Title: On The Necks of Best Friends
Gibson_ficFandom: Bandslash, Fall Out Boy
Characters/Pairing: Pete/Patrick
Rating: Adult for language and situations
Word Count: ~55,000
Disclaimer: This is a fictional story about characters based, in part, on the images and histories of real people. If that bothers you and/or you are one of those people, you probably don't want to read this. (If you chose to read it; I'm not responsible for subsequent unstoppable slashy thoughts). No harm is intended; no profit is being made.
Summary: "If he could say it, if he could tell them how it works, it might go something like this."
Author's Notes: Literally within hours of falling into bandom I started poking at the idea that ultimately became this story. At that point it was just a little character-study, a couple of thousand words tops, about how Pete and Patrick touch each other and about how that changes over the course of their relationship.
I wasn’t wrong, it is a character study and it is about Pete and Patrick and their relationship; it’s also just about 55,000 words long.
I just hit my one-year anniversary in bandom and for the entirety of that time I’ve been thinking about this story, writing it, or editing it. It’s defined most of the past year for me and peripherally been responsible for pulling four other people into bandom.
It’s the best thing I’ve ever written and the most personally important thing that I’ve ever written.
It’s written in a largely oral style. I would write it nightly, then call my dearest
reni_days each morning and read her the current installment. Because of the way it’s written, and the fact that it is a story that is, in a way, meant to be read, I will be recording a podcast of this story.
This story would never have been written without
barbarianfiend, who knows why.
chrisrin is the both the reason I’m in bandom and my biggest cheerleader--in everything. She's also never afraid to tell me when it's not working.
reni_days is my beta, my cheerleader, my enabler, and someone who held my hand every single day and told me that I had to tell this story. She’s also the reason that I didn’t stop writing 15,000 words in--when I thought it was finished. As it turns out, it wasn’t. ;)
Thanks go to my flist, most particularly
katilara and
mrsquizzical who read parts of the beginning of this in snippets and clamored for more. Their enthusiasm helped get me over the initial intimidation of working on something this big.
The early version of this story (the 15k version) was beta’d by
mrsquizzical and
megyal. They both had a great many kind things to say and wonderful suggestions for improvement. I took some of their advice, ignored some of it, and then wrote a great deal more. Thank you to both of them for being willing to look at it and give me honest feedback.
chrisrin and
reni_days provided feedback on the entire story. The final draft of this story was beta’d by
innibis. Her feedback was invaluable and I owe her something special for betaing in a fandom she's doesn't read and isn't interested in. ;)
A quick note on canon: Some of things in this story, particularly some of Patrick's opinions, appear to be directly related to canon from the past year. Ironically, I had written those sections before Patrick made them canon. Thanks for the mindfuck Patrick. ;)
As in all things, all mistakes are my own and I didn’t take all the advice that I was given.
Error-spotting and constructive criticism is always welcome.
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