It totally had this season-four-feeling to me, which I looove, because that's my favorite season ;) The third awesome episode in a row, plus continuity, plus a fourth one looking to be another great one - is it Christmas already? ;)
loved Jewel and Colin in this sooo much! Was so happy to see them!
Loved to see Sam like that again - trying to do the right thing for other people. And Bobby, trying to convince Dean to trust his brother. But I loved Dean the most. Because that's exactly who Dean is.
Not able to trust anyone, not even his brother. It's not that I don't want him to trust Sam, ohgod I do!, but this is Dean we're talking about here. With more issues than a whole city of people. And it make SO MUCH SENSE that he killed Amy in the end. Because Sam said it "put ourselves in her position. we would have done the same thing". Yep, Dean would have killed a whole town to save his brother. That's why he had to kill Amy.
*sighs happily* Awesome. Season Seven just rocks so far! I can't wait for more!!!! (and the few spoilers I read are promising SO MUCH MORE COOL