Contact Sports (Kara/Cally, by Sheepfairy)

May 01, 2006 02:22

Title: Contact Sports
Author: sheepfairy
Pairing: Kara/Cally
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Mini-Series.
Word Count: 800
A/N: Written for rebism in the Kara round of getyourtoaster.

Contact Sports )

by:sheepfairy, r:pg13, p:kara/cally, 2:kara, .story

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Comments 6

thenewhope May 1 2006, 20:36:42 UTC
heh! Cally's reaction to Kara's discomfort on Galactica is perfect.

this was a great story. thanks for taking part in this round!


sheepfairy May 2 2006, 20:11:57 UTC
Thank you! I love Cally - she's so cute, and she doesn't take crap from people.

And thank you so much for setting up these ficathons - I'm really enjoying myself!


rebism May 15 2006, 01:42:21 UTC
Hey, sorry I haven't responded before now but I've been way behind on finishing my own fic and I tend to think it's cheating if I get my reward before I'm finished my job :)

This was very cool, thank you!

I too love Cally's reaction to Kara's dismissiveness, and I love that Kara's so into the pyramid playing that she totally misses the flirting first off. It's perfect :)


sheepfairy May 24 2006, 17:21:39 UTC
I understand the late response, it's a really busy time of the year for everybody (me included!).

Thank you for the compliment, and I'm glad you liked it.


daera23 November 12 2006, 20:47:12 UTC
oh, this is good. I like that Cally is the instigator


sheepfairy November 14 2006, 06:40:52 UTC
Yay, thanks! I'm glad that you liked it.


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