everything is awesome

Jun 09, 2011 04:52

(edited, I suppose, for actual content)

Sorry. Just getting the hang of this LJ thing for iPad. Portrait website viewing is obviously not for those of the glasses-wearing persuasion (such as myself), and since I have to use portrait when I have the keyboard dock attached, well. Let's search for an app!

Anyway, I'm just posting to maintain activity. ( Read more... )

family, rain, tea, fancrack, via ljapp, doctor who

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Comments 2

librarylover82 June 9 2011, 22:18:03 UTC
BTW if you have particular teas that you can't find out there let me know. There are a number of places around here that sell good loose-leaf teas, and I'd be happy to ship some to you. One of the local grocery stores even has a few varieties of Twinnings in loose leaf.


gibbous June 10 2011, 23:41:50 UTC
Sorry it's taken so long to respond. At any rate, that's very kind of you, and I just might take you up on it should I have a bad experience with the online ordering. It's always a toss-up, unfortunately, so I'll get back to you. The sentiment, however, is greatly appreciated. :)


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