Contact Sports (Kara/Cally, by Sheepfairy)

May 01, 2006 02:22

Title: Contact Sports
Author: sheepfairy
Pairing: Kara/Cally
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Mini-Series.
Word Count: 800
A/N: Written for rebism in the Kara round of getyourtoaster.

They have pyramid courts at some of the nicer gyms around town, and it’s a nice release for when she can’t get anybody to let her in a viper. They might be smaller than the professional courts, and finding somebody half decent to play against is always a bitch, but it’s close enough to the real thing that Kara can use her imagination to fill in the gaps. And, if she’s going to be honest with herself, she really should have laid off the game altogether. Her knee might be decent enough for flying, but all it takes is one accident and she’ll lose that too.

And if she can’t fly, the only things she’ll have left are sex and alcohol, and even the notorious Kara Thrace gets tired of those after enough time with no flying. No, she definitely needs the flying, in a way she’s never been able to describe to people who don’t have the same urge.

Tempting fate is Kara’s specialty, though, and so she aimlessly bounces the ball against the wall as she waits for somebody else to match up with. She waits for fifteen minutes before a girl finally walks in on the other side of the courts. She’s young, smaller than Kara, and sort of soft looking. She doesn’t look that impressive, but Kara’s getting impatient, and so she’s going to have to do.

Kara waves her over and asks, “Hey, kid, what’s your name?”

The girl raises her eyebrow when Kara calls her a kid, but she doesn’t object. “My name is Cally. What’s yours?”

“I’m Kara,” she replies, and tosses her pyramid ball at Cally, who has to drop her gym bag to catch it. “You want to play some pyramid?”


Cally isn’t nearly as good as the players Kara used to play against, when she was considering the professional leagues, but she’s better than Kara had been expecting and it's a nice surprise. Kara isn’t as good as she used to be, either, but she’s still beating the girl by a pretty solid lead.

The kid doesn’t seem too bothered by losing, though, and even seems to be enjoying it. Kara’s enjoying it, too, and she’s so involved in the game that it takes her longer than usual to catch the little hints that Cally’s throwing at her - the way she crowds Kara a little closer than necessary, the way she waits a few seconds before pulling back when they crash together, and the continuous little smirk she has on her face, like she’s waiting for Kara to get a clue.

After a brief moment wondering to herself whether or not she and Zak are far along enough to be exclusively into each other, she decides that they aren’t. After all, Zak is out of town for the week, and Cally happens to be about six inches away, with her nicely shaped chest heaving from exertion.

Kara lets the ball drop to the floor, and shoves Cally against the nearest wall. The first kiss is quick, frantic, and more than a little breathless. It’s better than Kara was expecting, and she thanks Aphrodite that she lucked out and got more than just a good Pyramid partner.


It’s two years before she sees Cally again, because it’s just her luck that her one night stand would end up getting stationed on the same damn ship. She’d been hoping to last a little more than three months with no ex-lovers onboard to deal with, but she’s dealt with more awkward situations before.

She tries just not acknowledging the girl, and hopes that Cally has the good sense to play along, but she isn’t that lucky.

“Kara?” she asks, when she sees her in the hallway. Kara’s just glad the place is mostly deserted.

“Do I know you?” she replies, trying to be as off-putting as possible. Cally had been a good one-night stand, true, but she wasn’t about to risk her position by starting up a relationship with one of the crewmen. Not when they had regular shore leaves, and not when there where plenty of pilots her own rank hanging around if she got impatient.

Cally just laughs at her. “Seriously, sir?” she says, shaking her head and then leaving Kara standing in the hallway. She doesn’t seem pissed off or slighted, though, and she’s even smirking a little bit at Kara’s discomfort as she leaves.

Kara sighs from relief as soon as she’s gone, since it doesn’t look like there’s going to be a problem. And even though she knows it’s going to stay a one-night stand and in the past, she spends the next few days with pleasant memories of playing Pyramid at the gym.

by:sheepfairy, r:pg13, p:kara/cally, 2:kara, .story

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