Wishlist 2011, Prompt Post
What is the Wishlist?
The Wishlist is a multi-fandom Christmas fanfiction fest. It is something that started very small and simple three years ago. The premise was simply to write twenty-four ficlets in response to twenty-four prompts, posted between 1 Dec and 24 Dec. Fandom gifts, if you will. Since then it's grown and changed a bit.
The community and the rules in detail can be found here. I have signed up to be a writer and if you want to give me a prompt, please leave a comment on this entry.
- I accept the first 24 prompts I am given, regardless of who you are or if I know you.
- You give me characters/pairing, a fandom and a prompt.
- If I don't know the fandom you're requesting, your prompt doesn't count. The fandoms I write in are:
a - Supernatural/ Supernatural RPS (Sam/Dean, Jared/Jensen)
b - Hawaii-Five-O/ Hawaii-Five-O RPS (Steve/Danny, Chin/Kono, Scott/Alex)
c - Sherlock (BBC) (Sherlock/John)
d - White Collar (Neal/Peter/Elizabeth)
e - Thor (Thor/Loki)
f - X-Men: First Class/ X-Men RPS (Charles/Erik, Alex/Darwin, Michael/James)
g - CW RPS
h - Leverage (Eliot/Hardison/Parker)
i - T:SCC (John/Cameron, John/Derek)
j - Eureka (Jack/Nathan)
k - Glee (Santana/Brittany, Will/Finn)
of course, I'll also write gen. If you want a crossover, just try me :)
- If I find your prompt in any way offensive, I will disregard it, too. Fair warning.
- Your prompts should somewhat match what I usually write. It can be a quote, an idea, a specific situation, but the more you give me, the more I have to work with. Throwing Character X/Character Y, whatever at me is going to get you whatever.
- If you don't have an lj account, leave an anonymous comment, but make sure to sign it with a name (possibly your TtH name, if you're coming from that end.)
- I answer the prompts in the order I like best and post them here and/or in the
Wishlist_fic community, one a day, starting 1 Dec 2011.
Again, I need fandom, characters or pairings, prompt, and your name.
prompts (all taken - THANK YOU!):
1. Hawaii-Five-O - Steve/Danny or gen - Steve being srsly hurt, Danny doing the comfort - for
sylvanelfqueen2. Supernatural/Leverage - Sam/Dean, previous Dean/Eliot - The brothers join the Leverage team for a hunt in Boston, Sam gets jealous - for
ilovedoyle3. Supernatural /X-Men - Sam/Dean or Jared/Jensen - one or both of them being a mutant - for
insertcode114. X Men: First Class - Alex/Darwin - fix it fic (prompt in the comment - for
vesselandpestle5. Supernatural - Dean/Cas (friendship) - Dean mourns his friend's loss, only to find that his mourning may have been a bit premature. - for
patriciatepes6. Thor/Hawaii-Five-O - Thor/Loki and Steve/Danny - Thor and Steve meet and have a dude-off, while Loki and Danny snark at each other, and then mutually facepalm while Steve and Thor are being particularly dense. - for
bloodied_saint7. Thor /X-Men: First Class - When Loki falls to Earth, he discovers a living soul whose body was blown apart some forty years ago. In between possessing scientists, studying power cubes, plotting to destroy the world, etc., he starts stitching the body back together. - for
gladdecease8. Supernatural/Charmed - Cas/Leo or Cas/Chris - The boys wind up in SF while Phoebe is pregnant with the Source. - for
eldestmuse9. Sherlock - John/Sherlock - So how do you get it through to a high-functioning sociopath who is absolutely clueless about interpersonal relationships that you actually are interested in him? And that he really is interested in you? - for
misse10. Supernatural - Sam/Dean pre-slash - They're in the middle of nowhere to wait out the storm. They spend Christmas Eve stuck in the Impala and each learn something new about each other. - for
reapertownusa11. Thor - Thor/Loki - Thor caught Loki, kept him from falling, and saved his life. Thor goes to Loki's bedroom that night and says he forgives him. Then he proves it. - for
anorienparker12. Charmed - Prue/Cole - Instead of choosing to seduce the sister easiest to fool, Cole decides to go after the sister whose the most dangerous to him. Prue falls hard, while Cole falls even harder. Love and passion are Halliwell traits, but different sisters mean different rules. Game on. - for
xgirl222213. White Collar - Neal/Elizabeth/Peter - Peter goes missing during a case. Neal comforts El, things ... happen. Peter staggers home and instead of being angry, he joins them. - for
christywild14. SPN RPS AU - Jensen/Jared - something cheesy and romantic, coffee shop/bookstore or something similar AU - for
kittyfaelis15. Supernatural - Sam/Dean - Exhibitionism, NC-17, and bying Christmas presents - for
boggiecat16. J2 - Jared/Jensen - Jensen trying to cheer up Jared - for
ilovedoyle17. SPN/Leverage - Jensen/Parker - Dean and Parker accidently meet on the same "job". Hijinks/snarkiness/trickery/outsmartiness/acrobatic sex with Parker narrating ensues. - for
cherymmm18. SPN - Sam/Dean - Onesided. On Dean's part. Sam develops the ability to read minds...and finds out how Dean really feels. - for
mekina19. SPN RPS - Jared/Jensen - After a string of disastrous blind dates set up by his parents, when his mom tells him yet again that she knows someone who knows someone whose son would be perfect for him, he barely restrains himself from rolling his eyes. - for
wiselyparanoid20. Glee - Santana/Brittany - Post season 2. Missing scene(s) about what they were up to during their summer before senior year. - for
wiselyparanoid21. Sherlock - John/Sherlock - classical British Christmas invades Baker Street 221B; cue hilarity, humor, fluff, deep feel-y feelings, and/or crack - for
debris_k22.SPN RPS AU - Jared/Jensen - Jared is a beta, but hides his true identity with drugs to be able to work. Jensen is his partner and discovers his secret - for
siiy23. Sherlock gen - Sherlock, John - 5 times Sherlock and John had Distressingly Domestic Conversations (and perhaps the reaction of other characters, too, if you want.) - for
kontrapunkto24. saved for a friend of mine :) (H50 - Steve/Danny - first time)