hey, flist! How's everybody doing?
nothing much happened this week...... I've finally finished part one of my wincest fic \o/ (it's already 28 pages... and not even the biggest part... jesus..).......... oh, and it looks like I'm going to JIB 2011 \o/ \o/ ... you know when people say "don't give me money, I can't handle it very well?" ... well, I'm
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PS: Nice of you to share the burden of having killed Andy *still crying*.
oookay, let's see. five random questions:
1. Do you know the show we had on German tv where someone is on a liedetector and he gets these weird, very intimate or embarrassing questions? and if he keeps answering he'll get money?
Would you take part in that kind of show? If not, is there a question you can share you would never answer in public?
2. if you were born again after your death and you could choose gender, country to be born in and your sexuality... what would you choose?
3. Is there a person right now in your life you wish he/ she would just be gone forever? if the answer is yes, why?
4. If you could live in one show for 24 hours, which one would it be and which character?
5. What was your dream when you were little, and do you still have that one?
okay, hope these are okay ;P
and brothers aer awesome... though they can be a major pain in the ass too.
now hit me.. kinda curious what you'd ask me (and it has nothing to do with the fact that I should be studying for my law exam. nuhuh)
1. If you could trade place with a fictional character of a tv show for a whole season... who would it be? from which tv show? which season?
2. What would you choose if you had to: a career but never having a partner - a loving family but never getting a job again.
3. What are your best and your worst charactertraits?
4. If I gave you one million dollar ... what would you do with it?
5. What your best memory regarding Supernatural?
*hugs back*
1. If you had proof (a picture, vid, whatever), that j2 was real, would you share it with the world or keep it to yourself?
2. What's your favorite pie?
3. If you could go to any concert (even if the band's not active anymore), which would it be?
4. What would your Supernatural heaven look like?
5. (although I used it before, but I wanna use it again) If you could choose one of the Supernatural cast to have in your life (just one and not automatically taking their friends ;P), who would it be and why?
okay, now I'm curious :))
1. If you'd have proof that J2 was real (a picture, vid, whatever) but noone but you knows... would you tell someone? Everyone?
2. How did you get into the Supernatural fandom? What made you come here? And what made you stay?
3. If you could choose for your next life your gender, country and sexuality... what would you choose?
4. What would your Supernatural heaven look like? (assuming you've seen that episode ;D)
5. What dream did you have as a kid and is still the same? Or did that dream come true already?
okay, now I wanna know your answers :))
2. Um.... I found the Dean/Cas comm.... when I started searching lj for fic.... and then... I found more comms and started shipping more people. And then I did a bunch of friending memes and found friends and I love SPN fandom taht's why I stay. :)
3. Um... I'd stay female, but I'd love to have a darker skin color, or be a Latina.. but I'd stay in Canada. Or Europe. Sexuality? I guess I'd stay straight, idk is that what you meant?
4. Oh jeez idk. Probably just with my closest friends? I'm not really sure.
5. I've always wanted to be a cop, or be involved in law enforcement one day. I'm going to school to make that dream come true, but obviously it hasn't happened quite yet. :P
you're going to be a cop?! how cool is that! wow, I don't know if I would be good enough to do something like that... wow, very cool career choice! :))
I'd like to be interviewed by you, though I'll answer here, if that's ok? :)
1. If you had to choose one actor/ actress from the Supernatural cast you could have in your life permanently, as a friend, brother, lover whatever... who would it be and why?
2. What does vidding for you? why do you vid? What's the basic reason behind it?
3. To be able to make a crossroads-deal, would you want that? and what would you want for it?
4. how was your first encounter with fandom? when/ what fandom was it and how did it feel? what did you think/ expect?
5. Is there something you want to leave behind in the spn fandom? is there something you want people think/ say about you/ your vids? is there a certain name/ legacy you'd like to have here?
okay, sure, answer them here... I'm soo curious now!! :)
Wow, that's a very hard question. I think I'd lie if I name someone but Jared or Jensen. Besides, they're friends with other people, who I'd want to be my friends, too :P
2. What does vidding for you? why do you vid? What's the basic reason behind it?Well, some people, for example, fan artists can say that the art was always a part of their life. For example, I know a lot of artists who paint, and they were doing it since their childhood. I discovered vidding a little more than 2 years ago, and before that? I actually hated editing. I was editing weddings and some school events, stuff like that, but when I made my very first VIDEO, I don't know...it was something absolutely different. Now vidding is a big part of my life, I found something that I'm kind of good at, and people like what I do, and I'm pretty satisfied with what I do. Plus, I learned a lot of new ( ... )
and hey, The Rasmus?! I looooved their first few songs... then I started listening to heavier stuff ;P
and wow, you only started a couple of years? and then you're sooo good already?! wow!
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