam struggled but was able to get the robe on and was so tired from that bit of movement that he just let Luke tuck the second blanket around him.

“Is that better?” Luke asked once he was done.

Sam gave him a reassuring smile. “Yeah, thanks.”

“I brought some food, you should probably eat.”

Luke moved towards the tray that was on the desk.

“Luke, uh, could you just bring me a drink to start with? I'm not sure I could do much more right now.”

Luke turned and nodded. He grabbed a glass of milk and brought it to Sam.

Sam reached with a somewhat unsteady hand and took the glass. He slowly brought it to his lips and took a small drink before resting the glass on his leg.

“Why are you so weak today?” Luke asked as he sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Sam sighed. “My memory of last night is a bit muddled but I do remember the start of the feeding being more intense. Your father fed from my neck and it was … painful and very disorienting. I remember him pulling off of me and things got better after that. Didn't hurt anymore, my memory is fuzzy from that point on.”

“I've never seen anyone so weak after a feeding.” Luke said in a whisper.

Sam looked away from the kid, not knowing what to say. Luke had evidently been living in denial. The child's only real exposure to vampire feeding being a gentle affair compared to what Sam had encountered over the years. Evidently, Luke had found away to rationalize vampires feeding on humans, and now he was faced with the fragile mortality of humans and how a feeding could lead to illness or death.

Taking a moment to compose himself, Sam looked up at Luke.

“I'll be okay. Just could you take the milk? I don't think I can keep anything down right now.”

Luke's eyes went wide at that statement. He slowly got up and took Sam's glass.

“Sam, this isn't good. You're not supposed to feel this bad. I'm going to wake Father, he'll know what to do.”

Sam frowned, not relishing the idea of facing the Alpha vampire so soon.

“Luke, just let me rest and I'll be okay. I promise. You don't have to wake the Alpha.”

“But I do. I promised to watch over you. He warned me that I was to tell him if you showed signs of illness or didn't eat for me. Just rest right now, I'll be back.”

Sam nodded and slumped in defeat. He knew there was nothing he could say to stop Luke from waking the Alpha. As the door shut behind the boy, Sam let himself drift off to restless sleep.


It didn't seem long before Sam awoke to his right arm being pulled to the side. He slowly opened his eyes and found Luke next to his bed.

“Just relax Sam, I'm just hooking up an IV to help you feel better. You need nutrients and this will help. Don't worry I know what I'm doing.”

Luke took an alcoholic wipe and cleaned a spot on the back of Sam's hand. Sam wanted to protest but he was too damn tired.

“You have big veins, so this shouldn't be hard at all. Some of the special kids are so young it makes it harder, but I've gotten pretty good at it.”

Luke moved to stick the needle in and Sam closed his eyes, breathing through the sting of pain. It wasn't bad but he felt so raw and laid open right now that everything was too much. He decided to leave his eyes closed and willed himself back to sleep.

Luke was evidently a big talker when nervous. He continued to talk as he worked to get the IV going. Sam just listened, not able to do much more, even though he would have liked to reassure the young boy.

“Some of Father's special children are on a special diet where he feeds them this way. It makes their blood taste better he says. It is always girls that he does this way, but I haven't ever asked him why. Anyway, when they are first brought in and afraid, I'm usually the one that feeds them. Or one of the other human's that work for him. He wants the contact with other vampires limited for his special kids, especially at first. They belong to him and he doesn't want his other vampire children to be tempted, and he only trusts his senior vampires with us.”

Sam could feel the cool liquid of the IV working its way into his body. It was always a weird sensation and it made him shiver.

“The IV is going now. Hopefully soon, you'll start to feel better. I'm going to sit next to the bed and if you need anything just ask.”

Sam wanted to tell Luke he'd be okay if he left but he still couldn't find his voice and so he let himself drift off.

When Sam awoke the next time, it was to Luke unhooking the IV. He opened his eyes and realized right away he felt better. More with it this time.

“I'm going to leave the port in for right now in case you need more later, okay?” Luke asked as he moved to sit back down in the chair.

Sam decided to test his voice. “Yeah, sure.”

His mouth was really dry but overall he did feel a lot better.

“Luke, do you think you could get me some water?”

“Sure thing, I'll be back in a minute.”

Sam watched as Luke left and he took stock of his surroundings. The morning breakfast tray was gone, and he wondered how long he had been out of it.

The thick robe he was wearing was bunched up and uncomfortable around his waist and made him hot. He had worked his way out of the heavy garment by the time Luke returned with a couple bottles of water.

“Luke, could you get me a t-shirt out of my duffel?” Sam asked as he threw the robe to the other side of the bed.

“Yeah, hold on.” Luke sat the water down on the desk and moved towards the bathroom.

Luke returned from the bathroom with a shirt in hand. He took it to Sam. While Sam struggled to put on the shirt, Luke brought him one of the water bottles.

Sam gratefully took the water bottle from the teen and wasted no time opening it and taking a couple of long drags from the bottle. The water felt like heaven going down his parched throat.

“Thanks Luke, I'm feeling a lot better now.”

Luke smiled and took his place in the chair next to the bed. “I'm glad.”

“You have been stuck babysitting me all day, huh?” Sam asked before taking another drink.

“Yeah, Father doesn't trust his vampire children around you so that's why I've pretty much been the only person you've seen. He trusts me with you.” Luke said with pride.

“Why doesn't he trust the others?” Sam asked, now curious over the arrangement.

“Well, you're a hunter and vampires don't like hunters. He wasn't sure that they would be nice to you, even though they have orders not to hurt you. Father was afraid they might give in to anger or want to sample your blood since you have been moved into the part of the house for special kids.”

“Oh, I see. Makes sense. When I first got here there were a few other kids, and then just you.”

“Well Father knew you'd need special care when he started feeding and I'm used to providing that.”

Sam could see the pride Luke took from being trusted by his so-called father.

“Well, I appreciate it. Wasn't doing so well earlier. But I'm feeling much better now, thanks. I hope you weren't too bored left to watch after me.”

“Oh, I just read. Luke held up a paperback that was nestled in the chair he was sitting in. “Tale of Two Cities. My tutor assigned it.”

“Do you like it?” Sam asked as he finished off his water.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. “It is a lot more violent than I thought a school book would be. It isn't too bad, not my favorite.”

“I agree. I was more interested in the modern classics like To Kill a Mockingbird or Clockwork Orange. So what is your favorite school subject?”

Luke frowned in concentration. “Uh, you know before I got here, I struggled and didn't much care for any part of school. But once I got here, and Father hired me a private tutor, and a whole new world opened up to me. I like math and science a lot but litature and history fascinate me too. What about you?”

“I was like you, I liked all the subjects but I liked solving problems, whether it was math problems or a science experiment. I think because I was raised a hunter I liked figuring things out.”

Luke nodded and looked away. “Sam, I've wanted to ask you something but I ...”

“You can ask me whatever you want, I might not answer but I won't get mad at you for asking. Just could you bring me that other bottle of water first?”

Sam was embarrassed to ask the kid to wait on him but he still felt weak and figured face planting in front of Luke would be more embarrassing.

Luke jumped up and grabbed the bottle and brought it to Sam.

“Are you sure your okay, Sam?”

Sam took the bottle with a sigh. “I'm better, promise, just still a little off. You had a question?”

Luke nodded and took his place in his chair by the bed.

“You told me that you have demon blood in you so I was wondering how you became a hunter. That seems a bit unusual.”

Sam took a long drink and gave Luke a smirk.

“It's a long and complicated story, so I'm going to give you a cliff notes version, okay?”


“My family didn't know what the demon did to me that night my mother died, for years. My Dad just knew something supernatural took his wife's life and that drove him to become a hunter so he could find and kill it. He raised my brother and I as hunters so we'd be safe and could help him take on supernatural creatures that threatened humans. Hunting became the family business and finding mom's killer, the family obsession, or at least Dad's.”

“You didn't share your dad's obsession?”

Sam sighed. “I was too young to remember my mom and I was a kid. I just didn't get it. I wanted to be normal and have a normal life. I even tried for it awhile by going to college but let's just say, you can't hide from the supernatural once you know about it and it knows about you. It found me and pulled me back in.”

“I'm sorry about your mom, and that you didn't get a normal life.” Luke replied quietly.

Sam gave Luke a sympathetic smile. “I'm sorry you lost your mom and the chance for a normal life. Thing is, you just got to make the best of your situation.”

Luke frowned. “How do you do that?”

“Well for me, even though hunting is a hard way to go, I've always had my brother. He and I together make this world bearable. That's why I'm here right now, to get him back.”

“I don't have a brother or any family. How do I make a life for me?”

The fact that Luke didn't refer to the Alpha as his father surprised but pleased him. It meant that Luke got that the Elder Vampire wasn't being a father figure out of love but a need.

“When you leave here, you start over and find good friends. Friends can be like family. I just lost a man that was like a father to me. He loved me and my brother like we were his own. I treasure the fact that he was in my life. You might even meet a girl, and well, start a family.”

“I'll always be tied to this life. You said it yourself, once the supernatural world knows about you, you can't get away. I'm just going to make the best of this world.”

Luke's whole body showed defeat as he spoke.

Sam swallowed back he anger he felt towards the Alpha for putting the boy in this situation.

“Luke, if I make it out of this, I promise that if you want to leave here, I'll try and help you.”

“Thanks Sam, but I'm okay.” Luke replied with false bravado.

Sam decided to let the subject drop. He finished off his water and decided to try and stand. When he was able to without much dizziness or his legs folding he gave Luke a smile.

“Luke, why don't you head out? I think I can manage a shower by myself and you've got to be tired of babysitting me.”

“Okay, Father will probably be in soon to check on you. Are you sure you're, okay?” Luke asked worriedly.

“Promise.” Sam replied with more confidence than he really felt.

Luke picked up his book and moved towards the door. “See ya, tomorrow.”

“Night.” Sam replied as Luke left the room.

Now for a shower, Sam mumbled to himself as he headed to the bathroom.


The Alpha let himself into Sam's room eager to see how his guest was doing. Luke had reported that Sam was better and taking a shower. That was a good sign the Alpha thought.

He knew that last night's feeding had gotten away from him. The Ancient One had not lost control like that for years, since he was a fledgling. Thing was, he didn't think it had been that bad until Luke had woken him from his slumber, panicked over Sam. Luke never over reacted and was to be trusted so if he felt Sam was bad off, then, Sam definitely wasn't well.

The shower was still running as the Elder Vampire entered the room. He took a seat in the chair beside the bed and decided to wait. He could smell Sam in the other room and hear his blood flowing. It was calling to him in ways no human had ever done before. That was the problem. Sam was addicting.

The Alpha used the time while Sam was in the shower to take control of his impulses. He needed to calm the need and want that was over coming him. There would be no feeding tonight, Sam needed to recuperate or he might damage the human. That thought did a lot to quell his want for Sam's blood.

To damage Sam to the point of losing him forever was not an option, not anymore. With the loss of Sam, would be the loss of ever being able to feed on the ambrosia that was Sam's blood ever again. The Alpha couldn't bear that thought.

No, he would slow the feedings down and relish his time with Sam before their deal was done. In fact, once it was done, he would be left to ponder ways to bring Sam back to him. A way to make another deal.

The Alpha was calm and ready for Sam once the human left the bathroom. Sam flinched in surprise when he entered the bedroom and found the Alpha there.

The young man was quite the delightful sight, his t-shirt clinging to his damp muscular form, his hair wet and hanging in ringlets around the handsome face. It made the boy look younger.

What troubled the Alpha was how pale the powerful hunter was and how shaky he seemed to be on his feet. The toil of last night's feeding was blindingly apparent by just looking at the young man. Sam looked like a shadow of his normal self.

“Sam, sorry to have surprised you, why don't you take a seat?”

Sam nodded and sat down at the desk in the room. It was not lost on the creature of the night that Sam seemed weary of him, his body language was that of strength but his face was full of distrust and fear.

“So are we to do this again tonight? Because quite honestly, I don't know how much more of this my body can take,” Sam gritted out.

“Yes, I'm aware that last night veered us off track. I have no plans of feeding on you again until you are stronger.”

The Alpha hoped his words would sooth ruffled feathers and was pleased to see Sam relax a bit in his chair.

“How strong do you have to be to do this spell? I mean, is feeding strongly like you did last night over a few days going to be enough or do we really have to drag this out a full month?” Sam's voice was full of frustration as he spoke.

“To be honest, I'm not sure. The spell's wording is vague. I want to feed off you as long as I can because I enjoy it. A month seems reasonable to me. I hope you don't want to back out of our deal because I don't like deal breakers.”

Sam sighed. “No, I'm just frustrated and a bit weary of what might happen after last night.”

The Alpha nodded. “Point taken. You know I'd like to make some sort of concession or offer you something to make up for last night. Do you have any ideas of what I could do to make it up to you?”

Sam straightened in his chair and looked intensely at the Alpha before replying.

“My friend Castiel, the angel, he was pulled into Purgatory with Dean. If you could, I'd like you to pull him out with Dean, if that is possible.”

The Alpha chuckled. “Sam you do amaze me. That so-called-friend of yours, didn't he break you? Didn't he start this whole mess in the first place? From what Crowley said, he should be the last person you're worried about. In fact, if I were you, I'd rejoice that he was stuck there.”

Sam shrugged. “I've made some big mistakes myself. Thing is, Castiel made those mistakes with good intentions and I can forgive that. He has since helped me by taking on, well, the Devil in my head. So, now that I'm done defending my reason for this, can you help him?”

“No need to be defensive, I just find you fascinating that's all. As for helping the angel, there isn't much I can do. For the spell, I need some sort of essence, like hair from a hair brush or a used tooth brush, and I have a feeling that even if you had that sort of thing from Castiel, it wouldn't be his true essence but that of his vessel. However, the spell calls for me to pull out those unintended for that realm so if your friend is near your brother at the time, he might be pulled out much like he was pulled into Purgatory for being so close to the Leviathan leader.”

“Okay, thanks for letting me know.” Sam replied quietly.

“Child, I did not fulfill any sort of request, I just imparted wisdom so you can still ask something else of me.”

Sam took a long breath and then spoke. “If possible, I'd like Luke to be able to leave with me when this is done or to at least have my contact information so if he ever decided to leave and start a new life, he would have the chance.”

“Again asking for others instead of yourself. I can admire that. I do adore Luke but I want us to continue to have a good relationship so I'll allow it. If when our time is done, if Luke wants to stay with you, I will allow him, or if he wants to think about it, and take your contact information for later, I'll allow that.”

Sam gave a brief nod and smile. “I appreciate you allowing me to have that option with the kid. Luke has been a good friend to me.”

The Alpha smiled. “Yes, I'm sure he has. I just hope you won't be disappointed if he decides to stay, just remember I will treat him well.”

“Of course.”

“So Sam, can I ask you a question about something I got a glimpse of last night in our connection?”

Sam shifted uneasily in his chair. “I guess.”

“Lenore was one of my children. You thought of her last night during the feeling and I got all sorts of feelings coming off you, arousal, sadness and guilt. It was all bits and pieces and I'm curious about your relationship with her.”

The Alpha watched as Sam's face displayed guilt before becoming masked.

“She was one of my first experiences with a supernatural creature that wasn't so black and white. Lenore kidnapped me to make sure I understood that her and her nest fed off of animals and not humans. Then later, when another hunter had her, Dean and me, we saved her. Just as you have said that I fascinate you, she fascinated me. I did feel an attraction to her. Then we used her to find Eve and she begged us to kill her because she had fed on a human and Castiel killed her before I could even think... I wanted to save her.”

“She was lost to me but I can see where Lenore would catch your eye. A unique individual, she was. I don't think you could have saved her though. She wanted an end at that point. So, I asked you a personal question, I feel it is only fair to let you ask me one.”

The Alpha was very curious of what Sam would ask him and watched as Sam struggled to form a question.

“Really child, ask away. If I don't want to answer, then I won't.”

“Why did you want me? I mean, you came to me with this deal to feed on me but I don't get why. I know I have different blood but you didn't know if that would be pleasant or not, right?”

The Alpha gave Sam a leering look, willing for the human to see that he was attracted to him.

“Well, just as you stated about Lenore, you fascinate me. Ever since, I encountered your soulless shell, I've been thinking about you. On a purely superficial side to it, I'm attracted to your body, but that is only a very small part of this. Without a soul you were a wild animal that would have been entertaining to have controlled and after that...well there are so many things that I ponder about you.”

“Like what?” Sam asked in an unsure voice.

“How can a human house Lucifer and be taken to the cage where he faced not only Lucifer but Michael, survive all that? I get you have had issues, but you should be a babbling lunatic at the very least after all that. You still, after all you have been through, put others first. That amazes me. Now that you are here, I've found new things to enjoy about you. The psychic ability that allows us to bond in ways that I've never bonded to humans before and then there is your blood. It is the most delectable tasting thing I've ever had and that is saying a lot. It is why I've had to reevaluate our time together. Feedings do need to be spaced out.”

“So when will you feed again?” Sam asked hesitantly.

“I will try again tomorrow if you seem better. I am going to leave you now and let you rest so hopefully we can start anew tomorrow night. Oh, and Sam, you can tell Luke of our new arrangement. I'll confirm it tomorrow night when I wake.”

Sam stood up and moved to hold out a hand to shake. “Thanks.”

The Alpha vamp took the young man's hand and was all he could do not to pull Sam in to sniff his neck and life blood. Instead he released Sam and opened the door, calling out goodnight as he exited.


A/N: A big thanks to sendintheclowns for her wonderful prompt and beta help. I also would like to thank Floralia for her help betaing this story. The lovely banner was done by Princess_schez.

Prompt- 1) I'm looking for something that would at least partially come from the Alpha Vamp's point of view post S7. The Alpha was interested in using soulless Sam and even more so once he saw how Sam dispatched Edgar so easily. Now that Sam is alone, the Alpha has approached him with some sort of deal--work with the Alpha to save some vamps and the Alpha will help Sam find Dean (?)--which leads to some hurt!Sam and ultimately Dean not being pleased that a) Sam worked with the Alpha and b) Sam got hurt trying to save Dean. Or something in that general direction. LOL.

just a taste

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