- That wasn't pork. - You're adopted. - Your date is swimming with diseases. - Hey! There is a spider on your back. - [No fortune, just a black slip of paper] - Agent: the mission will proceed as per plan H21. - Lucky Numbers: N/A
- Ouch! You just broke me in half! THE PAIN! - If you do not pass this fortune onto at least seven people within 24 hours, you will have bad luck the rest of your life. - It's dangerous to go alone. Take me! - I know your future; trust me, you do NOT want to know. - Please dial 1-900-FORTUNE to get your real fortune. $1.99 the first minute, 99¢ each additional minute. Operators are standing by.
- We are unable to process your fortune at this time. - DON'T PANIC! - Your child will be born with three arms. - I ate a cookie and all I got was this lousy fortune. - IM IN UR COOKY, EETN YUR FORTUNZ!
Comments 4
- You're adopted.
- Your date is swimming with diseases.
- Hey! There is a spider on your back.
- [No fortune, just a black slip of paper]
- Agent: the mission will proceed as per plan H21.
- Lucky Numbers: N/A
- Help I'm trapped in a fortune cookie company!
- You're 'it'.
- If you do not pass this fortune onto at least seven people within 24 hours, you will have bad luck the rest of your life.
- It's dangerous to go alone. Take me!
- I know your future; trust me, you do NOT want to know.
- Please dial 1-900-FORTUNE to get your real fortune. $1.99 the first minute, 99¢ each additional minute. Operators are standing by.
- Your child will be born with three arms.
- I ate a cookie and all I got was this lousy fortune.
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