Two of my friends and I exchanged prompts over the summer. I'm posting Just A Taste that I wrote for sendintheklowns right now and I posted Nothing Remains at the Summer of Sam which was my prompt for Floralia. Both girls have written my prompts and are both really awesome!
Title: Blood Ties
By - Floralia
Summary: Sam finds a way to break Dean out of Purgatory, with unforeseen consequences. Title: Memory
Author: sendintheklowns
Summary: His last memory-his only memory-is of standing in a lab while a short man announces he’s all alone before touching his forehead.
Art and Beta: The super talented princess_schez; thanks doll!
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Through S23, Survival of the Fittest
Dedication: To someone I’m lucky to call friend-- gidgetgal9. Many happy returns!