Fic: Observations of a Frakked Up Viper Pilot

Oct 07, 2007 19:44

Observations of a Frakked Up Viper Pilot
Characters: Laura Roslin, Kara Thrace
Prompt: Roslin/Starbuck cage
Thanks to 
dixgrl78for the beta and not so subtle hint to write Kara and Laura get drunk
Rating: PG

Official Disclaimer:  All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this website and no copyright infringement is intended.

Maybe it was because she was a woman, though some of the pilots might give her a hard time about that, or maybe it was because she was one of the few people that knew Laura Roslin before New Caprica, but Kara had come to a couple of conclusions about the former President.

Conclusion One

Laura’s hair was a pretty good indicator of her state of mind.

Not that it was ever anything like Kara’s ‘don’t give a stuff’ hair and it always gave the impression of being cared for, of being clean.

But on New Caprica it was somehow wilder, given reign to be thick and messy and free. Much like the woman herself.

Free of the constraints of the presidency and the weight of humanity’s survival on her shoulders she was, Kara wasn’t sure of the word she was looking for, but the former President reminded her of herself. Especially after witnessing Ellen and Laura signing 'Sisters Are Doing It for Themselves' complete with raunchy moves at the Grinning Corpse. That was a sight she never thought she'd ever see, and if it wasn't for the fact she'd been stone cold sober, she would have put it down to a hallucination.

The strange thing was that although Laura performed the sexy dance, there was still a palpable ‘keep your distance’ sign on her, and despite Ellen’s reputation, none of that touched the Schoolteacher.

Conclusion Two

If Laura ever lost the use of her hands, she’d be mute.

The movements were subtle, almost to the point of invisibility, but whenever Laura spoke her hands emphasised the point she was making. But never overt or in your face, much like the woman herself.

And ever since she’d noticed them, Kara found herself watching Laura’s hands dancing.

Conclusion Three

Laura had a devious sense of humour.

Not to mention the ability to pull a prank and look totally innocent whilst doing it. Witness one Admiral in a bright pink wrap round dressing gown. And Kara just knew somewhere that there was a picture. Bill Adama’s face was just too precious not to have taken one, considering he managed to pull off a look that was a combination of disbelief, confusion, disgust and ‘wtf’ all at the same time.

He’d figured out the culprit later, because Laura was seen taking off at speed into the woods giggling, Bill in pursuit.

Conclusion Four

Kara was jealous.

It was petty and she was ashamed of it, but she envied the older woman the freedom to be herself. Unhappy that she’d mistaken admiration and lust for love and had trapped herself into a marriage with a man she truly barely knew, Kara found herself resenting him and the position he’d put her in, hating the fact that she was too cowardly to follow her heart and stay with Lee. And that had never been a word she’d ever applied to herself before, had never considered it possible. She was the daredevil, the risk taker, the one voted most likely to do some thing stupid or dangerous.

But here she was. The wife. The responsible person.

And here was Laura, the ex President laughing and flirting and more worryingly, smoking the local weed.


Then everything changed with the arrival of the Cylons and her life went to Hades and her only concern was surviving and she lost track of Roslin. In her darker moments she expected to die, expected all of humanity to die. Thought that she was the only one left alive because of Leoban.

And in the depths of the darkness she thought of serene green eyes and was comforted.


The next time they met was after the swearing in ceremony, and she watched the effortless ease with which the woman slipped into her old role. Smiling. Projecting reassurance; hope for the future.

“Congratulations, Madam President. Good to have you back where you belong.” Tigh’s words actually sounded genuine, much to Kara’s amazement. Seemed like a lot of things has changed since she’d been out of the loop.

“I’d like to second that thought.” Kara stepped forward, holding her hand out.

Laura smiled as she accepted the words and the hand shake. As their hands met, Kara felt a small almost electric tingle and found herself making eye contact. For a split second, Kara was overwhelmed by the emotions she saw in them, loss, despair and a desperate need to escape.


Just as she was.

p:laura/kara, r:pg, 7:battle, by:selenay_x, .story

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