hey, flist! How's everybody doing?
nothing much happened this week...... I've finally finished part one of my wincest fic \o/ (it's already 28 pages... and not even the biggest part... jesus..).......... oh, and it looks like I'm going to JIB 2011 \o/ \o/ ... you know when people say "don't give me money, I can't handle it very well?" ... well, I'm
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Wow, that's a very hard question. I think I'd lie if I name someone but Jared or Jensen. Besides, they're friends with other people, who I'd want to be my friends, too :P
2. What does vidding for you? why do you vid? What's the basic reason behind it?
Well, some people, for example, fan artists can say that the art was always a part of their life. For example, I know a lot of artists who paint, and they were doing it since their childhood. I discovered vidding a little more than 2 years ago, and before that? I actually hated editing. I was editing weddings and some school events, stuff like that, but when I made my very first VIDEO, I don't know...it was something absolutely different. Now vidding is a big part of my life, I found something that I'm kind of good at, and people like what I do, and I'm pretty satisfied with what I do. Plus, I learned a lot of new things that I can actually use in real life, in real work. I don't know, it means a LOT.
3. To be able to make a crossroads-deal, would you want that? and what would you want for it?
There are things I regret in my life and there are people I want to see again. But I know if something happened, it happened for a reason, and if it didn't happen, my life right now would be absolutely different. At least I try to remind it to myself. So, I would probably say "no".
4. how was your first encounter with fandom? when/ what fandom was it and how did it feel? what did you think/ expect?
It was The Rasmus - Finnish band, gothic and rock. This is when I started writing, this is where I found good friends. It was back in 2003-2005, and I still talk to those people, I still go to different cities just to see them, just to drink coffee with them and talk. I didn't expect anything, because I didn't have anything to compare. I was happy, I guess, and even then fandom (in general) helped me. It was rough time, and maybe that's why I was writing like a whore - I just needed to do something with my thoughts and feelings. Plus, what I will always be grateful for to fandom, is that I found myself. I found out what I want to do with my life, what I want in my future.
5. Is there something you want to leave behind in the spn fandom? is there something you want people think/ say about you/ your vids? is there a certain name/ legacy you'd like to have here?
You mean, is there something I want to leave after myself? Well, of course my vids, my art, something I've created. I just want people to remember not as only vidder, not someone who used to make videos, but also a person, someone behind this work, personality, you know? Probably that's why I always try to answer when I'm asked something - I just want to really communicate.
ARGH that was pretty random and rambling >.<
and hey, The Rasmus?! I looooved their first few songs... then I started listening to heavier stuff ;P
and wow, you only started a couple of years? and then you're sooo good already?! wow!
I made my first video in december 2007. Well, I eel like it's been in previous life haha
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