And next weekend is the lock-in!

Jan 20, 2008 13:41

So, you may have heard already that last night we saw Cobra Starship in a barn at a teen rec center in the middle of the most suburban Connecticut cliche town you've ever seen, and that it was awesome? But, OMG. I have to tell you again!

Teen rec center! Lifted STRAIGHT out of Saved by the Bell, but 3/4 of the audience didn't realize it because they were born AFTER the 80's, and there was a PARENTS' LOUNGE and during We the Kings and Metro Station we sat at a snack bar and drank Capri Sun and ate freeze pops and laughed ourselves silly, and it was the best thing EVER.

First off, me and Faye drove 2.5 hours to get to this place, and we were starving by the time we got off the highway, and this town--Wilton--omg. I have not earned enough money in all my life to afford one of those houses. The Subway where we stopped was not allowed to look like a Subway, and when we got out of the car, there was music playing in the parking lot of the plaza. I looked at Faye all o.O 'where is the music coming from?' and she was like, 'that is the music of Wilton itself.' EASY-LISTENING WILTON, CT, Y'ALL.

Then when we turned down the road for the teen center, Faye relayed a message from quettaser, which was 'it's behind the office building--there's balloons on the sign, and you can't miss the tour buses.' And we're driving down this little creepy one lane road under a bridge, and I'm curled up over the steering wheel laughing so hard I can't see--there's balloons on the sign, and you can't miss the tour buses!--and Faye was like, omg, Giddy has lost it. But heeee. Heeeee.

And then the actual teen center--I almost cried. It was a HOUSE. Like, a Colonial style, old school Connecticut house! With a fancy barn attached! Where the bands would be playing! And we met up with quettaser, loveyouallwrong, kalpurna, sofia_violet and I wasn't actually introduced to the other person--book_of_calm maybe? And were joined by a ton of folks--I think there were about 20 of us in line? I love fangirls, man.

We stood there for a couple hours watching the bands unload their stuff and set up--'who is that guy carrying the rug?' 'Dude from The Cab,'--and Alex Suarez came out and took pictures with some kids, and we joked about six-packs of Alexes being just too many, and the glory of a Cobra/The Cab Alex/Alex/Alex/Alex story, and badfic, and OMG it's Hemmy! and how the young guy who kept coming out to yell at people--'step back! no one gets in unless everyone steps back! I want TWO LINES! TWO LINES!'--was a gazelle in the midst of cougars and he didn't even know it but he was about to go down Discovery Channel style, and basically we laughed until we were sick because omg, Trackside Teen Center, Wilton, CT. FRIDAY NIGHT WAS 7th & 8th GRADE MOVIE NIGHT, YO.

We'd been making jokes about forming a fangirl wheel of death and spinning past the ticket people in order to get kalpurna, who didn't have a ticket, into the show. I'd like to pretend that we used stealth and cunning? But in reality quettaser just said to the three teenage girls manning will-call 'and these six are with me' then pointed to about nine people, and we walked right in. Hee!

The Cab won me over, and horrified poor Faye by having a Baby Ray Toro, who was both adorable and talented, and totally in middle school. They were a lot of fun--I really enjoyed their set. We ended up about three rows of people back, which means 5 feet from the stage--so I had plenty of time to be horrified by how omg young they were. *grins* But we moved back after their short little set, because a) bored by the music between sets and b) horribly aggravated by the pushy shovey witchy people around us.

And then the snack bar. Oh, snack bar. Faye was already there with loveyouallwrong, eating snacks and drinking Capri Sun. <3<3<3<3<3 We spent the rest of the time between The Cab and Cobra Starship standing around, eating freeze pops, and some guy put his hand on my back as he brushed behind me and one of the fangirls was like, 'he was in The Cab' and I don't know who it was but if I guess Alex, I have a 3 in 5 chance of being right, which is AWESOME and the whole point of that interlude. *g*

The people watching was CRAZY. It was like the 80s had exploded, and a bunch of people born in 1995 had gotten caught in the fallout. It was seriously the perfect setting and crowd for seeing Cobra Starship.

We made our way to the side of the stage area for Cobra Starship after Metro Station's long-ass set, and had a really good view despite being behind a speaker. If I moved an inch to the left, there was Ryland and Nate, up close--very few people in the world are hotter than Ryland, as it turns out--and to the right, Gabe, Alex and Vicky T.

Cobras > almost everything.. We danced around like idiots and had a great time, and their set was perfect. Faye and I just had a discussion--'What do you say about the Cobra set? It was fun. And fun. And also, fun. Also? It was FUN.' Faye says 'you can mention I was shocked by the fact that Gabe and Ryland are normal guy-sized in a scene of pocket-sized bands,' hee. But the whole band is hilarious, they interacted with the crowd a lot "", and also, are fun. *grins*

We were exhausted when we got out of there, but also hyper? So Faye and I ended up getting lost in a parking lot trying to get away from the teen center, and then crashed hard outside of Hartford. We got home around 1:30 in the morning, and the last half hour was NOT FUN. Meep. But now we're getting ready to go to the Cambridge show, and misspamela is coming over, and we are going to park our asses in Starbucks and inhale caffeine. I don't know how this show can possibly measure up to last night in terms of glee but it's Cobra Starship and it's fangirls, so I'm sure it'll happen somehow. ;-)

ETA: And this is the picture of the "stage" that loveyouallwrong stole from the website of the "venue." HEE.
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