Fic: Observations of a Frakked Up Viper Pilot

Oct 07, 2007 19:44

Observations of a Frakked Up Viper Pilot
Characters: Laura Roslin, Kara Thrace
Prompt: Roslin/Starbuck cage
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p:laura/kara, r:pg, 7:battle, by:selenay_x, .story

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Comments 6

ariestess October 7 2007, 23:27:54 UTC
Oh how fascinating!

Any chance I can archive a copy of this on the BSG page over at Frisked & Conquered?


selenay_x October 8 2007, 17:00:55 UTC
Please feel free to and thank you


projectcyborg October 8 2007, 16:44:38 UTC
it's very Kara, the way she relies on studying an older authority figure to tell her things about herself. and whenever I read these fics about watching from afar it metatextually evokes the position we're in as fans. and it's a penetrating picture of Laura too. I like this a lot!


selenay_x October 8 2007, 17:02:25 UTC
Thank you muchly. I finally made it with the fic.


liverpool_ruth October 8 2007, 17:24:25 UTC
Oh Sel honey bunch... this is very good.... love it..... very nice!
well done :)

Bestest line.....

If Laura ever lost the use of her hands, she’d be mute.




thamposvido May 16 2008, 17:31:21 UTC
Great character study!

"For a split second, Kara was overwhelmed by the emotions she saw in them, loss, despair and a desperate need to escape. Trapped. Just as she was." - Awsome ending!


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