I know that a lot of this can be laid at the feet of two weeks of almost unremitting early-waking insomnia (Monday was the one day I actually managed a lie-in til about half ten or so) combined with the usual havoc the barometric pressure is playing with my lumbar spine/iliac crests, (plus husband out of town plus penuary plus blah blah blah) but
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Getting all hot and bothered reading True Blood slash when your husband creature is away for at least another three weeks does seem rather masochistic. Just sayin'. Go sit quietly and knit or something.
Also, sort out the damn early-waking shit. You're getting careless in your tiredness. Dislocating both IP joints in your little finger while
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I was supposed to spend this morning doing my online enrollment for a course at TAFE. Not helped by the fact that it was light outside by the time I got to sleep this morning, and the woman from the college helpfully rang me to say she'd sent me the enrollment package at 0900hrs. So I mosey over to the website and go through all the bollocks with
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*eyetwitch* Paterfamilias had his Xmas in July last night, and it was the first time my Uncle Arsehole and his Spousal Unit had met my husband creature. (This has been intentional, I've been very carefully avoiding any events where said Uncle was likely to be since the Xmas in July a couple of years ago when he got stocious and suggested that he
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But before the details on that, I need to share with the world that I have found the perfect formula for beating close-to-freezing temperatures. It goes thus: an electric blanket, flannel sheets, a stock-standard polyester-fill quilt and three strategically placed cats. (Mushroom usually positions himself somewhere on my chest to tummy region,
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